Спонсорирано от: Dreyfus Health Foundation
DHF, 205 East 64 Street, Suite 404
E-mail: Postmaster@thf.org
# 212-371-2776
Мероприятия по
програмата “Решаване на проблеми за по-добро здраве”
Problem Solving for
Better Health Program Events
“Очите на децата -
светлината на света”
Програма за активна
арт-терапия с пациенти на Диспансер за психично болни - гр. Русе
програма за стационарните пациенти на Диспансер за психично болни - гр. Русе
Програма за
запознаване на сътрудниците от “Телефон на доверието” със съвременни
психотерапевтични и консултативни методи
програма за безнадзорните деца посещаващи приюта на БЧК - Русе
Програма за обучение
на общи хирурзи в техниките на ендоскопската хирургия
Програма за обучение
на болни с хронична бъбречна недостатъчност за необходимия им диетичен режим и
начин на живот
Необходимост от
пълноценно обучение на болните от бронхиална астма с цел подобряване качеството
на живот и контрол на симп-томите на симптомите на болестта
Програма за оценка
на нуждите от психиатрична помощ за децата, обхванати от ОбКБИПМН - Русе
Необходимостта от
профилактика, ранна диагностика и лечение на остеопорозата при рискови групи
пациентки в работоспособна възраст
Одобряване на
ранната диагностика на карцином на простатата
Практическо обучение
на общопрактикуващи лекари в Русенския регион
“777 без дрога”
Програма за
контролиране на кръвно-захарното ниво у деца, болни от захарен диабет
Програма за ранна
рехабилитация на деца, прекарали перинатална асфиксия
Програма за ранна
диагностика и своевременно лечение на ретинопатията у недоносени деца от гр.
програма за намаляване риска от мозъчно-съдова болест
Програма за обучение
на родители за обгрижване на деца с остри заболявания
професионална подкрепа за злоупотребяващи с дрога ученици и семействата им
програма за населението по правните аспекти на здравно-осигурителната система
и терапевтична програма за деца с муковисцедоза
Организиране на
група за самопомощ на болни от остеопороза
“За повече години
живот и повече живот през годините”: интервюиране на хронично соматично болни
за възможностите им
по програмата “Решаване на проблеми за по-добро здраве
за проследяване на работата по проекти
В семинара, проведен на 8 април в Русе, участваха
координатори на проекти, разработени през ноември 1999 година. Участниците
работиха в три групи, заедно с фасилитаторите от Плевен - доц. Мария
Александрова, д-р Камен Каменов и г-жа Янка
Цветанова, и д-р Пламен Панайотов, д-р Светослав Дачев, д-р Павел Бойчев
и д-р Бисерка Машкова - от Русе. Обсъдена бе работата по 29 проекта. Информация
за нея до април 2000 г. е публикувана в настоящия брой на бюлетина.
От обсъждането по време на работата в
малките групи и пленарното заседание пролича добрата работа по голяма част от
про-ектите и сътрудничеството между отделните проекти. Ползотворна е и работата на местните медии -
радио, телевизия и преса по популяризирането както на информация по проектите,
така и на здравни знания. Координаторите на проекти получават подкрепа и от
местни правителствени и неправителствени организации.
“Решаване на проблеми за по-добро здраве” - Плевен
На 25 април в хотел “Балкан” в Плевен се
проведе семинар за проследяване на работата по проекти, разработени от медицински
сестри, участвали в предишни семинари.
Представена бе работата по 19 проекта.
От 26 до 28 април се проведе нов семинар,
организиран от Здравна фондация “Драйфус” /САЩ/, Фондация “Международно
сътруд-ничество в медицината” /Англия” , Клуб “Отворено общество” - Плевен и
Факултет по здравни на Висш медицински
институт - Плевен. Студентите от Факултета по здравни грижи с особен интерес
посрещнаха изнесената от Мадам Шийла
Куин, бивш директор на Кралския колеж за медицински сестри в Лондон и президент
на фондация “Меж-дународно сътрудничество в медицината” и от г-жа Шийла Мърфи,
член на управителния съвет на същата фондация, лекция на тема “Сестринството
през новото хилядолетие”.
Поздравителни адреси до участниците и
организаторите на семинара бяха получени от д-р Стойко Кулаксъзов от
Министерството на здравеопазването и от д-р Дора Мирчева - от Офиса на СЗО в
време на семинара участниците бяха подпомогнати в разработването на проекти по
методологията на програмата “Решаване на проблеми за по-добро здраве” от екип
от фасилитатори - Мадам Шийла Куин, г-жа Шийла Мърфи, доц. Гена Грънчарова -
Декан на факултета по здравни грижи, доц. Мария Александрова, д-р Камен
Каменов, г-жа Янка Цветанова и г-жа Милка Василева.
Подготвени бяха 29 проекта:
- Ефективно
използване на медицинските консумативи в сестринските грижи в Университетска
болница - Стара Загора - Дарина Тотева
- Здравно
- възпитателна програма за профилактика на затлъс-тяванията чрез рационално
хранене и активен двигателен живот сред учениците на СОУ “Христо Ботев” град
Никопол -Вероника Владимирова
- Разкриване
на кът за забавно-възпитателна работа, с цел създаване на нормален психоклимат,
подобряване на условията и качеството на работа в Детско отделение при Общинска
болница “Св.Ив.Рилски” гр. Козлодуй - Даниела Николова
- Осигуряване
на пълноценно хранене на 20 - 30 деца от 0 - 3 години при лоши социално-битови
условия и ниски доходи в град Свищов -Венцислава
- Обучение
на шофьорите от ЦСМП - гр.Плевен за оказване на първа медицинска помощ при ПТП
- Виолета Василева
- Своевременно
обхващане на пациентите с травматично-ортопедични увреди за физикална терапия и
рехабилитация в КФТР - ВМИ град Плевен - Богдана
- Образователна
програма, касаеща ефективното и рационално използване на материалите -Анжела Щрос - Колева
- Повишаване
броя на обучените по сестринския метод медицински сестри - наставници, работещи
в детска клиника при Висш медицински институт - град Плевен - Анка Христова
- Споразумение
между общопрактикуващите лекари, завеждащи отделения, сестрите и лабораторния
екип във връзка с рационалното използване на реактивите за биохимични
изследвания -Антоанета Лукановска
- Здравно
- просветна програма за профилактика на мозъчните инсулти при рискова група на
възраст 50 - 70 години от град Стара Загора - Иванка Минчева
- Обучение
за безопасна работа в клинична лаборатория по време на учебна практика на
студентите от Медицински колеж
гр.Плевен специалност Медицински лаборанти - Иванка Стойкова
- Психологична
подкрепа на болните с новооткрити онко-логични заболявания -Иванка Иванова
- Здравно
- възпитателна програма за профилактика на артериална хипертония сред
работниците на ж.п. гара - Плевен - Първи район -Лидия Василева
- Профилактика
на гръбначните изкривявания при учениците от 1 - 4 клас в училище “Крум Попов”
в гр. Левски - Кичка Симеонова
- Здравно-просветна
програма за предпазване от ехинококоза сред персонала, децата и родителите от
ДГ “Чучулига” - гр. Плевен - Надка
- Програма
за промоция на здравето сред работещите в ЕООД “Тролейбусен транспорт”гр.Плевен
- Марияна Михайлова
- Внедряване
на вакутейнери за вземане на кръв за изследване на кръводарителите в
регионалния център по трансфузионна хематология - град Плевен - Наталия
- Програма
за обучението диспансеризирани в гастроентеро-логичната клиника болни с хепатит
“B” и “C” за прилагане на лечение с интерферон в домашни условия -Мая Пелкова
- Здравно-просветна
програма за повишаване инфор-мираността за хламидиалната инфекция- Пламена Полихронова
- Здравно-просветна
програма за хипертоници от една лекарска практика в гр. Каспичан - Милена
- Намаляване
на случаите с вътреболнични инфекции в отделението за следоперативна реанимация
към Институтска болница -град Плевен - Поля
- Здравно-просветна
програма за хипертоници /50-70 г/ в с. Рибен - Силвия Пешева
- Здравно
- възпитателна програма, проведена сред учениците от Х - В клас на СОУ - град Велико Търново -Стелка Коева
- Обособяване
на самостоятелен детски интензивен сектор в Център за спешна медицинска помощ
във Враца - Цветелина Игнатова
- Здравно-просветна
програма за профилактика на фебрилните гърчове при деца до 1 год. във Враца - Цветелина Симеонова
- Образователна
програма за подобряване качеството на сестринските грижи -Цветослава Цветкова
- Намаляване
честотата на зъбен кариес сред 156 деца на възраст 6 - 10 години от СОУ “Христо
Смирненски” - град Искър чрез медикаментозна флуорна профилактика и обучение в
поддържане на добра орална хигиена - Яна
- Здравно-просветна програма за диабетици в
една лекарска практика - Ирена Манолова
- Подобряване на качествотo на сестринските
грижи за болни със суициден риск - Мария Велчева
следващия брой очаквайте материали за семинарите през май /Варна/ и юни
Problem Solving for Better Health Program Events
PSBH Follow-up Workshop
Coordinators of projects from the Rouse&Giurgiu Initiative
PSBH Workshop participated. They worked in three groups, together with
facilitators from Pleven ( Assoc. Prof. Maria Alexandrova, Dr. Kamen Kamenov
and Mrs. Yanka Tzvetanova) and the local coordinators Dr. Plamen Panayotov, Dr.
Svetoslav Dachev, Dr. Pavel Boichev and Dr. Biserka Mashkova. The progress of
29 projects was discussed, and reports on most of them can be seen in this
Discussions in
the groups and the plenary sessions showed good progress of most of the
projects, as well as cooperation between projects. The local media brought
publicity to the project activities. Projects were also supported by local government and NGOs.
PSBH Workshop and Follow-up Workshop for Nurses
On April 25th, a follow-up workshop was held in Pleven at
the Balkan Hotel. Nurses, who participated in former PSBH workshops presented
the progress of their projects. coordinators of 19 projects discussed have
completed them, and are now trying to replicate them.
A new PSBH workshop started on April 26th. The workshop
was organized by the Dreyfus Health Foundation - USA, Action in International
Medicine (AIM) - UK, the Open Society Club in Pleven and the Faculty of Nursing
of the University School of Medicine in Pleven. The students of the faculty of
Nursing were all excited by the “Nursing in the New Millennium” talk Dame
Sheila Quinn (Chairman of AIM) and Ms. Shelagh Murphy (Board Member of AIM)
gave on two successive days.
Greeting addresses were sent to the participants and
organizers of the workshops by Dr. Stoiko Koulaksazov of the Ministry of Health
and by Dr. Mircheva of the Sofia WHO Office.
Participants were assisted in the preparation of their
projects by Dame Sheila Quinn and Ms. Shelagh Murphy, and the local
facilitators Assoc. Prof. Gena Grancharova, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing,
Assoc. Prof. Maria Alexandrova, Dr. Kamen Kamenov, Mrs. Yanka Tzvetanova and
Mrs. Milka Vassileva, President of the Bulgarian Association of Nurses.
Participants prepared 29 plans of action:
Organizing effective use of medical material by nurses at
the University Hospital in Stara Zagora
- Mrs. Darina Toteva -
Health education to prevent obesity among school
children in a School in Nikopol -Mrs. Veronica Vladimirova
Organizing a playground on the premises of the pediatric ward
in Kozlodui to improve quality of patient care -Mrs. Daniela Nickolova
Providing proper nutrition for children aged 1—3 of
low-income families in Svishtov - Mrs.
Ventzeslava Georgieva
Training drivers at the Emergency Center in Pleven to
give first aid in road accidents - Mrs.
Violeta Vassileva
Organizing timely referral for rehabilitation of patients
with orthopedic traumas by opening a day-patient center - Mrs. Bogdana Droumeva
An educational program on rational usage of hospital
materials in the Regional Hospital in Rouse - Mrs. Angela Straus - Koleva
Training nurses to use the nurses’ method in their work
on the pediatric ward in Pleven - Mrs.
Anka Christova
A program to avoid unnecessary prescription of
biochemical tests in general practice and in the hospital in Knezha - Mrs. Antoaneta Loukanovska
Health education among risk patients aged 50-70 in Stara
Zagora to prevent stroke - Mrs. Ivanka
Training students at the Nursing College in Pleven to
follow safety procedures while working in the clinical laboratory - Mrs. Ivanka Stoikova
Providing psychological support for newly diagnosed
cancer patients - Mrs. Ivanka Ivanova
Health education to prevent hypertension among workers at
the railway station in Pleven - Lidia
Prevention of spinal deformities among children aged 7-10
in a school in Levski - Mrs. Kichka Simeonova
Health education on echinococcosis among staff, children
and parents of a kindergarten in Pleven - Mrs.
Nadka Christova
health promotion among the drivers of trolley-buses in
Pleven - Mrs. Mariana Michailova
Introduction of vacuum containers in examining donated
blood at the regional blood transfusion center in Pleven- Mrs. Natalia Georgieva
Training hepatitis B&C patients who receive Interferon
treatment outside hospital - Mrs. Maya
Health education on chlamydial infection among patients
of a gynecology consulting room in Rouse - Mrs. Plamena Polichronova
Health education for hypertensive patients in a general
practice in Kaspichan - Mrs. Milena
A program to reduce the incidence of nosocomial
infections in the post operative intensive care unit at the University Hospital
in Pleven - Mrs. Polya Vesselinova
A health education program for hypertensive adults
/50-70/ in the village of Riben - Mrs.
Silvia Pesheva
A health education program on STDs among students aged 17
in a high school in Veliko Turnovo - Mrs.
Stelka Koeva
Organizing a pediatric admission room at the Emergency
Center in Vratza - Mrs. Tzvetelina
Health education to prevent febrile seizures among
children aged 0-1 years in Vratza - Mrs.
Tzvetelina Simeonova
A program to improve the quality of nursing care - Mrs.
Tzvetoslava Tzvetkova
Decreasing caries incidence among children aged 6-10 by
health education and fluoride protection - Mrs.
Yana Glogovska
Health-education for
diabetic patients in one general practice in Kaspichan - Irena Manolova
Improving the
quality of nursing care for patients with suicidal tendencies - Maria Velcheva
The activities
in May (Varna Anti-Drug Abuse PSBH Workshop) and the Pleven Initiative Follow-up Workshop will be presented in the
next issue.
информация от medline
церебрална парализа
TI: [The role of neuropaediatrician
in the comprehensive management of children with cerebral palsy]
AU: Kitahara-T
SO: No-To-Hattatsu.
1998 May; 30(3): 238-43
AB: The child with
cerebral palsy becomes the adult with cerebral palsy. In Japan early detections
and treatments of CP have enthusiastically brought into practice over the last
twenty years. But cerebral palsy could not be cured. Children/adults with CP
should be provided com-prehensive treatments and cares so that they can perform
their daily activities and fulfil their social roles expected during their
lifetime. There are two concepts needed to provide comprehensive management of
CP. The first is a medical model that assesses CP in the following manner:
etiology-pathology-manifestation. The other is a disability model based on
three seperate categories suggested by WHO: impairment-disability-handicap.
Keeping these in mind, total effective approaches to children/adults with CP
were discussed. Neuropaediatricians are asked to play important roles which
contain epidemiologic activities, early detections, and medical treatments.
They should refer clients and their families to related professionals if
necessary and have also knowledges of assisstive equipments to enrich their
TI: The contribution
of developmental surveillance to early detection of cerebral palsy.
AU: Lindstrom-K;
SO: Acta-Paediatr.
1997 Jul; 86(7): 736-9
AB: A retrospective
study of the contribution of examinations at Child Health Centres (CHC) for
early detection of cerebral palsy (CP) was performed in 23,924 children, born
in 1986-90, in the south-western part of Stockholm County. The outcome assessed
was age of referral to a habilitation unit. A total of 66 children with CP
(2.76/1000) were identified through the register at the responsible
habilitation unit. The age of referral was, median 8 months, mean 12.4 months
and range 0.5-54 months. A peak of referrals at 8-9 months was produced by CHC
checks at 6 months of age. No other examination at the CHC resulted in a
significant number of referrals. Nineteen records from CHC concerning moderate
and severe cases were reviewed. Out of all examinations with aberrant findings
only 11/20 resulted in referrals or further examinations. No child with
moderate or severe CP was referred due to developmental screening test findings
TI: [Involuntary
movements and birth injuries to brain]
AU: Kodama-K
SO: No-To-Hattatsu.
1997 May; 29(3): 220-6
AB: Asphyxia may play
an important role in the patho-genesis of cerebral palsy (CP) in a
subpopulation of patients, although this has recently been questioned by some
investigators. Here I describe the results of our analyses into the involuntary
movements of children with CP, which resulted from perinatal hypoxic brain damages.
Based on cranial CT or MRI findings, the patients were divided into five
groups: A, those showing high density on CT in the basal nuclei (bilateral
thalami in particular); B, those showing destruction of bilateral putamina; C,
those with diffuse low-density areas in the cerebral white matter on CT during
the neonatal period that evolved later into polycystic leukomalacia; D, those
with similar low-density areas which subsequently resolved; and E, those
without any pathological findings. Using video records, I demonstrated the
motor development of six cases with CP. Patients of Group A showed pure
athetosis with hypotonia. A patient of Group B had severe athetoid CP with
spasticity, being unable to right his trunk and neck. A case of Group C
developed severe spastic quadriplegia with athetosis. His mental ability was
retained to some extent. In Group D, there was moderate spasticity and mild
athetosis. A patient with transient anxia had disturbance in the coordinated
finger movements. Cases with choreic movements had no particular CT or MRI
findings. Even in the severest of these cases, distinction from normal infants
was difficult in the very early infancy. After four to five months, locomotive
prognoses were well predicted by the patients’ ability to control their trunk.
To know more about the pathogenesis and CP and to elucidate the significance of
involuntary movements, further data should be accumulated by clinical
obser-vations on motor development, and by imaging studies.
TI: [New approaches
in the treatment of speech disorders in children with an organic brain
lesion]TT: Novye podkhody v lechenii rechevykh narusheni_i u dete_i s
organicheskim porazheniem golovnogo mozga.
SO: Lik Sprava. 1999
Apr-May. (3). P 121-4.
MH: Cerebral Anoxia:*CO/DI. Cerebral Palsy:*CO/DI. Speech
Disorders:DI/ET/*TH. Adolescence. Brain Mapping. Child. Child, Preschool.
Combined Modality Therapy. Echoencephalography. Electrocardiography. Engraving
and Engravings. Check Tags: Female.. Human.. Male.
AB: Speech disorders
encountered in children presenting with neurological pathology make their
medical and social rehabilitation a real challenge. Overall sixty children were
examined. Of these, 38 had infantile cerebral paralysis, 22 that being
presented with sequelae of the hypoxic affection of the brain in ante- and
perinatal period, who exhibited speech disorders (alalia, dysarthria, retarded
speech development). Described in the paper are features of bloodflow disorders
in intracranial and vertebral arteries as evidenced by ultrasonic Doppler
technique and changes in brain bioelectrical activity according to findings
from electroencephalomapping. In 53 patients, a positive effect was obtained as
a result of therapy conducted in accordance with the stimulation type
techniques (electroscalp therapy against the background of intramuscular
administration of nicotinic acid plus laser therapy, transcutaneous
electrostimulation, employment of such drug preparations as cogitum,
nero-force, sirdalud).
AU: Amari A, Slifer
KJ, Gerson AC, Schenck E, Kane A
AD: Behavioral
Psychology Department, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland 21205,
TI: Treating
selective mutism in a paediatric rehabilitation patient by altering
environmental reinforcement contingencies.
SO: Pediatr Rehabil.
1999 Apr-Jun. 3(2). P 59-64.
MH: Behavior
Therapy:*. Mutism:*RH. Child. Verbal Behavior. Check Tags: Case Report..
Female.. Human.
AB: Selective mutism
is a disorder which can cause severe social and academic impairment, and for
which a wide variety of treatment approaches have been used, with varying
degrees of success. Selective mutism can be conceptualized as the lack of
generalization of a class of operant responses (e.g. audible and comprehensible
verbalizations) across environmental contexts. The rehabilitation hospital
setting, in which the patient is seen daily by multiple people in multiple
settings, is particularly well-suited for implementing a systematic behavioural
intervention to establish verbal behaviour and simul-taneously reinforce its
generalization. Data are presented on a 7-year-old female admitted to a
rehabilitation hospital following orthopaedic surgery, who met the DSM-IV
diagnostic criterion for selective mutism. Additional medical diagnoses
included cerebral palsy, microcephaly, and mild mental retardation. A
behavioural programme was developed and implemented to reinforce
dif-ferentially first any communication, then verbal communication across staff
and settings. Results were evaluated using a modified multiple baseline across
settings design, and demonstrate that verbal, written, and tangible
reinforcement effectively increased verbal behaviour where it previously rarely
occurred. Results are discussed in terms of the relationship between selective
mutism, social phobia and related disorders. The theoretical roles of
behavioural phenomena (discri-minative stimuli, stimulus generalization) in the
deve-lopment and treatment of these disorders are discussed.
Превенция на съдови заболявания
TI: Lessons from
hypertension trials.
AU: Hennekens-CH
SO: Am-J-Med. 1998
Jun 22; 104(6A): 50S-53S
AB: Hypertension is a well-established risk factor for
stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), and premature cardiovascular death. Even
mild elevations of blood pressure (i.e., diastolic blood pressure >90 and
<110 mm Hg) yield increased risk. In fact, mild-to-moderate hypertension is
more common than severe hypertension and accounts for a greater proportion of
the deaths and serious nonfatal vascular events. The treatment goal is to make
optimal use of antihypertensive drug therapy while encouraging patients to
implement lifestyle changes such as weight loss, sodium restriction, decreased
alcohol intake, and increased exercise. Pharmacologic therapy of
mild-to-moderate hypertension can significantly reduce the incidence of stroke,
MI, coronary artery disease, vascular mortality, and total mortality. Beta
blockers and diuretics should continue to be used as first-line therapy until
there is direct and reliable evidence from large-scale randomized trials with
clinical endpoints for newer agents such as calcium antagonists and
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
TI: Risk factors and
antiplatelet therapy in TIA and stroke patients.
AU: Puranen-J;
Laakso-M; Riekkinen-P Sr; Sivenius-J
SO: J-Neurol-Sci.
1998 Feb 5; 154(2): 200-4
AB: Antiplatelet treatment is well established in the
secondary prevention of ischemic cerebrovascular events. The reasons for the
occurrence of stroke, even though the patient receives drug treatment, have
remained unclear. We performed a subgroup analysis of the European Stroke
Prevention Study (ESPS 1) to investigate the efficacy of treatment in patients
with different cardiovascular risk factors. The ESPS 1 recruited 1306 patients
with TIA, RIND or stroke in one single center of Kuopio in Finland. The
patients were treated with aspirin 990 mg/day+dipyridamole 225 mg/day or
placebo for 2 years or until an endpoint. The endpoints were stroke or death
from any cause. The risk factors for endpoints were analyzed by Cox univariate
regression analyses. The effect of a single risk factor on the efficacy of
antiplatelet therapy was analyzed by Cox proportional hazards model in
subgroups according to the significant risk factors found in the univariate
analysis. The efficacy of treatment was statistically significant in all
subgroups except diabetics and current smokers for the stroke endpoint. When
the combined endpoint of stroke or death was used, the treatment failed also to
show statistical significance in patients with coronary heart disease. This
lack of efficacy might be due to the small sample size. The efficacy of
treatment was significantly better in TIA patients than in stroke patients when
analyzed with stroke as an end point. This study provides strong evidence that
the effectiveness of antiplatelet treatment in ischemic stroke and TIA patients
is independent of most car-diovascular risk factors. Furthermore, all patients
with TIA and ischemic stroke should receive secondary prevention regardless of whether
or not there are risk factors.
TI: Survey of the
causes of stroke among Mexican Americans in South Texas.
AU: Worley-KL;
Lalonde-DR; Kerr-DR; Benavente-O; Hart-RG
SO: Tex-Med. 1998
May; 94(5): 62-7
AB: Management strategies for optimal stroke prevention
depend on the cause of threatened stroke. We know relatively little about the
etiology of stroke in Mexican Americans, who make up one quarter of the
population in Texas. A retrospective case series of 159 consecutive patients
hospitalized in San Antonio, Tex, for acute, first-ever stroke compared risk
factors, features, and causes of stroke between Mexican Americans and whites.
Mexican Americans who had strokes were significantly younger than whites and had
diabetes mellitus more often. Intracerebral hemorrhage and lacunar infarcts
occurred often in Mexican Americans. Ethnicity appeared to be an independent
risk factor for lacunar infarction. Mortality and functional outcome at the
time of hospital discharge were similar in Mexican Americans and whites.
Intrinsic small-vessel disease causing lacunar infarcts and intracerebral
hemorrhage accounts for about one half of strokes in Mexican Americans. Stroke
among Mexican Americans in South Texas has a distinctive profile with
implications for its prevention.
TI: [Control of
blood pressure: a key factor in prevention]
AU: Suter-PM;
Hasler-E; Vetter-W
SO: Schweiz-Rundsch-Med-Prax.
1998 Jan 28; 87(5): 145-9, 152-6
AB: An increase in blood
pressure represents one of the most common conditions in daily medical
practice. Many different factors are regarded as risk factors for a stroke.
Hypertension, cardiac diseases, atrial fibrillation, smoking, diabetes
mellitus, alcohol consumption and dyslipidemia are central stroke risk factors.
The pathophysiological importance of these different risk factors is discussed.
Hypertension represents the most prevalent risk factor for stroke in the
general population. A decrease in blood pressure leads in general to a
reduction of the risk. Besides an optimal pharmacological control of blood
pressure miscellaneous non-pharmacological means should be implemented in any
patient with high blood pressure. The most important non-pharmacological means
of blood pressure control are discussed in the context of stroke risk.
TI: Impact of
multiple risk factor profiles on determining cardiovascular disease risk.
AU: Yusuf-HR;
Giles-WH; Croft-JB; Anda-RF; Casper-ML
SO: Prev-Med. 1998
Jan-Feb; 27(1): 1-9
examined the association between clustering of risk factors and the risk for
coronary heart disease, stroke, and all-cause mortality. METHODS: Data from the
First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-Up
Study (N = 12,932) were used to estimate the relative risk for coronary heart
disease (N = 2,255), stroke (N = 929), and death from any cause (N = 4,506) by
the number of cardiovascular disease risk factors present. Risk factors
included current smoking, overweight, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, and
diabetes. RESULTS: The proportions of respondents with 0, 1, 2, 3, or > or =
4 risk factors were 25.0, 32.8, 27.8, 12.3, and 2.1%, respectively. Relative
risks for coronary heart disease associated with having 1, 2, 3, and > or =
4 risk factors were 1.6 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.4, 1.9), 2.2 (95% CI
1.9, 2.6), 3.1 (95% CI 2.6, 3.6), and 5.0 (95% CI 3.9, 6.3), respectively.
Relative risks for stroke associated with the same risk levels were 1.4 (95% CI
1.1, 1.8), 1.9 (95% CI 1.5, 2.4), 2.3 (95% CI 1.7, 3.0), and 4.3 (95% CI 3.0,
6.3), respectively. Similar results were observed for all-cause mortality.
CONCLUSIONS: Risk for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality increased
substantially with each additional risk factor. This supports the continued
need for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease risk factors.
TI: JNC V revisited:
standard of care or individualized treatment for hypertension?
AU: Alderman-MH
SO: Am-Heart-J. 1998
Feb; 135(2 Pt 2): S8-15
AB: The fifth report
of the National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure (JNC V) has weathered the test of time fairly well. The significant
new dimensions of the 1992 document included (1) a new classification system
reflecting the recognition that risk from hypertension does not arise at a
specific blood pressure level but is continuous, (2) an expanded list of agents
suitable for antihypertensive therapy, (3) recognition of the significance of
systolic blood pressure as a risk factor, particularly isolated systolic blood
pressure in the elderly, (4) identification of diuretics and beta-blockers as
agents of first use, and (5) recognition that, in addition to level of blood
pressure, absolute risk for cardiovascular disease events should influence the
nature of therapy. Concern for matching therapeutic efforts with actual risk of
disease and potential for benefit has grown. Some have recommended that drug
therapy be reserved for those whose absolute risk of a CVD event is above an
arbitrary threshold. The next JNC report is likely to be more precise in
linking treatment recom-mendations to the actual level of risk, as well as
level of blood pressure, particularly within the broad range of levels where, in
JNC V, the decision to treat was left to individual judgment.
TI: Low circulating
folate and vitamin B6 concentrations: risk factors for stroke, peripheral
vascular disease, and coronary artery disease. European COMAC Group [see
AU: Robinson-K;
Arheart-K; Refsum-H; Brattstrom-L; Boers-G; Ueland-P; Rubba-P; Palma-Reis-R;
Meleady-R; Daly-L; Witteman-J; Graham-I
SO: Circulation. 1998
Feb 10; 97(5): 437-43
high plasma homocysteine con-centration is a risk factor for atherosclerosis,
and circulating concentrations of homocysteine are related to levels of folate
and vitamin B6. This study was performed to explore the interrelationships
between homocysteine, B vitamins, and vascular diseases and to evaluate the
role of these vitamins as risk factors for atherosclerosis. METHODS: In a
multicenter case-control study in Europe, 750 patients with documented vascular
disease and 800 control subjects frequency-matched for age and sex were
compared. Plasma levels of total homocysteine (before and after methionine
loading) were determined, as were those of red cell folate, vitamin B12, and
vitamin B6. RESULTS: In a conditional logistic regression model, homocysteine
concentrations greater than the 80th percentile for control subjects either
fasting (12.1 micromol/L) or after a methionine load (38.0 micromol/L) were
associated with an elevated risk of vascular disease independent of all
traditional risk factors. In addition, concentrations of red cell folate below
the lowest 10th percentile (<513 nmol/L) and concentrations of vitamin B6
below the lowest 20th percentile (<23.3 nmol/L) for control subjects were
also associated with increased risk. This risk was independent of conventional
risk factors and for folate was explained in part by increased homocysteine
levels. In contrast, the rela-tionship between vitamin B6 and atherosclerosis
was independent of homocysteine levels both before and after methionine
loading. CONCLUSIONS: Lower levels of folate and vitamin B6 confer an increased
risk of atherosclerosis. Clinical trials are now required to evaluate the
effect of treatment with these vitamins in the primary and secondary prevention
of vascular diseases.
TI: Thrombosis
prevention trial: randomised trial of low-intensity oral anticoagulation with
warfarin and low-dose aspirin in the primary prevention of ischaemic heart
disease in men at increased risk. The Medical Research Council’s General
Practice Research Framework
SO: Lancet. 1998 Jan
24; 351(9098): 233-41
to evaluate low intensity oral anticoagulation with warfarin and low-dose
aspirin in the primary prevention of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). METHODS:
5499 men aged between 45 years and 69 years at high risk of IHD were recruited
from 108 practices in the UK that belong to the Medical Research Council’s
General Practice Research Framework. Initially, warfarin or placebo was
randomly allocated to 1427 men; 1013 of these men later moved to a factorial
stage of the trial, retaining their warfarin or placebo warfarin allocation and
adding randomly allocated active or placebo aspirin. Another 4072 men entered
directly into the factorial stage making a total of 5085 men. The four
factorial treatment groups were: active warfarin and active aspirin (WA, n = 1277),
active warfarin and placebo aspirin (W, n = 1268), and placebo warfarin and
active aspirin (A, n = 1268), and placebo warfarin and placebo aspirin (P, n =
1272). The primary end-point was all IHD defined as the sum of coronary death
and fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI). FINDINGS: The mean
International Normalised Ratio (INR) of those on active warfarin was 1.47. The
mean warfarin dose was 4.1 mg a day (range 0.5 mg-12.5 mg). There were 410 IHD
events (142 fatal, 268 non-fatal). The main effect of warfarin (i.e., WA and W
vs A and P) was a reduction in all IHD of 21% (95% CI 4-35, p = 0.02) chiefly
due to a 39% reduction (15-57, p = 0.003) in fatal events so that warfarin
reduced the death rate from all causes by 17% (1-30, p = 0.04). The main effect
of aspirin (i.e., WA and A vs W and P) was a reduction in all IHD of 20% (1-35,
p = 0.04) almost entirely due to a 32% reduction (12-48, p = 0.004) in
non-fatal events. Absolute reductions in all IHD due to warfarin or aspirin
were 2.6 and 2.3 per 1000 person years, respectively. WA reduced all IHD by 34%
(11-51, p = 0.006) compared with P. WA increased haemorrhagic and fatal
strokes. Ruptured aortic or dissecting aneurysms occurred in 15 of those who
were or had been on warfarin compared with three of those who had not (p =
0.01). INTERPRETATION: These results add to evidence that aspirin reduces
non-fatal IHD. Warfarin reduced all IHD chiefly because of an effect on fatal
events. Combined treatment with warfarin and aspirin is more effective in the
reduction of IHD than either agent on its own.
TI: Effect of HMGcoA
reductase inhibitors on stroke. A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled
AU: Bucher-HC;
Griffith-LE; Guyatt-GH
SO: Ann-Intern-Med.
1998 Jan 15; 128(2): 89-95
Stroke is a leading cause of death in the industrialized world, and
hypercholesterolemia may be a risk factor for stroke. OBJECTIVE: To determine
whether reducing cholesterol levels with HMGcoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
coenzyme A) reductase inhibitors or other antilipidemic interventions reduces
risk for nonfatal and fatal stroke. DATA SOURCES: A systematic search in the
MEDLINE and EMBASE databases of the English-language and non-English-language
literature published from 1966 through October 1996. STUDY SELECTION: All
randomized, controlled trials of any cholesterol-lowering intervention that
reported data on nonfatal and fatal strokes, on death from coronary heart
disease, and on overall mortality were included. Whether treatment effects differed
according to the type of cholesterol-lowering intervention used was
investigated. DATA EXTRACTION: Trials were reviewed for methods, inclusion and
exclusion criteria, and outcomes. DATA SYNTHESIS: 28 trials (for a total of
49,477 study participants in the intervention group and 56,636 participants in
the control group) were included. The risk ratio for nonfatal and fatal stroke
with HMGcoA reductase inhibitors was 0.76 (95% CI, 0.62 to 0.92; test of
heterogeneity, P > 0.2). The risk ratios for nonfatal and fatal stroke with
fibrates, resins, and dietary interventions were all close to 1.0, and the
difference between the HMGcoA reductase inhibitor effect and the pooled
estimate for all other interventions would, under the null hypothesis, be
unlikely to occur by chance (P = 0.01). Trials with HMGcoA reductase inhibitors
also showed reductions in rates of death from coronary heart disease and
overall mortality. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis of randomized, controlled
trials suggests that in hyperlipidemic patients who have not previously had
stroke, HMGcoA reductase inhibitors reduce the incidence of stroke.
TI: [Factors
associated to aspirin failure for secondary stroke
AU: Chamorro-A;
Blanc-R; Ascaso-C; Saiz-A; Vila-N
SO: Med-Clin-Barc.
1997 Nov 1; 109(15): 569-72
not settled whether aspirin (ASA) failure may be predicted in stroke and
transient ischemic attack (TIA) patients. The risk of ASA failure may be
predicted by analyzing the epidemiological traits of patients with stroke or
TIA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated retrospectively 695 stroke or TIA
patients admitted to the Downtown Barcelona Stroke Registry, including 54
patients who recurred while on 125-500 mg/day of ASA (group ASA failure), and
178 patients who showed a good clinical response to the same dose of ASA for at
least one year of follow-up (group ASA sensitive). Vascular risk factors,
stroke subtypes, and clinical and radiological findings were compared in both
groups. RESULTS: On multivariate analysis ASA failure was independently
correlated with history of myocardial infarction, nonvalvular atrial
fibrillation or hyper-cholesterolemia. A trend toward age older than 65 was
also correlated with ASA failure. On the contrary, periventricular lucencies
were a protector factor. Stroke severity at clinical onset and at follow-up was
unrelated to the intake of ASA at stroke onset. CONCLUSIONS: Males or females
older than 65 years, with a history of coronary heart disease or atrial
fibrillation, serum cholesterol level > 240 mg/dl, and a CT scan showing no
evidence of small vessel disease are, respectively, the characteristics most
frequently encountered in patients who suffer an ischemic stroke despite
preventive treatment with 125-500 mg/day of ASA. Moreover, this treatment does
not reduce initial and long-term stroke severity.
TI: Hemostatic
factors as predictors of ischemic heart disease and stroke in the Edinburgh
Artery Study.
AU: Smith-FB; Lee-AJ;
Fowkes-FG; Price-JF; Rumley-A; Lowe-GD
SO: Arterioscler-Thromb-Vasc-Biol.
1997 Nov; 17(11): 3321-5
AB: Plasma fibrinogen
is a consistent predictor of ischemic heart disease (IHD) in prospective
studies, but there are fewer data relating other hemostatic variables to IHD
and also to stroke. We therefore studied the relationships of plasma
fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor antigen, tissue plasminogen activator (TPA)
antigen, factor VII, and fibrin D-dimer to incidence of IHD and stroke and
determined whether any associations could be explained by conventional risk
factors and baseline heart disease. In the Edinburgh Artery study, 1592 men and
women aged 55 to 74 years, randomly sampled from the general population, were
followed prospectively over 5 years to detect fatal and nonfatal IHD and stroke
events. During the 5 years, 268 new vascular events were identified. Baseline
plasma fibrinogen was independently related to risk of stroke in multivariate
analysis that adjusted for cigarette smoking, LDL-cholesterol, systolic blood
pressure, and preexisting IHD (relative risk [RR] 1.52, 95% confidence interval
[CI] 1.17, 1.98). TPA antigen, and fibrin D-dimer were also independently
associated with risk of stroke (RR 1.69,95% CI 1.22,2.35 and RR 1.96, 95% CI
1.12,3.41, respectively). Significant relationships were found between TPA
antigen and myocardial infarction (P < or = .05). In older men and women,
increased coagulation activity and disturbed fibrinolysis are predictors of
future vascular events (both IHD and stroke).
TI: Preventing
stroke in atrial fibrillation.
AU: Wolf-PA;
SO: Am-Fam-Physician.
1997 Dec; 56(9): 2242-50
AB: Atrial fibrillation, a common cardiac arrhythmia, is now
recognized as a powerful risk factor for stroke. Previously, atrial fibrillation
was thought to predispose persons to stroke only in the presence of rheumatic
heart disease with mitral stenosis. The significant impact of nonvalvular
atrial fibrillation on stroke incidence, recurrence and mortality was not fully
appreciated. A series of clinical trials have confirmed that a five-fold
increase in stroke incidence occurs in patients with atrial fibrillation, and
that warfarin anticoagulation is efficacious in stroke prevention. This
anticoagulation benefit was achieved with an acceptably low risk of serious
TI: Blood pressure
control and recurrence of hypertensive brain hemor-rhage.
AU: Arakawa-S;
Saku-Y; Ibayashi-S; Nagao-T; Fujishima-M
SO: Stroke. 1998 Sep;
29(9): 1806-9
Recent studies have demon-strated that recurrence of hypertensive brain
hemorrhage (HBH) is not uncommon. However, risk factors for the recurrence of
HBH have not been evaluated systematically. METHODS: We analyzed 74 patients
with HBH who were admitted to our clinic and followed up as outpatients for a
mean of 2.8 years. Blood pressure (BP) and other clinical features were
compared between the groups of patients with and without rebleeding. We
determined the recurrence rate of HBH in relation to BP. RESULTS: Diastolic BP
was significantly higher in the recurrence group than in the nonrecurrence
group (88+/-8 versus 82+/-7 mm Hg; P=0.04). Systolic BP and other clinical
variables were not different between the groups. The recurrence rate was 10.0% per
patient-year in patients with diastolic BP >90 mm Hg and <1.5% in those
with lower diastolic BP (P<0.001). No patients with diastolic BP <70 mm
Hg experienced rebleeding. CONCLUSIONS: Higher diastolic BP was related to an
increased rate of rebleeding. Diastolic BP >90 mm Hg may be regarded as a
factor predictive of the recurrence of HBH.
TI: Cholesterol,
endothelial function and cardiovascular disease.
AU: Wilkinson-IB;
SO: Curr-Opin-Lipidol.
1998 Jun; 9(3): 237-42
AB: Hypercholesterolaemia
is associated with endothelial dysfunction and increased risk of atheromatous
disease. Although endothelial dysfunction has been demonstrated early in the
course of the disease process, it remains difficult to establish a causal
relationship. Despite this, endothelial function has been used as a surrogate
marker in small trials to identify and assess the effectiveness of therapeutic
interventions to reduce cardiovascular mortality, before large scale clinical
trials are undertaken. Recently, arterial stiffness has emerged as an
independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and may provide a link
between hypercholesterolaemia, endothelial dysfunction, hypertension and
TI: Risk factors for
stroke due to cerebral infarction in young adults.
AU: You-RX;
McNeil-JJ; O’Malley-HM; Davis-SM; Thrift-AG; Donnan-GA
SO: Stroke. 1997 Oct;
28(10): 1913-8
PURPOSE: Stroke in the young is particularly tragic because of the potential
for a lifetime of disablement. More than 10% of patients with stroke due to
cerebral infarction are aged 55 years or younger. While a number of studies
have addressed the issue of stroke mechanism in the young, quantitation of risk
factors has rarely been undertaken. Given the importance of risk factor
assessment in primary prevention, we aimed to assess this using case-control
methodology in a hospital-based series and community-based control subjects.
METHODS: A total of 201 consecutive patients with first-onset stroke due to
cerebral infarction aged 15 to 55 years (mean, 45.5 years) were accrued from
four teaching hospitals during 1985 to 1992 and compared with their age- and
sex-matched neighborhood controls. Infor-mation concerning potential risk
factor exposure status was collected by structured questionnaire at interview.
Stroke risks were estimated by calculating the odds ratios with multivariate
logistic regression. RESULTS: Significantly increased risk of stroke was found
among those with diabetes (odds ratio, 11.6 [95% confidence intervals, 1.2 to
115.2]), hypertension (6.8 [3.3 to 13.9]), heart disease (2.7 [1.1 to 6.4]),
current cigarette smoking (2.5 [1.3, 5.0]), and long-term heavy alcohol
consumption (> or = 60 g/d) (15.3 [1.0 to 232.0]). However, heavy alcohol
ingestion (> or = 60 g) within 24 hours preceding stroke onset was not a
risk factor (0.9 [0.3 to 3.4]). CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes, hypertension, heart
disease, current smoking, and long-term heavy alcohol consumption are major
risk factors for stroke in young adults. Given that the majority of these
factors are either correctable or modifiable, prevention strategies may have
the potential to reduce the impact of stroke in this age group.
TI: [Detection of
microemboli by transcranial Doppler sonography after carotid endarterectomy]
AU: Akiyama-Y;
Yoshimoto-H; Nagatsuka-K; Todaka-T; Nomura-M; Sawada-M; Morimoto-M; Kojima-A;
SO: No-Shinkei-Geka.
1997 Sep; 25(9): 791-4
AB: Transcranial
Doppler sonography (TCD), a non-invasive monitoring technique, has potential
for detecting microemboli caused by the extracranial internal carotid artery.
Many previous reports have shown that TCD-detected microemboli may be a risk
factor for stroke. The main purpose of this study is to verify whether
microemboli cease after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). TCD monitoring was
performed in 43 cases before and after CEA. TCD monitoring was carried out for
an hour at the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery of each case using a 2-MHz
pulse-wave transcranial Doppler device, and high intensity transient signals
were counted as microemboli. Microemboli were detected preoperatively in 10
cases (23.3%). Microemboli were not detected in any case immediately after CEA,
in either the subacute stage (from 14 to 21 days after CEA) or in the chronic
stage (more than 3 months after CEA). In the acute stage (from 3 to 7 days
after CEA), microemboli were detected in three cases (7.0%). The rate of
TCD-detected microembolic was always significantly reduced after CEA. TCD
monitoring can be helpful in assessing the effect of CEA for prevention of
stroke by removing the suspected source of microemboli.
TI: Incidence of and
risk factors for atrial fibrillation in older adults.
AU: Psaty-BM;
Manolio-TA; Kuller-LH; Kronmal-RA; Cushman-M; Fried-LP; White-R; Furberg-CD;
SO: Circulation. 1997
Oct 7; 96(7): 2455-61
study aimed to describe the incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF) among older
adults during 3 years of follow-up. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this cohort study,
5201 adults > or = 65 years old were examined annually on four occasions
between June 1989 and May 1993. At baseline, participants answered
questionnaires and underwent a detailed examination that included carotid
ultrasound, pulmonary function tests, ECG, and echocardiography. Subjects with
a pacemaker or AF at baseline (n=357) were excluded. New cases of AF were
identified from three sources: (1) annual self-reports, (2) annual ECGs, and
(3) hospital discharge diagnoses. Cox proportional-hazards models were used to assess
baseline risk factors as predictors of incident AF. Among 4844 participants,
304 developed a first episode of AF during an average follow-up of 3.28 years,
for an incidence of 19.2 per 1000 person-years. The onset was strongly
associated with age, male sex, and the presence of clinical cardiovascular
disease. For men 65 to 74 and 75 to 84 years old, the incidences were 17.6 and
42.7, respectively, and for women, 10.1 and 21.6 events per 1000 person-years.
In stepwise models, the use of diuretics, a history of valvular heart disease,
coronary disease, advancing age, higher levels of systolic blood pressure,
height, glucose, and left atrial size were all associated with an increased
risk of AF. The use of beta-blockers and high levels of alcohol use, cholesterol,
and forced expiratory volume in 1 second were associated with a reduced risk of
AF. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of AF in older adults may be higher than
estimated by previous population studies. Left atrial size appears to be an
important risk factor, and the control of blood pressure and glucose may be
important in preventing the development of AF.
TI: [Secondary
prevention of stroke through arterial blood pressure reduction]
AU: Mancia-G;
SO: Cardiologia. 1997
Jul; 42(7): 715-9
AB: Large scale observational studies have conclusively
demonstrated that systolic and diastolic blood pressure values are linearly
related to the incidence of cerebro-vascular diseases and that high blood
pressure is an important risk factor for both primary and secondary development
of stroke. Interventional studies have shown that blood pressure lowering by
antihypertensive treatment reduces the incidence of stroke in hyper-tensive
patients without a history of previous stroke. Whether this is the case also
for the secondary prevention of cerebral ischemic attacks has not been
unequivocally shown, however. The PROGRESS (“Perindopril Protection Against
Recurrent Stroke Study”) study has been designed and is under way to collect
information on this important issue of the antihypertensive treatment, its
purpose being to evaluate the blood pressure lowering effects with an
ACE-inhibitor on recurrent stroke in an overall population of 6000 patients
with a positive history of previous cerebral ischemic attacks or stroke.
TI: New drugs and
clinical trials in diabetes and hypertension.
AU: Nilsson-P
SO: Exp-Clin-Endocrinol-Diabetes.
1997; 105 Suppl 2: 64-9
AB: Hypertension is a
well-established risk factor for cerebro-cardiovascular disease in diabetics,
as well as for progressing renal disease. Several pathophysiological mechanisms
link hypertension with non-insulin-depen-dent diabetes (NIDDM), e.g. insulin
resistance. This will be discussed below as regards pathophysiology and
treatment possibilities, especially with new drugs in ongoing clinical trials.
TI: A strategy for
arterial risk assessment and management in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent)
diabetes mellitus. European Arterial Risk Policy Group on behalf of the
International Diabetes Federation European Region.
SO: Diabet-Med. 1997
Jul; 14(7): 611-21
AB: People with Type
2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus die mainly from cardiovascular and
cerebro-vascular disease. Furthermore, the major burden of their symptoms arise
from arterial disease, including peripheral vascular disease. However,
management guidelines for Type 2 diabetes continue to focus on blood glucose
control, which is only one of a number of arterial risk factors found with this
type of diabetes. Clinically it is evident that blood glucose control continues
to occupy centre-stage in the management of Type 2 diabetes as practised by
many physicians. Even when arterial risk factors such as smoking or raised
serum triglycerides are noted, their management is often relatively neglected.
As part of the St Vincent Declaration Action Programme, a working group has
sought consensus on the number and relative importance of arterial risk factors
requiring management in quality diabetes care. The group seeks to assist those
devising protocols and guidelines, records and quality systems, and those
charged with directly advising and educating people with diabetes. Arterial
risk factors that can be routinely identified and monitored, and modified by
application of management protocols, include high blood pressure, high serum
total and LDL cholesterol, low serum HDL cholesterol and raised serum
triglycerides, poor blood glucose control, smoking, high body mass index and
body fat distribution. Aspirin can modify hypercoagulability, but this is not
easily monitored. Arterial risk factors that cannot be modified, but which have
an impact on the intensity of mana-gement of other factors, include ethnic
group, gender, and family history of arterial disease. Raised albumin excretion
is an arterial risk factor and can be modified, but it is not clear whether
this reduces cardiovascular risk. For many of the risk factors, levels of high,
medium, and low risk can be set. These can be used, in consultation with the
patient, to determine appropriate interventions and provide feedback on risk
reduction resulting from successful management.
TI: Current status
on new anticoagulant and antithrombotic drugs and devices [see comments]
AU: Walenga-JM;
SO: Curr-Opin-Pulm-Med.
1997 Jul; 3(4): 291-302
AB: Several new drugs
for the management of thrombo-embolic disorders have recently become available.
Low-molecular-weight heparins are being evaluated for the prophylaxis of
medical and surgical deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism; for the
treatment of pre-existing thrombosis; and for cases of coronary syndrome
(unstable angina, myocardial infarction), thrombotic and ischemic stroke,
interventional cardio-logy, pregnancy, cancer, and transplantation-associated
thrombosis. A chemically synthesized heparin penta-saccharide, which has purely
anti-factor Xa activity and does not induce thrombocytopenia, is also in
clinical trial. Thrombin inhibitors, such as hirudin and argatroban, are a
practical anticoagulant substitute where heparin cannot be used. They are also
useful for the management of coronary syndrome and as adjunct therapy. The
anti-platelet agent ticlopidine and its analogue, clopidogrel, which does not
produce blood dyscrasia, are effective for the secondary prevention of
thrombotic stroke and the management of combined arterial thrombotic syndromes.
Glycoprotein-targeting antibodies, synthetic derivatives, and peptides (some of
which are orally bioavailable) have added a new dimension to the management of
arterial thrombosis and high-risk patients having angioplasty. Plasma-derived
agents, such as antithrombin III, are available for the management of
thrombophilia and disseminated intravascular coagu-lation. Compression devices
and the foot pump, alone and in combination with pharmacologic agents, have
been used successfully. Combination therapy using various agents in different
proportions have also been found useful. Although there is much enthusiasm in
this quickly developing area and clinical trials are demon-strating the
antithrombotic efficacy of the new drugs, safety considerations require
additional clinical validation. Long-term outcomes and costs also need to be
addressed objectively.
TI: Atrial
fibrillation and stroke: elucidating a newly discovered risk factor.
AU: Giardina-EG
SO: Am-J-Cardiol.
1997 Aug 28; 80(4C): 11D-18D; discussion 35D-39D
AB: Atrial
fibrillation is the most common sustained arrhythmia reported in the United
States; an estimated 1-2 million Americans have chronic nonvalvular atrial
fibrillation. This disorder is associated with a substantial risk of stroke.
Several recent studies provide evidence that anticoagulation therapy is
indicated for stroke prevention in patients with nonvalvular atrial
fibrillation after recovery from a minor stroke. Clinical and
echo-cardiographic criteria help to identify those patients who are at
especially high risk for thromboembolic stroke and are candidates for carefully
controlled anticoagulation. In an effort to reduce the possibility of
thromboembolic events following either chemical or electrical cardio-version,
the American College of Chest Physicians has recently prepared guidelines for
the use of anti-coagulation in the conversion of atrial fibrillation. The
efficacy of antiarrhythmic drug therapy for cardioversion is often difficult to
assess. Furthermore, it is associated with major risks, including heart failure
and exacerbation of arrhythmia, and minor risks, including systemic
intolerance. A new National Institutes of Health trial, Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up
Investigation of Rhythm Mana-gement (AFFIRM), will clarify the true risks and
benefits of antiarrhythmic therapy for conversion of atrial fibrillation to
sinus rhythm. Patients who cannot tolerate drug therapy may benefit from
interruption of conduction in the bundle of His, followed by implantation of a
permanent pacemaker, the use of radiofrequency energy ablation, or the
implantation of an atrial defibrillator. Some patients may benefit from
surgical procedures, such as left atrial isolation, the corridor operation, and
the maze operation.
TI: Identification
and management of stroke risk in older people: a national survey of current
practice in primary care.
AU: Coppola-WG;
Whincup-PH; Walker-M; Ebrahim-S
SO: J-Hum-Hypertens. 1997 Mar; 11(3):
AB: The current practice of stroke prevention was assessed
among UK general practitioners (GPs) using a postal questionnaire. A random
sample of 583 GPs (response rate 60%) in practice throughout the UK was
examined. Main outcomes were the reported practice in the identification of
stroke risk, management of hypertension, and use of other interventions
(particularly aspirin treatment) to reduce the risk of stroke. Most respondents
(451, 77%) reported that they specifically identified patients at high risk of
stroke. However, of these only 301 (67%) used more than one major risk factor
to do this and less than one-third used either age or pre-existing
cardiovascular disease as an indicator. Thresholds for drug treatment of
hypertension increased markedly with patient age with only 68%, 23% and 9% of
respondents reporting treating elevated systolic, diastolic and isolated
systolic pressures respectively, in accord with the British Hypertension
Society (BHS) guidelines for patients aged 70-79 years. Thresholds for blood
pressure (BP) treatment in older patients did not differ by region but were
higher among respondents who had been in general practice for more than 10
years. The value of aspirin in preventing stroke in patients with pre-existing
cardiovascular disease was recognized by almost all (560, 96%) respondents. The
results suggest that there is scope for increasing the benefits of stroke
prevention in primary care, by focusing on the management of patients at high
absolute risk, in whom the greatest treatment benefits are likely to be
TI: Status of lipids
as a risk factor for stroke.
AU: Gorelick-PB;
Schneck-M; Berglund-LF; Feinberg-W; Goldstone-J
SO: Neuroepidemiology.
1997; 16(3): 107-15
AB: There is mounting
epidemiologic evidence to support the relationship of lipids as a risk factor
for ischemic stroke. We review epidemiologic and patho-physiologic evidence for
such a link. Treatment of hyperlipidemia is addressed within the context of
overall cardiovascular disease risk but also for stroke prevention.
TI: The global
epidemiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and the metabolic
AU: Zimmet-PZ;
McCarty-DJ; de-Courten-MP
SO: J-Diabetes-Complications.
1997 Mar-Apr; 11(2): 60-8
AB: Non-insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) constitutes about 85% of all cases of diabetes in
developed countries and it has now reached epidemic proportions in many
developing nations, as well as disadvantaged groups in developed countries,
e.g., Mexican- and African-Americans and Australian Aborigines and Torres
Strait Islanders. The diagnosis of NIDDM is usually made after the age of 50
years in Europids, but it is seen at much younger age in these high prevalence
populations, which also include Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and
migrant Asian Indians and Chinese. There is enormous variation in NIDDM
prevalence between populations, and exceptionally high rates have been
documented in populations who have changed from a traditional to a modern lifestyle,
e.g., American Pima Indians, Micronesians, and other Pacific Islanders,
Australian Aborigines, migrant Asian Indians, and Mexican-Americans. Over the
next decade, following the initial phase of the NIDDM epidemic, macro- and
microvascular complications will emerge as a major threat to future public
health throughout the world with huge economic and social costs. The major
cause of death in NIDDM is macrovascular disease (coronary artery, peripheral
vascular, and cerebrovascular), which accounts for at least two-thirds of NIDDM
mortality. A key strategy in reducing macrovascular disease lies in the better
understanding of the Deadly Quartet or Metabolic Syndrome. New data suggest
that hyperleptinemia rather than hyper-insulinemia may play an important and
central role in the genesis of the cardiovascular disease risk factor cluster
that constitutes the Metabolic Syndrome.
TI: Hypertension and
borderline isolated systolic hypertension increase risks of cardiovascular disease
and mortality in male physicians.
AU: O’Donnell-CJ;
Ridker-PM; Glynn-RJ; Berger-K; Ajani-U; Manson-JE; Hennekens-CH
SO: Circulation. 1997
Mar 4; 95(5): 1132-7
objective of this study was to examine whether definite hypertension and
borderline isolated systolic hypertension predict subsequent cardiovascular
disease and mortality. METHODS AND RESULTS: This was a prospective cohort study
with a mean follow-up of 11.7 years. The subjects were a group of 18,682
apparently healthy US men, aged 40 to 84 years, participating in the
Physicians’ Health Study, a randomized trial of low-dose aspirin and
beta-carotene. The main outcome measures were total cardiovascular disease,
myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiovascular death, and all-cause mortality.
Hypertension was associated with substantially increased risks of total
cardiovascular disease (relative risk [RR] 1.92; 95% confidence interval [CI],
1.70 to 2.18), myocardial infarction (RR,1.78; 95% CI, 1.49 to 2.13), stroke
(RR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.78 to 2.69), and cardio-vascular death (RR, 2.10; 95% CI,
1.68 to 2.63). Borderline isolated systolic hypertension was associated with
significantly increased risks of cardiovascular disease (RR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.09
to 1.59), stroke (RR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.93), and cardiovascular death
(RR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.13 to 2.15), as well as a possible but non-significant
increased risk of myocardial infarction (RR, 1.26; 95% CI, 0.95 to 1.67).
Hypertension and borderline isolated systolic hyper-tension were associated
with significantly increased risks of 41% and 22%, respectively, for all-cause
mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Hypertension as well as borderline isolated systolic
hypertension are associated with elevated risks of cardiovascular diseases,
especially stroke and cardio-vascular death. Hypertension is associated with an
increased risk of myocardial infarction, and borderline isolated systolic
hypertension predicts a possible but more modest increase in risk. These data
add to the existing evidence that hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk
factor and extend the findings to borderline isolated systolic hypertension.
TI: Status of risk
factors for dementia associated with stroke.
AU: Gorelick-PB
SO: Stroke. 1997 Feb;
28(2): 459-63
Cognitive impairment associated with vascular disease may be the only
preventable form of dementia of late life. Identification of risk factors for
dementia associated with stroke may be a prelude to improved intervention.
SUMMARY OF REVIEW: I reviewed putative risk factors for dementia associated
with stroke. These included demographic, atherogenic, stroke-related, and
genetic factors. Key studies from the English literature were reviewed and
graded according to quality of evidence ratings (classes I, II, and III).
Although many of the cardiovascular disease risk factors are logical
antecedents of dementia associated with stroke, age was the only factor that
could be considered a well-documented risk factor. CONCLUSIONS: We should
continue to support efforts directed at primary stroke prevention and the
brain-at-risk and predementia stages. Additional rigorous epidemiological study
is needed to clarify risk factors for dementia associated with stroke.
AU: O’Brien AA,
Rajkumar C, Bulpitt CJ
AD: Southend
Hospital, Southend, Essex, UK.
TI: Blood pressure
lowering for the primary and secondary prevention of stroke: treatment of
hypertension reduces the risk of stroke.
SO: J Cardiovasc
Risk. 1999 Aug. 6(4). P 203-5.
MH: Antihypertensive
Agents:*TU. Blood Pressure:*DE. Hyper-tension:CO/*DT/PP. Primary
Prevention:*MT. Risk Factors. Check Tags: Human.
AB: Hypertension is
the most important risk factor in the development of stroke. It is also the
risk factor most amenable to treatment. The results from 18 controlled trials
show a reduction in relative risk of stroke of 25-47% among treated
hypertensive patients. This reduction applies both to the elderly and to
younger patients, but the absolute reductions are greater among the elderly and
the number of patients with hypertension that need to be treated to prevent a
stroke is lower in the elderly because they have a higher risk of stroke. The
reductions in relative but not absolute risk appear to be similar for both
isolated systolic hypertension and combined systolic and diastolic hypertension
in the elderly. The case for antihypertensive treatment in the secondary
prevention of stroke is less clear but the results of four clinical trials of
antihypertensive treatment among patients with and without hypertension and a
history of cerebrovascular disease point to a probable benefit. The results of
the PROGRESS trial will elucidate this further.
AU: Koudstaal PJ
AD: Department of
Neurology, University Hospital Rotterdam, 40, Dr. Molewaterplein, 3015 GD Rotterdam,
The Netherlands. koudstaal@ neur.azr.nl
TI: Stroke
prevention: which drugs to use and when?
SO: J Neurol. 1999
Sep. 246(9). P 753-7.
MH: Anticoagulants:*TU.Check
Tags: Animal.. Human.
AB: This review
summarizes recent findings from clinical trials regarding the prevention of
stroke and translates these into therapeutic guidelines. A distinction is made
between patients with previous cerebrovascular disease and those without, and
between patients with and those without atrial fibrillation. Although the
efficacy of aspirin is disappointingly small, the effects are consistent in all
subgroups of patients with confirmed vascular disease, and this treatment
remains superior as first choice except in patients with both atrial
fibrillation and vascular risk factors, for whom oral anticoagulants are the
optimal treatment.
AU: O’Brien AA,
Rajkumar C, Bulpitt CJ
AD: Southend
Hospital, Southend, Essex, UK.
TI: Blood pressure
lowering for the primary and secondary prevention of stroke: treatment of hypertension
reduces the risk of stroke.
SO: J Cardiovasc
Risk. 1999 Aug. 6(4). P 203-5.
MH: Antihypertensive
Agents:*TU. Blood Pressure:*DE. Hyper-tension:CO/*DT/PP. Primary
Prevention:*MT. Risk Factors. Check Tags: Human.
AB: Hypertension is
the most important risk factor in the development of stroke. It is also the
risk factor most amenable to treatment. The results from 18 controlled trials
show a reduction in relative risk of stroke of 25-47% among treated
hypertensive patients. This reduction applies both to the elderly and to
younger patients, but the absolute reductions are greater among the elderly and
the number of patients with hypertension that need to be treated to prevent a
stroke is lower in the elderly because they have a higher risk of stroke. The
reductions in relative but not absolute risk appear to be similar for both
isolated systolic hypertension and combined systolic and diastolic hypertension
in the elderly. The case for antihypertensive treatment in the secondary
prevention of stroke is less clear but the results of four clinical trials of
antihypertensive treatment among patients with and without hypertension and a
history of cerebrovascular disease point to a probable benefit. The results of
the PROGRESS trial will elucidate this further.
AU: Sachdev GP,
Ohlrogge KD, Johnson CL
AD: Rockford Veterans
Affairs Primary Care Clinic, William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital,
Madison, WI, USA.
TI: Review of the
Fifth American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Conference on
Antithrombotic Therapy: outpatient management for adults.
SO: Am J Health Syst
Pharm. 1999 Aug 1. 56(15). P 1505-14.
MH: Anticoagulants:AE/*TU.
Fibrinolytic Agents:AE/*TU. Outpatients:*. Thrombosis:*DT. Warfarin: AE/*TU. Adult. Aged. Association. Cardiovascular
Diseases:DT. Middle Age. Check Tags: Human.
AB: The
recommendations of the Fifth American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy are reviewed, with a focus on
outpatient anticoagulation management in adults. Numerous therapeutic
recommendations have changed since the Fourth ACCP Consensus Conference on
Antithrombotic Therapy. The system of grading recommendations has been modified
to emphasize clinically important differences and to take into account the benefit-risk
ratio of each treatment option. The International Normalized Ratio (INR) goal
is now expressed as a specific target value within a range rather than simply
an INR range. The recommendations of the fifth conference cover initiation of
warfarin therapy, hemorrhagic complications, management of excessive
anticoagulation, interruption of warfarin therapy for patients requiring
surgery, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, cardioversion in patients with atrial
fibrillation, valvular heart disease, mechanical and biological prosthetic
heart valves, coronary artery disease, saphenous vein and internal mammary
artery bypass grafts, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, prevention of
venous thromboembolism, treatment of venous thromboembolism, stroke prevention
in patients with cerebrovascular disease, and pregnancy. Since the fourth
consensus conference, new anticoagulation therapies and indications have
emerged; the recommendations of the Fifth ACCP Consensus Conference on
Antithrombotic Therapy have provided practitioners with a resource of immense
AU: S_anchez-P_erez
RM, Molt_o JM, Medrano V, Beltr_an I, D_iaz-Mar_in C
AD: Servicio de
Neurolog_ia, Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Espa~na.
TI: [Atherosclerosis
and brain circulation]
Atherosclerosis:CO/*DI/ET. Brain:*BS. Engraving and Engravings. Hemodynamics.
Lipoproteins, LDL Cholesterol:BL. Check Tags: Human. AB: INTRODUCTION:
Atherosclerosis affects the vascular system in a diffuse way and its is clearly
implicated in some of the most prevalent diseases in western countries such as
cerebrovascularand cardiovascular diseases. Knowing more about the underlying
pathogenic mechanisms may contribute to a better understanding of this entities
and the development of therapies for both its treatment and prevention.
DEVELOPMENT: We review herein the concepts included in the term
atherosclerosis, the growth of the atheromatous plaque and its complications
and the cellular mechanisms which intervene in its development. We analyze how
it influences brain hemodynamics and its implication in cerebrovascular
ischemic disease paying attention to the dissimilarities with other vascular
territories and the clinical syndromes which derive from its development on
different vascular structures. CONCLUSIONS: Under the concept of ischemic
cerebrovascular disease we can find a group of heterogeneous clinical
syndromes, usually associated to different etiopathogenic mechanisms:
cardioembolic, atherothrombotic or hemodynamic. Although their risk factors may
be common, these processes are clearly different form each other. Therefore
including ischemic brain infarctions all together without attending to their
etiology may produce important methodological biases when interpreting the
results in clinical trials or other studies, and may also be a suitable
explanation for differences between authors.
Превенция на наркомании
TI: Applying multilevel analytic strategies in
adolescent substance use prevention research.
AU: Palmer-RF; Graham-JW; White-EL; Hansen-WB
SO: Prev-Med. 1998 May-Jun; 27(3): 328-36
AB: BACKGROUND: School-based drug prevention
programs have been criticized on methodologic grounds because the unit of
analysis is often not the unit of randomization, thus increasing the likelihood
of Type I errors. Application of multilevel analytic strategies appropriately
corrects this biasing tendency. This study demonstrates the practical use of
such analysis. METHODS: Data from 2,370 seventh-grade students participating in
a substance use prevention trial were analyzed using a multilevel strategy. We
examined the effectiveness of a social pressure resistance training and a
normative education (NORM) intervention against an information-only control
group. RESULTS: The NORM condition revealed 1-year program effects for
cigarette and marijuana use with individuals as the unit of analysis and only
marginal effects with classroom as the unit of analysis. No program effects
were found using school as the analysis unit. A multilevel strategy revealed
program effects for cigarettes and marijuana with both class and school as
grouping levels. The effect for alcohol use was significant at the 2-year
follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions establishing conservative drug use norms
in classrooms may be an effective strategy in reducing substance use onset
among adolescents. Utilization of appropriate analytic strategies is important
in the analysis and interpretation of data containing nested structures.
TI: Adolescent school failure: failure to thrive
in adolescence.
AU: Reiff-MI
SO: Pediatr-Rev. 1998 Jun; 19(6): 199-207
AB: The role of the primary clinician in dealing
with school failure can be critical by linking the epidemiological with the
clinical and encompassing the pediatric/adolescent life span. It includes
components of social and public health advocacy, preventive medicine,
evaluation, education, treatment, and referral. The most effective
interventions are early and multifaceted. The primary care role includes:
community advocacy; counseling about prenatal drug and alcohol abuse; early
detection and treatment for attentional disorders, underachievement, and
learning disabilities; interviews addressing multiple risk factors, grades,
school attitudes, behavior, and friends; anticipatory guidance; education about
individual learning style and good “learning hygiene”; early referral and
intervention for preadolescent conduct problems and parent-child conflict;
early referrals for family distress; and prevention of substance abuse and
adolescent pregnancy.
TI: HIV infection and high risk behavior among
patients attending an STD referral clinic in Prague, Czech Republic.
AU: Mikl-J; Sudar-Z; Smith-PF; Bruckova-M;
Jedlicka-J; Kastankova-V; Tryzna-R; DeHovitz-J
SO: Sex-Transm-Infect. 1998 Apr; 74(2): 128-30
AB: OBJECTIVE: This survey was conducted to
determine the prevalence of HIV infection and associated risk behaviour in a
high risk population of clients attending an STD clinic in Prague, Czech Republic.
METHODS: Between September 1994 and January 1995, clients entering the Apolinar
STD clinic in Prague, Czech Republic, were enrolled in a blinded, unlinked HIV
antibody seroprevalence study. Non-identifying demographic characteristics, STD
diagnoses, HIV risk exposures, and voluntary HIV testing experience were
extracted from medical charts. RESULTS: Of 1394 patients for whom serum was
available for testing, one was positive for HIV (HIV prevalence 0.07%, 95%
confidence interval (CI) 0.01, 0.41%). This person was one of 28 men having sex
with men (MSWM) (HIV prevalence among MSWM 3.6%, 95% CI 0.6, 17.7%). Among the
775 male clients, 75.5% had heterosexual unprotected sex, 11.1% had sex with
high risk partners or prostitutes, 3.6% were MSWM, 1.0% were injecting drug
users (IDUs), 0.7% were both MSWM and IDUs, and 6.8% and 1.8% had other or no
recognized risk for HIV/STDs, respectively. Among the 619 female clients, 74.5%
had heterosexual unprotected sex, 11.6% were prostitutes, 7.8% had sex with
high risk partners, 1.1% were IDUs, and 3.9% and 2.3% had other or no
recognised risk, respectively. The 304 adolescent patients (age 11-19 years)
differed significantly (p < 0.05) in risk behaviour and STD diagnoses from
the 1090 patients who were 20 years and older. Adolescents were significantly
more likely to be female (58.6% v 40.5%, OR = 2.1), IDUs (3.6% v 0.4%, OR =
10.2), prostitutes (8.9% v 4.7%, OR = 2.0), and have sex partners with STDs
(7.6% v 4.4%, OR = 1.8). The adolescent patients were also significantly more
likely to be diagnosed with gonorrhoea (21.1% v 12.3%, OR = 1.9) and
non-gonococcal urethritis (27.6% v 17.2%, OR = 1.8), and significantly less
likely to have been tested previously for HIV (19.1% v 31.9%, OR = 0.5).
CONCLUSIONS: HIV infection is currently uncommon in this population. However,
the high rates of unprotected sex, prostitution, injecting drug use, and STDs,
especially among adolescents, provide the basis for an epidemic in this
population. Aggressive prevention education should be started before
TI: Being real and being realistic: chemical abuse
prevention, teen counselors, and an ethic of care.
AU: Dorsch-NG
SO: J-Drug-Educ. 1997; 27(4): 335-48
AB: Despite the national goal of “drug-free”
schools, recent data suggest that chemical abuse among school-aged children
remains a concern. This qualitative case study presents a “unique case” within
one school’s substance abuse prevention program. In this program, pioneered in
1973, pairs of teen counselors “adopt” a middle school classroom and make
regularly scheduled visits to conduct chemical abuse prevention sessions. Two
of the teen counselors were perceived by both themselves and the faculty
advisor as unlike other teen counselors. This study explores themes surrounding
how they viewed their mission and carried it out. Two themes emerged as
significant. These particular teen counselors saw both their role and their
mission as being “real” and being “realistic.” This perspective represents a
concrete expression of the ethic of care described by Nel Noddings. It is a
perspective which should be considered in developing teen counselor programs or
any chemical abuse prevention program.
TI: Risk and protective factors as predictors of
adolescent alcohol involvement and transitions in alcohol use: a prospective
AU: Scheier-LM; Botvin-GJ; Baker-E
SO: J-Stud-Alcohol. 1997 Nov; 58(6): 652-67
AB: OBJECTIVE: Determinants of initial alcohol use may
differ from predictors of accelerated or problematic consumption. Social
influences may be strong predictors of initial drinking; however, later stages
of problem drinking may be linked developmentally to intrapersonal deficits.
This study prospectively examined the influence of chronic and changing risk
and protective status in predicting adolescent alcohol involvement and
transitions in alcohol use. METHOD: Data were obtained from a three-wave cohort
(N = 823) of 8th-10th grade nonintervention students participating in a
school-based drug abuse prevention trial. Cognitive, attitudinal and social
influence measures were dichotomized using empirical cut-offs to designate risk
or protective status. Using a conceptually based assignment scheme, additive risk
indices were created assessing chronic (averaging across time) and changing
features of competence, psychological and interpersonal functioning,
cognitive-affective and social influences. Three chronic and change protective
indices were created tapping competence, psychological, and interpersonal
functioning. RESULTS: Controlling for initial drinking and gender, chronic risk
for social influence and psychological functioning and increased risk for
social influences and competency predicted subsequent drinking behavior.
Chronic psychological protection attenuated subsequent drinking. Using
categorical measures of drinking behavior to designate nonuse, experimental or
moderate-heavy use, chronic social influence and competency risk were
associated with an increased likelihood of accelerated drinking, whereas
improved psychological functioning diminished the likelihood of increased
drinking behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Findings underscore the need for implementing
prevention strategies that reinforce developmentally appropriate skills and
enhance personal competence and psychological functioning as effective barriers
against initial and more problematic alcohol use. The unique contribution of
protective forces also underscores that risk reduction and protection enhancement
are complementary processes and are both required to offset social influences
for alcohol consumption.
TI: One year outcome evaluation of an alcohol and
drug abuse prevention program in a Quebec high school.
AU: Ross-C; Richard-L; Potvin-L
SO: Can-J-Public-Health. 1998 May-Jun; 89(3):
AB: This article presents the results of a one-year
outcome evaluation of a school-based alcohol- and drug-abuse prevention program
targeting adolescents in Quebec. This evaluation concerns the school component
of the program and includes the first seven classroom interventions. The design
is a pre- and post-intervention assessment of both the experimental (n = 145
students) and the control school (n = 179 students). Results obtained do not
reveal any significant effect of the program on knowledge and beliefs regarding
the use of alcohol and drugs, or any modification in self-efficacy with respect
to decision making and ability to resist external pressure concerning the
decision to use marijuana/hashish. The results do show, however, a decrease
among the exposed students in self-efficacy within the context of alcohol use.
Such a result may be a consequence of the program’s capacity to raise the
students’ level of awareness of their susceptibility to social influences. It
is plausible that in order to have positive effects, classroom interventions
such as the present one need to be supplemented by additional activities
targeting youths’ environment.
TI: Background to crack cocaine addiction and HIV
high-risk behavior: the next epidemic.
AU: Word-CO; Bowser-B
SO: Am-J-Drug-Alcohol-Abuse. 1997 Feb; 23(1): 67-77
AB: BACKGROUND: Increasing rates of sexually
transmitted diseases among users of noninjection drugs prompt speculation that
crack cocaine users who do not inject are at particularly high risk of HIV
(human immunodeficiency virus) infection. METHODS: A street recruitment
technique was employed to enroll 331 primarily African-American men aged 18-29
in an area of San Francisco where crack cocaine is sold openly. One-half were
regular crack users and the other half had never used the drug. Few reported
injection drug use or male-to-male sex. In a face-to-face interview,
participants reported on their drug use, knowledge of HIV, sexual practice,
condom use, and demographic characteristics. Following counseling, each was
tested for HIV and syphilis. RESULTS: Comparisons showed that demographically
similar, crack users reported more sexual partners in the last 12 months, more
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in their lifetime, and greater frequencies
of paying for sex, exchanging sex for drugs, and having sex with injection drug
users. Users reported greater current depression, anxiety, and social
isolation. They reported earlier initiation into alcohol use and less positive
parenting experiences during their adolescence. CONCLUSION: These results are
consistent with findings that report the comorbidity of drug abuse and mental
illness. Implications are drawn for reducing HIV infection among this high-risk
population for early adolescent, community mental health, and substance abuse
treatment programs.
AU: Laviola G,
Adriani W, Terranova ML, Gerra G
AD: Section of
Behavioural Pathophysiology, Labor. F.O.S., Istituto Superiore di Sanit_a, Rome,
Italy. laviola@iss.it
TI: Psychobiological
risk factors for vulnerability to psychostimulants in human adolescents and
animal models.
SO: Neurosci Biobehav
Rev. 1999 Nov. 23(7). P 993-1010.
AB: Adolescence is
associated with an increased risk of developing drug abuse/dependence. During
this ontogenetic phase, brain and hormonal systems are still undergoing crucial
maturational rearrangements, which take place together with significant
modifications in psychosocial development. However, the neurohormonal and
behavioral facets of adolescence have been poorly investigated in relation to
the vulnerability to psychostimulants such as MDMA (“Ecstasy”) and amphetamine
(AMPH). Novelty-seeking, a temperamental/behavioral trait that is typical of
this age period, might substantially contribute to both psychological and
psychobiological vulnerability. In humans, an elevated score of
novelty-sensation seeking and a derangement of monoaminergic function were both
associated with late adolescence MDMA users compared to controls. In animal
models of periadolescence, the search for novel stimuli and sensations actually
shares a common neurobiological substrate (the reward-related brain mesolimbic
pathways) with psychostimulants. The present review summarises recent work in
mice, which indicates that periadolescent subjects are characterized by an
unbalanced and “extremes-oriented” behavior and by elevated novelty-seeking
compared to adults. Repeated and intermittent administration of cocaine or AMPH
was associated with the development of a prominent locomotor sensitization in
periadolescents, which failed to exhibit the marked sensitization of the
stereotyped behavioral syndrome—possibly associated with poor welfare—that was
typical of adults. A unique profile of integrated behavioral and physiological
hyporesponsivity to both forced novelty and acute AMPH administration during
periadolescence was also found. As a whole, these results, together with
previous work on this topic, suggest that periadolescents may be more “protected”
from AMPH-related aversive properties, and perhaps more vulnerable to the
experience of internal states of reward, than older animals. Thus, the present
animal model of adolescence seems to represent a reliable and useful method for
the investigation of vulnerability to a variety of habit-forming agents or
emotional experiences whose positive reinforcing properties may rely on common
neurobiological substrates. A deeper understanding of psychostimulant effects
during adolescence on the complex interaction between genetic, neurobiologic,
psychosocial, and environmental factors will lead to earlier and more effective
prevention and treatment.
AU: Barrett ME, de
Palo MP
AD: Department of
Social Work and Psychology, National University of Singapore, Republic of
TI: Community-based
intervention to reduce demand for drugs in Northern Thai tribal villages.
SO: Subst Use Misuse.
1999 Nov. 34(13). P 1837-79.
MH: Developing
Countries:*. Health Education:*. Heroin Depen-dence:PC/*RH. Opioid-Related
Disorders:PC/*RH. Opium:*. Rural Population:*. Community Mental Health
Services. Drug and Narcotic Control. Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice. Medicine,
Traditional. Thailand. Check Tags: Human.
AB: This is an evaluation study of a community-based
intervention model used in a project designed to reduce the demand for and use
of opium, heroin, and other drugs among 85 tribal villages located in Northern
Thailand. The Integrated Drug Abuse Prevention (IDAP) Project was conducted
from 1995 to 1997 and used a community-based approach which included innovative
methods such as multimedia awareness raising campaigns, networking between
villages and local government agencies, and village-based drug detoxification
and treatment to assist villages in solving their drug problems. The
intervention model was successfully implemented in most villages and
demonstrated very good results in improving awareness, decreasing the number of
active drug users living in the villages, and preventing new cases of
addiction. However, a follow-up study at 6 months after project termination
indicated problems with sustainability of demand reduction activities and
outcomes. These problems were attributed in part to a lack of empowerment among
village leaders to continue activities without assistance from project staff.
Also, village leaders expressed problems in resisting drug dealers who returned
to the area, which suggested that support from law enforcement is critical to
the viability of drug demand reduction programs.
AU: Barnard-Thompson
K, Leichner P
AD: Kingston
Psychiatric Hospital, Ontario.
TI: Psychiatric
residents’ views on their training and experience regarding issues related to
child abuse.
SO: Can J Psychiatry. 1999 Oct. 44(8). P
MH: Attitude of Health Personnel:*. Child
Abuse:*PX/SN. Child Abuse, Sexual:*PX/SN. Internship and Residency:*.
Psychiatry:*ED. Adult. Awareness. Child. Hamsters. Middle Age. Risk Factors.
Check Tags: Animal.. Female.. Human..
AB: OBJECTIVE: To explore the views of psychiatric residents
regarding the prevalence and impact of child physical, sexual, and emotional
abuse; the adequacy of their training in these areas; and the sufficiency of
treatment resources for abused children and their abusers. METHOD: A 97-item
survey questionnaire was distributed to 189 psychiatric residents as a section
of the 1997 Coordinators of Postgraduate Education (COPE) self-assessment
examination. RESULTS: Estimations of prevalence of child sexual, physical, and
emotional abuse among men and women in both general and psychiatric populations
were generally accurate according to the literature. Residents appeared to be
aware of the multifactorial nature of child abuse and identified the particular
importance of social-environmental factors such as parental drug abuse and a
violent social environment. Residents also recognized the significant
association of posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder,
and dissociative disorders with child sexual abuse. Seventy-five percent of
respondents felt that instruction on the topic of child abuse during their
psychiatric residency was insufficient. Sixty-four percent of respondents felt
that resources for the treatment of effects of child abuse were insufficient;
83% felt that treatment resources for child abusers were insufficient.
CONCLUSION: Although psychiatric residents appear to be aware of the prevalence
of child abuse and its varied effects on the victims’ mental health, the
majority felt that their medical training in this area had been insufficient.
For this reason, medical school curricula and training experiences might
require reevaluation. Increasing the profile of child abuse and its impact on
mental health might also result in enhanced prevention programs and treatment
resources available to abused children and their abusers.
** Full
text is available **
AU: Obot IS, Anthony JC
AD: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
21205, USA.
TI: Association of school dropout with
recent and past injecting drug use among African American adults.
SO: Addict Behav. 1999 Sep-Oct. 24(5). P
MH: Blacks:*PX. Student Dropouts:*.
Substance Abuse, Intravenous:*
PX. Adolescence. Adult. Cross-Sectional Studies.
Retrospective Studies. Time Factors.
Check Tags: Female..
Human.. Male.. Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: We hypothesized that, among African American adults,
starting and maintaining injecting drug use (IDU) would be associated with
dropping out of high school, and that starting and stopping IDU would be
associated with earning the general equivalency diploma (GED) after school
dropout. Drawn from the 1991-1993 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse
(NHSDA), the nationally representative sample of African Americans consisted of
117 recent and 109 past IDUs. Conditional multiple logistic regression was used
to estimate the hypothesized associations. African American high school
dropouts and GED holders were 2-3 times more likely to have started and
maintained IDU, as compared to high school graduates. Earning the GED was
associated with starting and then stopping IDU. These findings merit further
investigation because they might have significant public health implications
for the prevention of IDU among African Americans.
AU: Lynam DR, Milich
R, Zimmerman R, Novak SP, Logan TK, Martin C, Leukefeld C, Clayton R
AD: Department of
Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506, USA. DLYNA1@POP.UKY.EDU
TI: Project DARE: no
effects at 10-year follow-up.
SO: J Consult Clin
Psychol. 1999 Aug. 67(4). P 590-3.
MH: Alcohol
Drinking:*PC. Health Education:*. Smoking:*PC. Substance-Related Disorders:*PC.
Adolescence. Adult. Child. Curriculum. Follow-Up Studies. Treatment Outcome. Check
Tags: Female.. Human.. Male..
Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: The present study
examined the impact of Project DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), a
widespread drug-prevention program, 10 years after administration. A total of
1,002 individuals who in 6th grade had either received DARE or a standard
drug-education curriculum, were reevaluated at age 20. Few differences were
found between the 2 groups in terms of actual drug use, drug attitudes, or
self-esteem, and in no case did the DARE group have a more successful outcome
than the comparison group. Possible reasons why DARE remains so popular,
despite the lack of documented efficacy, are offered.
AU: Baldwin JA,
Trotter RT 2nd, Martinez D, Stevens SJ, John D, Brems C
AD: Flagstaff Multicultural
AIDS Prevention Project, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86011, USA.
TI: HIV/AIDS risks
among Native American drug users: key findings from focus group interviews and
implications for intervention strategies.
SO: AIDS Educ Prev.
1999 Aug. 11(4). P 279-92.
MH: Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome:*PC. Health Education:*. HIV Infections:*PC. Indians,
North American:*. Substance-Related Disorders:*CO. Adult. Alaska. Alcohol
Drinking:PC. Arizona. Colorado. Education. Focus Groups. Risk Factors. Sex
Behavior. Check Tags: Comparative Study..
Female.. Human.. Male..
Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: A multisite study
funded through the National Institute on DrugAbuse and the Office of Research
on Minority Health was conducted in 1996 to determine the HIV/AIDS prevention
needs of Native American out-of-treatment drug users. In an effort to recommend
directions for HIV/AIDS prevention programming, one component of this study
entailed conducting a series of focus groups at each of four sites: Anchorage,
Alaska; Denver, Colorado; Flagstaff, Arizona; and Tucson, Arizona. While some
site differences were noted, several consistent thematic findings were revealed
across all locations. Specifically, focus group members strongly recommended
directly involving key members of the Native American community in conducting
outreach and intervention activities, involving Native people as the sources of
information, and utilizing local and tribally relevant forms of delivering the
message. Other consistent themes included getting messages to smaller
communities to prevent the potential “annihilation” of tribes, educating youth,
and linking alcohol prevention education to HIV/AIDS education. Findings from
this study support the idea that future HIV/AIDS prevention programs must take
into account subgroup and individual level differences among Native American
drug users.
AU: D’Aunno T, Vaughn
TE, McElroy P
AD: University of
Chicago, USA. tdaunno@midway.uchicago.edu
TI: An institutional
analysis of HIV prevention efforts by the nation’s outpatient drug abuse
treatment units.
SO: J Health Soc
Behav. 1999 Jun. 40(2). P 175-92.
Infections:*PC. Substance Abuse Treatment Centers:*. Substance Abuse,
Intravenous:*RH. Cross-Sectional Studies. Likelihood Functions. Linear Models.
Organizational Policy. United States. Check Tags: Human.. Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: Drawing from an institutional-theory perspective on
innovations in organizations, this paper examines the use of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) prevention practices by the nation’s outpatient substance abuse
treatment units during a critical period from 1988 to 1995. An institutional
perspective argues that organizations adopt new practices not only for
technical reasons, but also because external actors actively promote or model
the use of particular practices. We examine the extent to which treatment units
use several practices to prevent HIV infection among their clients and among
drug-users not in treatment. Results from random-effects regression analyses of
national survey data show that treatment units significantly increased their
use of HIV prevention practices from 1988 to 1995. Further, the results show
that treatment units’ use of prevention practices was related to clients’ risk
for HIV infection, unit resources available to support these practices, and
organizational support for the practices. Implications are discussed for an
institutional view of organizational innovation as well as for research on HIV
AU: Obot IS, Hubbard
S, Anthony JC
AD: Department of
Mental Hygiene, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.
TI: Level of
education and injecting drug use among African Americans.
SO: Drug Alcohol Depend.
1999 Jun 1. 55(1-2). P 177-82.
MH: Blacks:*PX.
Substance Abuse, Intravenous:*DI/EP. Adolescence. Adult. Cross-Sectional
Studies. Educational Status. Hispanic Americans:PX. Student Dropouts:PX. United
States:EP. Check Tags: Female.. Human.. Male..
Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: Drawing upon a
nationally representative survey sample of African American (AA) drug injectors
and non-injectors, this study tests for a suspected causal association between
dropping out of school and the occurrence of injecting drug use (IDU), which
remains a major cause of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission in
this population. The data are from public use files of the National Household
Surveys on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) conducted between 1991 and 1995. From within the
NHSDA’s nationally representative sample of adult household residents, a total
of 389 AA adults with a history of IDU were matched on neighborhood of
residence with 2253 AA adults with no history of IDU. The conditional form of
multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the relative risk of having
injected a drug for school dropouts relative to a reference category of AA who
received the high school diploma but did not go to college. AAs who dropped out
of high school were an estimated two times more likely to have injected drugs.
With statistical adjustment for age, sex, and Hispanic background, the
estimated association was 1.9 (95% confidence interval (C.I.) = 1.3-2.6,
P<0.001). Contrary to our advance hypothesis, earning the graduate equivalency
certificate (GED) did not seem to affect the magnitude of excess risk for
having started IDU (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.3, 95% C.I. = 1.4-3.8,
P<0.001). Hence, school dropout prevention might reduce the risk of IDU per
se, in addition to the many other general benefits of educational attainment.
The issue of GED-associated reduced risk of IDU remains open for future study.
AU: Delva J, Kameoka
AD: School of Social
Work, Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306-2570, USA.
TI: Risk for alcohol
and drug abuse among ethnically diverse female recipients of public assistance.
SO: Ethn Dis. 1999
Spring-Summer. 9(2). P 237-45.
MH: Public
Assistance:*. Substance-Related Disorders:*EH. Adult. Alcoholism:EH. Chi-Square
Distribution. Cross-Sectional Studies. Hawaii:EP. Logistic Models. Mental
Disorders:EH. Pilot Projects. Prevalence. Psychometrics. Questionnaires. Risk
Factors. Social Support. Check Tags: Female..
Human.. Support, U.S. Gov’t,
present pilot study was conducted to examine the importance of hypothesized
psychosocial risk factors in explaining substance abuse among female welfare
recipients. DESIGN: The study consisted of a cross-sectional design where
participants completed a self-report questionnaire consisting of
psychometrically appropriate measures.
PARTICIPANTS: The sample consisted of an ethnically
diverse group of 150 adult female recipients of public assistance. The average
age of participants was 33 years. Overall, participants were Hawaiian/Part-Hawaiian
or Caucasian, unmarried mothers with one or two children, unemployed with an
annual family income of less than $5000. RESULTS: Increased alcohol and other
drug (AOD) use and related problems were associated significantly with five
predictors: mental health problems, aggressiveness, history of AOD problems in
family, family cohesion, and lack of social support. CONCLUSIONS: The findings
of this study generated a greater understanding of factors associated with
increased AOD use and related problems that may be used to assist in the
prevention and treatment of substance abuse problems among women living in
TI: Public opinion on psychotropic drugs: an
analysis of the factors influencing acceptance or rejection.
AU: Benkert-O;
Graf-Morgenstern-M; Hillert-A; Sandmann-J; Ehmig-SC; Weissbecker-H;
Kepplinger-HM; Sobota-K
SO: J-Nerv-Ment-Dis.
1997 Mar; 185(3): 151-8
Widespread negative attitudes and
irrational beliefs about psychotropic drugs held by the public affect patients’
treatment compliance. This study was an attempt to identify factors influencing
people’s acceptance or rejection of psychotropic drugs. An opinion poll was
taken by a representative group of 2,176 adults in Germany. In addition to
their attitudes toward psychotropic and cardiac drugs and their ratings of
perceived risks and benefits, they were also asked about their drug knowledge,
their fear of losing self-control, and their fundamental political values. Our
results show that even for the treatment of severe mental disease, psychotropic
drugs generally are not well accepted compared to cardiac drugs. Psychotropic
drugs are believed to cause significantly more severe side effects and provoke
more fear of losing control compared with cardiac drugs. Knowledge about
psychotropic drugs and experiences with patients suffering from mental
disorders are rather limited. Therefore, other sources of information such as
negatively tainted reports in the mass media have a significant impact on
opinions about psychotropic drugs. Unexpectedly, negative media reports are
even more important for the discrimination of distinct subtypes like
“acceptors” and “rejecters” of psychotropic drugs than fundamental value
orientation. It is recommended that educational and information measures must
be enacted to achieve balanced presentation of psychotropic drugs, their
effects, and their side effects in the mass media. Improved communication and
linguistic elements used in psychotherapeutic settings should be integrated
into biological psychiatry to improve understanding of the concepts of mental
diseases and their treatment.
Проекти в ход / Project status reports (Rouse &
Giurgiu Initiative
на децата - светлината на света
д-р Бисерка Машкова
Състоянието на детското здравеопазване е плачевно. Около
1/3 от децата не знаят за очното си страдание. Голяма част от тях имат
оплаквания, но досега не са преглеждани. Малка част са тези, които не носят
корекцията си.
Целта на проекта е да се диагностицират очните аномалии
при децата и да се предпишат съответните корекции.
Зрението се изследва на авторефрактометър, след което се
допълва с класическия очен преглед в лекарските офталмологични кабинети на
“Интер Оптик” в Русе и Бургас. Прегледите на деца от 7 до 14 годишна възраст са
безплатни и се извършват по предварително съгласуван график с ръководствата на
училищата.. На децата, които се нуждаят от корекция, се изписват очила.
Поръчките се извършват по преценка на родителите. Всяко прегледано дете получава
компютърна разпечатка за извършеното изследване с отразени резултати от
прегледа, която се прилага в здравния картон и служи като документ за
състоянието на зрението му. По нея след време винаги може да се прецени за
настъпващите промени.
Социално слабите деца се определят от преподавателите и
от социални работници. Рамките за очилата им се отделят в момента. Ако има
стъкла в наличност, се изработват за един ден. Ако стъклата са поръчкови, се
чака до получаването им - от една до четири седмици.
До момента в Бургас са прегледани около 1300 деца от две
училища, както и част от децата в Дома за сираци - 39 /кръглите сираци, които
през ваканцията са в дома/. В Русе са прегледани 60 деца от дома за сираци “Р.
Гатева”. Изработени са 28 корекционни очила. Предплатени са стъклата за още 11
очила. В Бургас чакат за изработка още 18 поръчки - отделени са 7 рамки - чакат
стъкла. В Русе чакат за изработка 19 поръчки - 11 от тях са с рамки; всички
чакат стъкла.
Общо са прегледани около 1400 деца.
Предстоят прегледи на децата от Дом за сираци “Св. Димитър Бесарбовски” - Русе.
В Бургас трябва да се прегледат оставащите 100 деца от дома.
Приоритет при следващите прегледи ще имат
домовете за сираци. През м. май в Русе ще бъдат прегледани децата от две
Проектът е разширен: обхваща студентите от
ВТУ - Русе. Осъществяват се прегледи на всички нуждаещи се всяка първа и трета
събота от месеца. Досега не са изработвани безплатни очила - предлагат се на
цени на едро, без заплащане на труда в “Интер Оптик” - Русе.
За извършената дейност имаме благодарствено
писмо от едното от училищата в Бургас. Това намери отражение и в страниците за
Бургас на в-к “24 часа”. Имаме готовност за отразяване на дейността в местната
преса в Русе.
Помощ при изработването на очилата оказаха
г-жа Мери Петкова и г-жа Светлана Хаджиева. С лични средства са изработени чила
на 16 социално слаби деца. Водят се преговори с две фирми за доставка на рамки
на преференциални цени.
за активна арт-терапия с пациенти на Диспансер за психично болни - гр. Русе
г-жа Лилия Иванова
Информирана беше директорката на диспансера
за проекта. Тя предложи помещение, което беше оборудвано като художествено
ателие. Консултирах се с художник какво би било най-необходимо за обзавеждането
му. Осигурени са необходимите материали.
показаха интерест към проекта. Те прекарват голяма част от времето си в
ателието, и по-добре сътрудничат при лечението си.
програма за стационарните пациенти на Диспансер за психично болни - гр. Русе
г-жа Лилия Иванова
Проектът бе обсъден с директора на
диспансера, завеждащите отделения и
председателя на ТЕЛК. С тяхно участие беше редактиран текста на брошурите.
Засега са издадени три:
1. Информация за клиентите на отделението и
близките им /за дневния стационар/.
2. Информация за реда на определяне
наличието и степента на трайна нетрудоспособност от психиатрична ТЕЛК.
3. Информация за близките на психиатрични
пациенти, които отказват необходимото им лечение.
за запознаване на сътрудниците от “Телефон на доверието” със съвременни
психотерапевтични и консултативни методи
г-н Рашо Раднев
е подготвителната дейност по проекта:
изготвена и план-програма за обучение на телефонните сътрудници
осигурени са /вкл. превод от английски/ обучителни материали за сътрудниците на
“Телефон на доверието”;
петимата новоприети сътрудници са запознати с “Етичната харта”, принципите и
общите методи за работа в Службите за телефонна психотерапия;
подготвен е еднодневен семинар /планиран за 05.04.2000 г./ с всички телефонни
сътрудници по проблема за психологична първа помощ и по метода “Фокусирана към
решенията кратка терапия”.
са лектори, зала, материални средства и пособия.
Оказана беше помощ от ИК на БЧК - обучителни
материали, лекции, от РК на БЧК - Русе - помещение за семинарите,
видеомагнетофон, монитор, аспектомат и проектор, активист на БЧК - безплатен
превод от английски.
Проектът е с продължителност 6 месеца и
реалното обучение едва сега започва. На този етап е събуден интересът на
сътрудниците за повишаване на квалификацията им. Очертава се възможност НК на
БЧК да организира обучение на част от телефонните сътрудници, включително с
лектори от чужбина, с което ще се подпомогне изпълнението на целите на програмата.
На семинара в София ще участват 40% от сътрудниците.
програма за безнадзорните деца посещаващи приюта на БЧК - Русе
г-н Рашо Раднев
Изготвена е програма за здравното образование
и изграждането на здравно-хигиенни навици у безнадзорни деца. Извършено е
проучване и е направен анализ на здравословното състояние на преминалите през
приюта 309 деца, като информацията е предо-ставена на ХЕИ - Русе. Формиран е
екип за осъществяване на проекта. Съвместно с отдел “Профилактика и промоция на
здравето” при ХЕИ - Русе са определени обемът и начините за здравно образование
и възпитание на безнадзорните деца, уточнено е сътрудничеството по време на
изпълнение на проекта. На 22.03.2000 г. е проведен еднодневен семинар за
обучение на персонала на приюта и доброволци /19 души/ - “Санитарно-хигиенни
грижи и здравно образование на безнадзорните деца в Русе”.
За един месец са обхванати в системата на
здравното обучение и са получили медицински и хигиенни грижи 22 деца.
Експериментирани са форми и методи на здравно-възпитателна работа от екипа
съобразно възрастта, образованието и времето за престой на децата в приюта.
Популяризиран е проектът и спонсорите -
фондация “Отворено общество” и медицинска фондация “Драйфус” в пресата - в-к
“Утро” от 21.03. и 23.03.2000 г. Осъществени са контакти с Детска педагогическа
стая и е осигурено съдействие за насочване на безнадзорни деца към приюта.
ХЕИ - Русе предостави печатни и нагледни
материали, видеофилми, РК на БЧК - зала за семинара и транспорт.
Формиран е и е обучен екип от щатни
служители и доброволци за работа с безнадзорните деца във връзка със здравното
им образование. В обучителната програма са обхванати 22 безнадзорни деца.
за обучение на общи хирурзи в техниките на ендоскопската хирургия
д-р Силви Йорданов
Основната цел на програмата е да се създаде
и поддържа Уеб сайт с оперативно ръководство и атлас за различните ендоскопски оперативни
техники, който да подпомогне обучението на ендоскопски хирурзи. До момента
разполагаме с видеоматериал от над 100 собствени ендоскопски операции,
осъществени в хирургична клиника “Медикус” - гр. Русе. Създаден е Уеб сайт,
който е с интернет адрес: http://www.endosurgery.dir.bg/ и
е включен във всички български портални сайтове за търсене в сектор
“Здравеопазване”. Изготвени са и са публикувани заглавната страница и общия дял
от оперативното ръководство. В момента се пишат страниците с различните
оперативни техники.
Осигурени са компютърни компоненти за
обработка на видео-материалите и устройство за тяхното архивиране на компактни
дискове, което улеснява използването и публикуването им в Интернет.
Оказана помощ от ХК “Медикус” с
предоставената операционна база, архив, локална компютърна мрежа и Интернет
Изработено е част от съдържанието на Уеб
сайта и е публикувано в HTML формат. Работи се върху специализираните секции.
Считаме, че поради силно ограничените
възможности за обучение в ендоскопската хирургия и липсата на оперативни
ръководства на български език, материалите, публикувани в Уеб сайта ще са от
полза за начинаещи ендоскопски хирурзи от цялата страна.
за обучение на болни с хронична бъбречна недостатъчност за необходимия им
диетичен режим и начин на живот
д-р Лъчезар Арабаджиев
Проблемът, към който е насочен проектът, е
неинформираността на пациентите с хронична бъбречна недостатъчност /ХБН/ от гр.
Русе по отношение на диетичния режим и начин на живот, оптимални за тяхното
здравно състояние.
Спазването на този режим може да доведе до
отлагането на хемодиализното лечение с 10 години. Цената на една хемодиализна
процедура е около 150-200 щ.д.
Извършените до момента дейности включват
Осъществи се отпечатването на брошура с
информация за необходимите хвани, белтъчното им съдържание и принципите на
организация на диетичното хранене. Разлепиха се съобщения за организираните
срещи. Потърсени бяха и лични контакти с някои болни за популяризиране на
Проведоха се два срещи с целеви групи от по
20 пациенти. Там им беше разяснено как на практика се изработва диетата,
използвайки информацията от предоставената им брошура. Отговорено беше и на зададени
въпроси. Датите на срещите бяха съответно 21.03. 4 01.04. 2000 г. Интересът
беше голям и сега продължават запитвания за нови дати за семинари.
Оказана беше помощ от диетолог за
изработване на брошурата. Безплатен контрол на нивото на урея за тези 40 болни.
Поради технологичното време от 1 м. след
обучението за осъществяване на лабораторен контрол, такъв не е осъществен, но е
обещан /вж. горе/.
Считам, че проектът има добро начало.
Основният проблем, който очаквам, е с
безплатния лабораторен контрол след 1.07.2000 г., когато влиза в сила новата
здравно-осигурителна система. Тогава ще е необходимо заплащане на тези
от пълноценно обучение на болните от бронхиална астма с цел подобряване
качеството на живот и контрол на симптомите на симптомите на болестта
д-р Йорданка Дачева
1. Осигурено помещение.
2. Частично оборудване на кабинета за
индивидуална и колективна работа с пациентите.
3. Осигурена зала с аудио-визуално
оборудване за сбирки по предварителен график /подпомогнато от УМСА - Русе/.
4. Набрани групи пациенти, селекционирани
по тежест на оплакванията и стартиране на работата с тях.
5. Извършено закупуване на необходимите
технически пособия - от Glaxo - Welcome.
6. Осигурена компютърна конфигурация за
безвъзмездно ползване - от Glaxo - Welcome.
7. Закупени канцеларски материали.
8. Закупена специализирана тематична
литература по проекта.
9. Осигурена общообразователна литература
по темата за пациентите /брошури, листовки/.
10. В подготовка - изготвяне на анкетни
карти за пациентите с цел проследяване на тежестта на пристъпите и ефект от
индивидуалната работа с тях.
Оказана помощ от Glaxo - Welcome, УМСА -
Русе, сдружение “Бял дроб” - Русе.
Междинна оценка на резултатите до момента
показва, че дейностите са вместени в указаните в проекта срокове. Дейността ни
среща добър отзвук сред пациентите.
Поради спецификата и мащабността на проекта
периодът е недостатъчен за окончателна оценка на ефективността му.
за оценка на нуждите от психиатрична помощ за децата, обхванати от ОбКБИПМН -
д-р Людмил Георгиев
Беше уведомено ръководството на ОбКБИПМН -
Русе за проекта. Беше разработена стратегия за изпълнението му. За по-пълно удовлетворяване
на потребностите на децата и техните семейства проектът беше разгледан като
интегрална част от пакет програми, за които беше потърсено финансиране.
Проектът беше консултиран с доц. Надя Полнарева,
ръководител на Консултативна клиника по детска психиатрия към Катедра по
психиатрия на Медицински университет - София. Беше разработено
полуструктурирано интервю за децата и такова за родителите.
Проведоха се пилотни интервюта с цел уточняване на
полуструктурираното интервю.
Въпреки сериозните финансови затруднения
времевият график на проекта не бе нарушен.
от профилактика, ранна диагностика и лечение на остеопорозата при рискови групи
пациентки в работоспособна възраст
д-р Надежда Капанджиева
В групата са включени пациентки, преценени
като рискови от диспансерите на ревматологичен кабинет и гинекологичен кабинет
/ранно хистеректомирани или трайно кортизонирани/.
Проведени са лекционни курсове и раздадени
листовки на пациентките. Курсовете се провеждат ежеседмично с групи по 15
пациентки. Лекции бяха излъчени и по местната телевизия с открита телефонна
Проведени са безплатни гинекологични и
мамографски прегледи на пациентки, които са за хормонално-заместителна терапия.
е финансова помощ на социално слаби пациентки, които се нуждаят, но не могат да
заплатят изследването. Оказана помощ от местни предприятия и еднолични фирми за
закупуване на принтер към остеометъра, заплащане на част от остеометриите и
част от лечението на някои пациентки, работещи в предприятията.
на ранната диагностика на карцином на простатата
д-р Мирела Вълкова
Осигурен кит за PSA. Изготвени са брошури
за пациентите, осведомяващи ги за целта на изследването. С проекта са запознати
уролози и интернисти. Започнало е събирането на серуми за изследване.
обучение на общопрактикуващи лекари в Русенския регион”
д-р Боряна Тодорова
Уточнен е броят на участниците в програмата за обучение.
До момента съгласие за участие са заявили 10 общопрактикуващи лекари, които в момента
работят в I Медицински център.
Постигната е договореност с управителя на I Медицински
център за използване на базата необходима за провеждане на практическото
обучение. Медицински център се ангажира за предостави необхо-димата материална
база и да оказва съдействие при обучението.
Закупени са част от необходимите консумативи и
инструментариум за обучението.
Мероприятията по проекта се провеждат съгласно
предварителния график.
без дрога”
д-р Е. Светославова
Изготви се лекция на тема “Наркомании” с времетраене
тридесет минути и с цел по един научен, но и достъпен и отчасти забавен начин
да се завладее аудиторията. Използуваха се монографии, лекции, съобщения по
темата, разговори с ученици, учители, родители, консултации с психотерапевт.
Лекцията се размножи и се предостави на всички желаещи класни ръководители и
ученици и бе изнесена двукратно в аулата на АРТ.Милев” при много голям интерес.
На нея присъствуваха общо 333 ученици, както и учители и представители на
местните медии, където събитието беше отразено. На всички присъстващи се
раздаде листовка и брошура.
Обявиха се три конкурса по темата:
• Конкурс есе с три награди
Конкурс рисунка с три награди
• Конкурс дебат с три награди
Излъчиха се седемнадесет ученици, желаещи да работят по
проблема. С тях се проведоха две сбирки. При реализирането на проекта активно
участие взема и м. ф-р М.Трайкова от училищната здравна служба.
Работеше се индивидуално с 11 ученици, склонни към
употреба на наркотични вещества. След активно проследяване същите на
празненства и “купони” не са употребявали наркотични вещества. Срещите с тях
за контролиране на кръвно-захарното ниво у деца, болни от захарен диабет
Д-р Лидия Цонева
Проектът стартира през месец февруари 2000 год. Неговата цел
е чрез изследване показателя на гликирания хемоглобин да се установи кои деца
диабетици се нуждаят от по-интензивен контрол над инсулиновото лечение и режима
на хранене. Това от своя страна ще доведе до по-добър метаболитен контрол и
по-малък процент на съдови усложнения.
През месец февруари
се проведе изследване на гликирания хемоглобин у 10 деца - диабетици. Според
получения резултат се подбраха 5 деца - диабетици, чийто резултат сочеше, че в
последните четири месеца не са били добре компенсирани. Те ще бъдат подложени
на по-усилен контрол чрез редовно следене на моментното кръвно-захарно ниво и
хранителния режим. През март 2000 год. проведохме беседа относно правилното
формиране на хранителния режим при диабетно болното дете и беседа относно
влиянието на двигателния режим върху нивото на кръвната гликоза.
Провеждаха се ежеседмично кръвно-захарни и урино-захарни
профили - през 3 часа, а също изследване на кръвната гликоза при всеки будещ
подозрение симптом.
за ранна рехабилитация на деца, прекарали перинатална асфиксия
д-р Даниела Бурмова
Формиран е екип от неонатолог и медицинска
сестра. Подготвен е формуляр с критерии за оценка, на базата на който се
формира наблюдаваната група. Подбрана е и контролна група с пациенти от 1999 г.
До м. април 2000 г. са обработени 4 деца и са включени в наблюдаваната група.
Приложена е ранна кинезитерапия, майките са информирани за проблема. От тях
една пожела да бъде обучена и да продължи в домашни условия приложението на
кинезитерапията. Поради ниската ангажираност от страна на останалите майки ще
се проведе една обща среща, на която по достъпен начин те отново ще бъдат
запознати с възможностите на програмата, в която им предлагаме да се включат.
за ранна диагностика и своевременно лечение на ретинопатията у недоносени деца
от гр. Русе
д-р Нина Гамакова
Програмата се осъществява на база
Неонатологично отделение, ДМД и амбулаторно проследяване на обхванатия за
изследване контингент - недоносени деца с тегло под 1500 гр. и родени преди 30
гестационна седмица. До настоящия момент се осъществи следното:
1. Беше сформиран екип от неонатолог и
2. Регистриран беше и изследван
контингентът, роден от 1 януари до 31 юни 1999 г. като база за сравняване. За
този период 2 от обхванатите общо 14 деца са с доказана ретролентарна
3. Провеждат се събеседвания с родителите с
цел изясняване рисковите усложнения, резултат от тежката степен недоносеност,
както и от инвазивното интензивно, но животоспасяващо тера-певтично поведение.
4. Всяко дете от изследваната група, родено
от 1.07.1999 г. до настоящия момент, е картотекирано с ежемесечно изследван
неврологичен статус, трансфонтанелно ехографски изследване, офталмологичен
Обработените до края на 1999 г. пациенти
нямат очна патология. В ход е обработката на пациентите, родени след 1.01.2000
програма за намаляване риска от мозъчно-съдова болест
д-р Павел Бойчев
По направения проект към дата 31.03.2000 г.
са извършени следните мероприятия:
1. Започна изграждането на база от данни,
като към настоящия момент са осъществени контакти с 168 рискови пациенти.
2. Така набраните пациенти биват
разпределяни в 4 групи, съответно:
а) хипертоници
б) сърдечно-болни с проводни нарушения
в) болни с подходни нарушения на мозъчното
г) такива с наднормено тегло или
На всеки болен се предоставя листовка с
препоръки, касаещи хранителен двигателен режим и насрочени дати, на които ще се
провеждат срещите с целевите групи.
Към настоящия момент работата по проекта се
осъществява в района на Районна болница - Русе. Предвижда се на втория етап от
проекта да се извършват срещите с целеви групи в подходящо за целта помещение.
за обучение на родители за обгрижване на деца с остри заболявания
д-р Татяна Матева - Иванова
- Среща с ръководството на СОУЕЕ “Св. К.К.
Философ” - гр. Русе със задача уведомяване за същността и целта на проекта и
получаване на съгласието му за осъществяването на проекта.
- Осъществи се среща с ръководителя на
“Детски сектор” на I-ва поликлиника.
- Сформира се екип от училищен фелдшер,
училищна сестра и лекар, разпределиха се задачите.
Подготвиха се и се отпечатаха входящите и
изходящите анкети и образователните материали. Започна същинската работа по
проекта - анкетиране на родителите при преглед на детето по повод остро вирусно
заболяване, разпространение на материалите /брошури за грижи за детето, болно
от инфекциозна диария, остра респираторна вирусна инфекция/, провеждане на
провеждане на изходящата анкета при контролния преглед на детето в лекарския
В момента продължава същинската работа по
проекта - анкетиране, разпространение на образователните материали.
Анализът на проведените до момента анкети
показа желанието на родителите да получат повече знания относно обгрижването на
Стартирането на проекта закъсня особено в
етапите, свързани с изработването на анкетите и образователните материали и
отпе-чатването им поради закъснение във финансирането на проекта.
професионална подкрепа за злоупотребяващи с дрога ученици и семействата им
д-р Бойко Иванов
Осъществяването на проекта започна в
предварително начертания срок. Сформираха се работните екипи от медицинските
лица в двете средни училища - “СОУЕЕ
“Св. К.К. Философ” и СУИ “Проф. Веселин Стоянов”. Бяха получени съгласието и
подкрепата на ръководните екипи в двете училища.
Същинската работа по проекта -
изработването на анкети и информационни материали и извършването на анкета на
входа на проекта започна след получаването на целевите средства по
осъществяването на проекта през м. март.
Уточнен е график за консултиране в офиса на
“Общество Х”.
Следва разпространение на информационните
дипляни. Оказана бе помощ от Еко-клуб
от ученици от СОУЕЕ “Св. К.К. Философ”и “Общество Х” - използване на офис за
целите на проекта.
Анализът на анкетите показа предварително
очакваната нагласа - незначителна готовност за търсене на специалист, въпреки
осъзнаването на проблема. По-висока вероятност за консултиране има при безплатен
прием и в условията на частен кабинет.
програма за населението по правните аспекти на здравно-осигурителната система
Румяна Николова
Увеличен бе броят на публикациите по проблема
във в-к “Оферти” от месец януари 2000. Има отклик от страна на читателите.
Публикуваха се интервюта със специалисти по проблемите на здравната реформа.
и терапевтична програма за деца с муковисцедоза
г-жа Петрана Колева
За периода март-април 2000 г. бяха
осигурени лекарствени препарати и диетични храни съобразно нуждите на децата,
боледуващи от муковисцедоза. В качеството си на ръководител на проекта посетих
техните домове, тъй като при стартирането на програмата децата бяха с влошено
здравословно състояние. Бяха раздадени лекарства и диетични храни.
Разпределението се извърши според нуждите на децата.
Д-р Пейчева, завеждаща градски гастроентерологичен
кабинет, обясни на родителите как да използват раздадените лекарствени средства
и диетични храни. Разяснена беше необходимостта от диетично хранене.
На 28 и на 30
март д-р Панайотов проведе разговори с родителите на болните от муковисцедоза
деца. Бяха обсъдени проблеми от психо-социален характер. Внимание беше отделено
на емоционалното състояние на болните с оглед невъзможността да осъществяват
пълноценен контакт със своята естествена среда в детската градина и училището
поради честото боледуване. Проблемът за социалното реализиране на децата е
труден и се обмисля индивидуално за всяко дете съобразно възрастовите
особености, индивидуални наклонности и предпочитания.
Оказана беше помощ от д-р Пламен Панайотов,
д-р Мария Пейчева, Рашо Раднев - психолог.
Реализира се програма, спомагаща за по-доброто
здравословно състояние на болните. Осмисли се ролята на диетичното хранене,
непрекъснатата терапия с поддържащи медикаменти.
на група за самопомощ на болни от остеопороза
г-жа Людия Йочева
На 28 март бе проведена първата сбирка и бе
обявена програмата за действията на групата: срещи със специалисти
(ендокринолог, кинезитерапевт, психотерапевт, диетолог). На 28 март е проведена
и анкета сред участниците на тема: “Какво очаквам от групата и какво аз мога да
помогна на себе си и другите, какви умения притежавам”.
От отговорите на попълнилите анкетата личи,
че те желаят да опознаят изцяло това заболяване, фазите на развитие и тяхното
предотвратяване чрез здравословен начин на живот, да знаят какви са оптималното
за тях физическо натоварване и хранителна диета.
Болните очакват и разбиране от страна на
координатора и помощ при възникване на проблем - здравен, психологичен или
Организирана е среща с ендокринолог - Ани
Киселова с беседа за заболяванията, от които се получава остеопорозата и
начинът за нейното преодоляване в различните й стадии, както и среща с
кинезитерапевт с оглед максималното физическо натоварване и релаксация - д-р
Димитров. Проведена е беседа и с психотерапевт.
се събира 2 месечно – за разходки сред природата, за сутрешна гимнастика в събота или неделя.
Групата обсъди покана от фондация
“Българка” за участие в изложба - базар в НДК - София. Всички са готови да
участват с предмет, изработен от тях. На всички събирания групата получава
почерпка и ползване на Остеовитал, Cа, Mg, Zn.
Засега участниците не ползват
хормонално-заместителна терапия.
Следим нивото на Ca в кръвта. Спазва се
режим на хранене, физическо натоварване, съобразено със стадия на развитие на
д-р Пламен Панайотов
начална работна среща с колеги от ОРБ, ДПБ и ДББ те бяха запознати с проекта и
метода на фокусираната към решенията терапия и консултиране. Уточнихме начините
за взаимодействие и отговорностите при провеждане на дейностите по проекта.
проекта със специалисти в областта на психо-логичното консултиране от
Обществото на краткосрочните терапевти в България, а чрез Интернет – и с
Европейската Асоциация за кратка терапия, Северногерманския институт за кратка
терапия в Бремен и други институции, прилагащи подхода в соматичната медицина..
Набавени са необходимата литература и материали и е изготвена брошура за
запознаване на потенциалните участници в програмата с предлаганите услуги.
се първите интервюта с хронично соматично болни
и семействата им.
се първият семинар със специалисти от други професии за запознаването им с
се първият семинар със сътрудниците на службата за телефонно консултиране на
БЧК – Русе, на който те бяха запознати с метода.
Оказана ни е помощ от:
Ръководството на Диспансер по психични болести - Русе и фирмата Janssen - Cilag
осигуриха мястото за реализиране на сесиите и срещите.
д-р Дачев, д-р Арабаджиев, д-р Вълкова, д-р Лисичков и д-р Пенчева запознават
показаните си соматични пациенти с предложението и ги насочват за консултиране.
ще бъдат съобщени и дискутирани при
приключването на проекта.
diagnosis and correction of ophthalmologic anomalies in school children
(Dr. Bisserka
aims of the project are to carry out eye examinations for children, and upon
finding out any anomalies – to prescribe glasses.
far, 1400 aged 7-14 children from 7 schools in Rouse have been examined, 60 of
whom from an orphanage.
1300 children from Bourgas were examined (INTER – OPTIC, the firm for which the
coordinator works has an office there as well). Of the children examined in
Bourgas, 39 are from an orphanage.
the children with problems were registered for follow-up.
are made to reduce to a minimum the price of glasses for the orphans (sponsors,
volunteer work of doctors and technicians)
for the near future:
examine the children from two other orphanages – 1 in Rouse and 1 in
examine the children (aged 7-14) from two other schools in Rouse;
examine students from the Technical
University in Rouse twice a month;
find opportunities for providing glasses at a discount for all children who
need a pair.
with: school authorities, orphanages, optic firms, the media.
An educational program for psychiatric
patients on their rights and obligations to improve compliance with treatment
(Mrs. Lilia Ivanova
project was discussed with the director, heads of wards and the chairman of the
expert medical committee. They helped with editing the brochures, which are
meant to provide more information for the patients in regard to their rights
and obligations, and on the institutions outside the hospital that are involved
to help them. Three brochures were prepared and distributed on the following
for day-patients and their relatives;
on what steps are taken when a psychiatric patient is to be registered with working
for the relatives of psychiatric patients who do not comply with treatment.
Teaching modern psychotherapeutic and
consulting techniques to Green Phone Line Staff in Rouse
(Mr. Rasho Radnev)
program was designed for the training of the staff. Teaching materials were
provided. The newly appointed 5 staff members were introduced to the ethical
principles they need to abide, and the methods applied in phone psychotherapy.
A one-day workshop was organized with all members of the staff on problems of
psychological first aid and the method of short-term ability-focused therapy.
Trainers, facilities teaching aids were provided.
with the Red Cross in Rouse is of utmost importance.
staff has shown interest in the training program, and considers it useful in
developing their skills. At a later stage, the Bulgarian Red Cross National
Committee will organize a workshop with lecturers from other countries, which
will be attended by 40% of the staff.
A training program for 10 general
surgeons in the techniques of endoscopic surgery to reduce costs of treatment
for surgical diseases
( Dr. Silvi Yordanov)
aim is to create and maintain a WEB -site with a instructions on various endoscopic surgical techniques, and help
with the training process of endoscopic surgeons. So far, over 100 endoscopic
operations performed at the “Medicus” private surgery clinic in Rouse have been
videotaped and put on the INTERNET. The site is: www.endosurgery.dir.bg. It is to be found under “Health” in www.dir.bg.
“Medicus” private surgical clinic provided operationg rooms, files, local
computer facilities and access to internet. Part of the web-site is ready, and
the materials are accessible in HTML format. The preparation of the specialized
pages is in process.
A program for active art-therapy of
patients of the Dispensary for Mental Diseases in Rouse
(Mrs. Lilia
project was presented to the director of the dispensary, who provided a room,
which was furnished as an art studio. Materials were purchased – watercolors,
oil paints, pencils, canvas, ink, paper, rubber, etc.
showed great interest in the project. Now, they spend a lot of time in the
studio, and are more compliant with the therapy prescribed.
Education for patients with chronic
kidney failure on proper diet and healthy life-styles
(Dr. Lachezar Arabadjiev)
dietary regimen could postpone hemodialysis in patients with chronic kidney
failure with up to ten years. That is why the efforts will be oriented to train
patients. The target group will possibly include 150 selected patients. The
effect will be evaluated by measuring the serum level of urea ( reduction desirable
being under 20mmol/l).
far, a brochure has been prepared after consultations with a dietitian,
informing patients about the principles and methods of dietary treatment. Two
workshops have been conducted with two groups of 20 patients each. The first control test to evaluate the
effect of diet on the 40 patients is to be carried after one month.
Education for asthma patients in Rouse
(Dr. Yordanka
room for individual and group work with the patients selected was provided and
furnished. The patients were distributed in groups according to the degree of
severity of the their condition. Brochures
and leaflets were prepared for the patients. Other materials -
questionnaires, charts are being
prepared to enable continuous assessment of the effect on patients’ condition. The activities of the
project team were financially and otherwise supported by: GLAXO-WELLCOME, YMCA
- Rouse and Rouse Lung Association.
project was well received and aroused the interest and compliance of the patients.
Assessment of the needs for psychiatric
help of delinquents registered at the preventive center in Rouse
( Dr. Lyudmil Borisov)
with the staff of the municipal center in Rouse for prevention of delinquent
adolescent behavior, a strategy was built to implement the project within an
integrated packet of programs. The aim
is to meet the needs of both delinquent adolescents and their families of
psychiatric consultations. Semi-structured interview patterns were designed for
children and parents, and pilot interviews were carried out.
with Assoc. Prof. Nadya Polnareva, head
of the pediatric section of Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of
Sofia clinic was of great help.
Teaching hygienic skills to 50 street
children aged 7-14 visiting and living at the Red Cross placement center in
(Mr. Rasho Radnev)
program for health education and teaching hygienic skills in street children
was made with the assistance of the health promotion department. . The local
Hygiene and Epidemiology Station provided analysis of the health status of 309
children who visited the center. A team was built, and activities in
collaboration with the station planned.
The station also provided the printed and visual teaching aids, and the
Red Cross helped with organizing a one-day workshop on health education and
building hygienic skills in street children was organized for the staff of the
center and 19 volunteers.
one month (March), 22 children were trained and educated, the approach
depending on their age, education level and the length of stay at the center.
local media presented the project to the public.
Prevention, early diagnosis and
treatment of osteoporosis in risk patients of active age
Dr. Nadezhda Kapandjieva)
were selected from the files of the consulting rooms of rheumocardiology and
gynecology (early hystectomized or on a long-term corticosteroid therapy).
course of lectures was carried out (once a month with 15 women), and leaflets
distributed. A series of TV talks on the problem was broadcasted on the local
TV center.
patients were provided with medication free of charge. Those on
hormone-replacement therapy underwent a gynecological and mammography.
of a printer for the osteodensitometer, osteometric examinations and part of
the medicines for some of the patients were provided for by their employers.
A screening program for improving rates
of early diagnosis of prostate cancer
( Dr. Mirela Valkova)
for testing prostate-specific antigen levels were provided.
were prepared and distributed, and the target group of patients is being
Organizing a self-support group for
patients with osteoporosis
(Mrs. Liudia
At the first
meeting in March the program of the group was agreed upon, and it also included
regular meetings with specialists: endocrinologist, kinesitherapist,
psychotherapeutist, dietitian. Participants also filled in questionnaires as to
what their expectations are, what they could do for themselves and the otyher
members of the group, and what their capabiliities are.
The analyses
showed that they want to know about the condition, life-style, diet and
exercise. They rely upon understanding and support from the project coordiantor
when they need to solve a health, psychological or professional problem.
Meetings were
organised with an endocrinologist (Dr. A. Kisselova), a kinesitherapist (Dr.
Dimitrov), and a psychotherapist (Dr. P. Panayotov).
The group comes
together every two weeks for walks in the open, and for exercise on the
Everybody from
the group was invited to participate in a charity sale organised by another
foundation, where members of the group will present with items they make.
Participants do
not take hormone repalcement therapy for the time being. Their blood calcium level is checked, as
well as how they observe the diet and exercise regimen prescribed according to
the satge of the disease.
Organizing practical training for
General Practitioners in Rouse
(Dr. Boryana
far, ten general practitioners have been included in the training group. The facilities of Medical Center One will be
used for the practical training. Part of the materials needed have been
We – the 777 drug-free: an educational
program on the harmful effect of drugs for the students of the English Language
School in Rouse
(Dr. Elisaveta Svetoslavova)
30-minute lecture was prepared on the harmful effect of drugs, after consulting
with psychotherapists, teachers, parents, monographs, and lectures. The
material compiled was photocopied and distributed among class teachers and
students. Two meetings were organized at the school, attended by 340 students
altogether, and the local media reported them. All present were given a
brochure and a leaflet. Competitions were organized for essays, drawings and a
debate on the topic. Seventeen students were selected to work on the topic
(peer education), and two meetings have been carried out so far. Apart from
that, individual work was carried out with eleven students inclined to use
drugs. Initial results show positive effect from the sessions.
A follow-up program for children with
diabetes mellitus to postpone complications
( Dr. Lidia Tzoneva)
project started in February 2000, aiming at measuring glycosylated hemoglobin
of diabetic children, thus detecting those in need of more intensive control of
insulin treatment and dietary regimen. This is expected to better metabolic
control and less vascular complications.
first group included 10 children, whose results showed low compensation. They
were registered for special observation – more regular checks of blood glucose
and proper diet.
Early diagnosis of complications due to
perinatal asphyxia in newborns and timely referral for cerebral palsy
(Dr. Daniela Bourmova)
team was formed of a neonatologist and a nurse. The criteria for selection of the patients were discussed and agreed
upon. The control group includes cases from 1999. Between January and April
2000, 4 babies were included in the target group, and early kinesitherapy was
applied. Mothers were informed about the problem. One of them was interested in
being trained, and to continue rehabilitation in the home. Because of the lack
of interest on behalf the rest of the mothers, another meeting with them has
been planned, and they will again be presented the possibilities offered by the
program for early rehabilitation.
Early diagnosis and timely treatment of
retinopathy in low birth weight infants
(Dr. Nina Gamakova)
The team
working on the projects includes a neonatologist and an ophthalmologist. A
control group was selected of children with birth weight lower than 1,500g, or
delivered before the 30th gestation
week, and born between January 1st and June 30th, 1999. Of the 14 children from
the control group, 2 of 14 children were diagnosed with retrolental
The project was
started at the neonatology unit of the maternity hospital, a placement center
and out-patient consulting rooms, and the target group includes children
selected using the same criteria as the ones used fir the control group.
Parents of all
risk children are informed about the risks of complications due to both severe
prematurity and intensive life-saving therapy.
Every infant
born between July 1st, 1999 and April 2000 has been registered for follow-up,
which includes monthly neurological assessment, transphontanelle
ultrasonography and ophthalmological examination.
No retinopathy
was found in children born during the second half of 1999. The infants born
after January 1st 2000 are currently assessed.
Health education to decrease
cerebrovascular risk
(Dr. Pavel Boichev)
Contact has
been established with 168 risk patients up to March 31, 2000. These were
divided into 4 target groups: 1) hypertensive patients, 2)cardiac patients with
conductive cardiac failure, 3)patients
with impaired blood supply of the brain, 4)patients with obesity or lipidemia.
patient received a leaflet with
recommendations on appropriate diet and exercise, and information about the
dates of meetings with the target groups.
project activities are now carried out
at the regional hospital in Rouse. Later,
the meetings with the target groups will be held outside the hospital.
Educating parents how to take proper
care of children with acute diseases
(Dr. Tatyana Mateva - Ivanova)
The project was
presented to the school authorities of the school for European languages in
Rouse - St. Constantine - Cyril the
Philosopher, and the pediatric unit of the first policlinic. The team formed
includes a pediatrician, a nurse and an assistant.
were prepared to assess the level of knowledge of parents as to how they are
expected to take proper care of the child with acute disease ( infectious
diarrhoea, acute respiratory virus infection). All parents were provided with
brochures instructing them how to take care of the sick child if diagnosed with
an acute illness at the consulting room. Then they were asked to fill in a
second questionnaire when they brought the child for a follow-up examination
after recovery.
Analyses of
results so far show that parents are willing to be given more information
regarding care of the sick child.
A survey to study the relationship between
air pollution and chronic lung diseases and morbidity in children aged 7-15 in
(Dr. Margarita Nickolova)
transport in Rouse is intensive, and the air is polluted, mainly with dust and
Nox. An ecological survey was carried out to assess the type and level of
pollution at two points in Rouse based on data collected for the period
A questionnaire
was prepared for 800 children to assess lung disease incidence and severity.
Meetings with teachers were organized at Toma Kardjiev school.
The project was
supported by the local Hygiene and Epidemiology station: they provided the data
for ecological assessment and computer equipment.
The project is
expected to be completed by the end of the year 2000. If the connection between levels of air
pollution due to public and lung disease incidence is proved, a change in the routes of buses will be recommended.
Alternative psychological assistance for
adolescent drug abusers and their families
(Dr. Boiko Ivanov)
The project started
in two schools in Rouse - the school for European Languages and the musical
school. School authorities in both schools support the project.
and health education materials (brochures, leaflets) were prepared. Those in
need were invited for consultations at the “X”
society office.
Student members
of the ecology club at the language school
helped with the activities, and “X” society provided the venue for
consultations for students who sought help.
analysis of questionnaires showed that students are not ready to seek help from
a specialist, although they realize the severity of the problem. Inclination to seek help was associated with
a doctor in a private consulting room and free of charge.
A health-education program for the
population on the legal issues of the heath insurance system
(Ms. Roumyana
The number of articles published in a
local newspaper (OFERTI) has been increased since January 2000. There is
response from readers of the paper. Based on the feedback from them, a number
of interviews were published with experts on health issues and those of the
changes in the health system in the country.
A psychosocial program to improve the
quality of life of children with mucoviscidosis
(Mrs. Petrana Koleva)
and diet food were provided for the children. They were all visited in their
parents of the children had a meeting with Dr. Peicheva, a gastroenterologist,
who instructed them on how to use the foods and the medicines, and on proper
a meeting of the parents with a psychotherapist (Dr. Panayotov) and a
psychologist (Mr. Radnev), psycho-social problems of the children were
discussed. Special attention was paid to their emotional status due to lack of
contact with children of their age at the kindergarten or school due to their
poor health. The problems of socal integration of the children are difficult to
solve, and attempts are made to find a solution for each child in view of his
or her age, interests and talents.
program contributes to improve the health and emotional status of these
children. It is also useful for the parents:– now they know more about diet and
the continuous therapy.
For more years of life and more life in
the years: a program for ability-focused psychosocial counseling for patients
with chronic somatic diseases
(Dr. Plamen Panayotov)
Colleagues from
the regional hospital, the lung disease clinic and the mental disease clinic
were informed about the project. The method of ability-focused focused
psychosocial counseling for patients with chronic somatic diseases was
presented at the meeting, and potential benefits for patients were discussed.
Coordination in activities was organized These activities were planned after a
careful study of the experience of other institutions applying the method in
somatic medicine: the Bulgarian Society of Short Term Psychotherapy, the
European Association of Short-Term Psychotherapy, the Bremen Association, etc.
On the basis of literature, brochures were prepared for the patients.
A couple of
interviews were realised with patients with chronic somatic diseases, and with
their families. A workshop was organised where the method of the
ability-focused interview was preseted to health and social workers.
The local
representatives of Janssen – Cilag helped in organizing the meetings and
interviews. Colleagues from different specialties – Dr. Dachev, Dr.,
Arabadjiev, Dr. Lisichkov and Dr. Pencheva refer their somatic patients for