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На 29 август в СОУ “Иван Вазов”- Плевен, се
проведе среща , на която д-р Даниел Левин, директор на фондация “Мрежа за
подпомагане на деца” представи дейността на фондацията в съседна Румъния и
готовността на фондацията да подкрепи продължението на проект, ориентиран към
деца в неравностойно положение: сираци, от социално слаби семейства или с един
ü От 1994 година насам в СОУ “Иван Вазов” са реализирани няколко проекта по
програмата “Решаване на проблеми за по-добро здраве”. Изборът в училището да се
направи оборудвана от фондация “Мрежа за подпомагане на деца” компютърна зала
се дължи на работата и резултатите от проекта на г-жа Стела Кръстева. Проектът,
разработен в рамките на семинар “Инициатива за по-добро здраве за Плевен”,
целеше да се помогне на деца, загубили родител, да преживеят един труден период
в живота си. Една от дейностите по проекта бе и компютърно обучение за децата.
ü Сега, когато училището разполага с повече
компютри, има повече възможности тези деца да бъдат компютърно ограмотени.
Д-р Ян Соботка, координатор на Здравна фондация
“Драйфус” за Европа и Близкия изток, говори за програмите на фондацията, както
и какви възможности дава сътрудничеството с програмите на фондацията.
ü Г-н Димитър Митев, директор на училището,
и неговият екип показаха вече създадената компютърна зала, както и мястото за
новата зала. Според г-н Митев, училището може да осигури обучението за децата.
ü Компютрите бяха доставени през септември и
кабинетът бе открит през октомври.
На 29 август в хотел “Балкан” в
Плевен бе проведен семинар за проследяване на работата по проекти на медицински
сестри, участвали в семинари от 1998 година насам, на който бяха представени и
обсъдени завършени проекти и такива в ход.
Бяха обсъдени бъдещи дейности по проектите. Една от препоръките на
медицинските сестри бе да се организират повече посещения по проектите.
Плевен: Семинар “Решаване на проблеми за
по-добро здраве”
На 31 август бе открит нов семинар “Решаване на
проблеми за по-добро здраве”, с насоченост към ранна диагностика на рака и
палиативни грижи”
Участниците бяха приветствани от г-н
Найден Зеленогорски, Кмет на Плевен, доц. Кунчо Игнатов, ректор на ВМИ - Плевен
и д-р Пламен Керековски - Директор на РЦЗ - Плевен.
По-късно през първия ден на
семинара се проведе пленарно заседание, на което за значението на ранното
диагностициране на рака говориха
специалисти от онкологичния център в Плевен: д-р Георги Байчев (“Рак на
гърдата”), д-р Славчо Томов (рак на маточната шийка”) и д-р Румен Стоянов (“Рак
на колона”).
За ролята на медицинските
сестри в палиативните грижи за раково болни кратка беседа изнесе мадам Шийла
Куин - Великобритания.
През първите два дни на
семинара ConvaTec - България представи продукти на фирмата. ConvaTec е и
първата фирма, спонсорирала семинар по програмата “Решаване а проблеми за
по-добро здраве” в България.
Участниците - медицински сестри и лекари от общи практики и болници от
Плевенска, Габровска, Ловешка и Великотърновска област, работиха в пет групи с
международните фасилитатори мадам Шийла Куин (Великобритания), д-р Ян
Соботка (Полша, регионален координатор
на Здравна фондация “Драйфус”), д-р Даниел Левин (САЩ), г-жа Елона Илгиювиене
(Литва), г-жа Шийла Мърфи (Великобритания), г-жа Памела Хойт - наблюдател (САЩ), и българските фасилитатори доц. Мария
Александрова, д-р Анжелика Велкова, г-жа Янка Цветанова, д-р Калоян Стойчев,
г-жа Дарина Крачунова, г-жа Поля Живкова
и г-жа Надя Димитрова.
След семинара бяха стартирани следните проекти:
Създаване на детски кът в детско отделение на МБАЛ
“Тота Венкова” - гр. Габрово - Райна Генчева
Превенция на суицидно поведение в младежка
ученическа възраст в училищата в гр. Плевен - Янита Трифонова
Програма за снижаване риска от инвалидизация
вследствие на гръбначно-мозъчни травми по време на селскостопанска работа - Пепа Фердинандова
Здравно-образователна програма за намаляване на
честотата на хоспитализации с хипо- и хипергликемии при сред диабетиците - Весела Кънчева
Организиране на скринингова програма за ранна
диагностика на рак на гърдата и на маточната шийка - Валентина Бешева
Организиране на специализирано обучение на
новопостъпилите медицински сестри във ІІ неврологична клиника на МБАЛ-Плевен - Диана
Арсова - Гъркова
Здравно-образователна програма за ползата от ранна
диагностика на рак на маточната шийка в една лекарска практика - д-р Емануил Манойлов
Изработване на комплексна програма за борба с
вътреболнични инфекции в интензивно отделение на неврохирургично отделение на
МБАЛ-Плевен - Ерка Маринова
Здравно-образователна програма за рисковите
фактори при пациенти с исхемична болест на сърцето - Лидия Цонeва
Намаляване на терапевтичните стоматологични
заболявания чрез обучение на 60 деца /7-9 год./ в правилна хигиена на устната
кухина - Лилия Йорданова
Програма за обучение на ученици на възраст 15-18
год. в правила за предпазване от сексуално-трансмисивни инфекции- д-р Мариела Генова
Здравно-образователна програма сред ОПЛ и
населението на Плевен за ранната диагностика на рак на ларинкса- Катя Христова
Просветно-обучителна програма за близките на болни
от рак в терминален стадий - Пенка
Скринингова програма за ранно откриване на слухови
увреждания сред рисковите новородени в
МБАЛ – Плевен - д-р Силвия Мирчева
Здравно-образователна програма за болни, прекарали
инфаркт на миокарда - Стефка Ганева
Здравно-образователна програма за профилактика на
рак на маточната шийка сред пациентките на АГ кабинет на МБАЛ - Луковит - Стилияна Маркова – Микова
Програма за скрининг за карцинома на ендометриума
сред жени с повишен риск от Плевенска област - д-р Славчо Томов
Здравно-образователна програма за необходимостта
от профилактични гинекологични прегледи на жените от гр. Белене - Блага Любенова
Здравно-образователна програма сред болните с язва
на стомаха и дванадесетопръстника за намаляване на рецидивите на заболяванията
и хоспитализациите в МБАЛ – Луковит - Ваня
Здравно-образователна програма за значението на
правилен диетичен, двигателен и медикаментозен режим сред пациенти, прекарали
инфаркт на миокарда и лекувани в МБАЛ - Луковит - Весела Йотова
Организиране на психотерапевтична програма в
Онкологичен център в МБАЛ – Плевен за жени, претърпели мастектомия - Владислава Янчева
Организиране на екип за палиативни грижи по
домовете на терминално и хронично болни в гр. Белене след изписването им от
болница - Валерия Ганкова - Николова
Обучителна програма за намаляване нивото на стрес
сред пациенти, планиране за хирургична операция в МБАЛ- Габрово - Гергана Георгиева
Здравно-образователна програма за необходимостта
от профилактични гинекологични прегледи на жените от една лекарска практика в
гр. Павликени - д-р Евгени Петков
Здравно-просветна програма за намаляване нивото на
стрес сред пациентите, провеждащи химиотерапия в Отделение по вътрешни болести
в МБАЛ - Габрово - Здравка Кючукова
Образователна програма за правилен режим на
хранене при новодиагностицирани пациенти с диабет - Калина Парашкевова
Образователна програма за повишаване на
сътрудничеството на 465 възрастни пациенти от една обща практика за редовно
провеждане на профилактични прегледи - д-р
Лидия Славчева
Образователна програма за инвалидизирани пациенти
от съдова хирургия за запознаване със социални програми за подпомагане - Маргарита Ташкова
Програма за повишаване мотивацията на пациентите
от една обща практика за явяване на профилактични прегледи с цел ранно
диагностициране на онкологични заболявания - Маринета Петкова
Здравно-образователна програма за правилен двигателен
и хранителен режим за пациенти с диабет тип І - Нейла Макнин
Програма за ранна диагностика на рак на гърдата и
маточната шийка сред работничките от едно плевенско предприятие - Павлинка Ангелова
Програма за намаляване на стреса сред пациенти, планирани
за хирургична операция - Павлина Петрова
Обучение на жените в Белене за самоизследване на
млечната жлеза - Росица Иванова
Образователна програма сред пациентите от една
обща практика за ролята на редовните профилактични прегледи за ранно диагностициране
на рак на млечната жлеза и маточната шийка - д-р Юлия Иванова
София: Семинар “Решаване на проблеми за по-добро здраве”
От 3 до 5 септември в София се проведе семинар “Решаване
на проблеми за по-добро здраве”. Той бе организиран в тясно сътрудничество с
Превантивно-информационен център по проблемите на наркоманиите и Столична
Хигиенно-Епидемиологична Станция.
Приветствия към участниците бяха поднесени от
изпълнителния директор на столичната ХЕИ, директора на Превантивен център д-р
Захари Николов и проф. Радка Аргирова, директор на Националната лаборатория по
– лекари, медицински сестри, учители, социални работници и представители на
неправителствени организации работиха по групи с международните фасилитатори
мадам Шийла Куин (Великобритания), д-р Ян Соботка (Полша, регионален координатор
на Здравна фондация “Драйфус”), д-р Даниел Левин (САЩ), г-жа Елона Илгювиене
(Литва), г-жа Шийла Мърфи (Великобритания), и българските фасилитатори доц.
Мария Александрова, д-р Анжелика Велкова, г-жа Янка Цветанова, д-р Камен Каменов
и д-р Захари Николов.
Подготвени бяха следните проекти:
Намаляване на нивото на запрашеност в
класните стаи за предотвратяване на инфекции на дихателните пътища - Александър
ü Програма за подобряване на адаптацията на новоприетите ученици в НГДЕК - София - Божидара Рачева
Здравно-образователна програма за
ученици /10-14год./ в НУК - Горна Баня по проблемите на наркоманиите - Будинка Лилянова
ü Здравно-просветна
програма за вредата от тютюнопушенето за 120 ученици /12-13 год./, техните
учители и родители - Виолета Аврамова
Информационно-образователна програма
за 15 семейства за подпомагане на процеса на ресоциализация на участници в
наркокомуната в Белмекен - Галина Петрова
Здравно-образователна програма за
повишаване на знанията на 30 ромски жени в Бургас относно запазването на
репродуктивното и сексуално здраве - д-р Галина Колибарова
Програма за подпомагане на адаптиране
на деца с проблеми към изискванията на общообразователното училище - Даниела Борисова
Обучителна програма за 30 ученици от 9
клас за вредата от употребата на наркотици - Даниела Фурнаджиева
Здравно-образователна програма за
повишаване нивото на знания за запазване на репродуктивното здраве сред 150
деца на 12-16 години, техните родители и учители - Елена Василева
ü Здравно-образователна
програма за родителите “Вечери за връщане в училище” за ограничаване на опитите
за ранна употреба на алкохол и цигари сред 150 деца на 7-11 години - Елена Спиридонова
Здравно-образователна програма за
намаляване на консумацията на храни с високо съдържание на въглехидрати сред
деца от началния курс на 4 училища в община “Младост” - д-р Емилия Димитрова
Здравно-информационна програма за
семействата на 50 деца, експериментиращи с/употребяващи наркотични вещества за
преодоляване на трудностите в общуването -
Иглика Панова
Здравно-образователна програма за
полово предавани инфекции сред младежи
от техникум по електроника и автоматика - София - д-р Ирина Хараланова
ü Просветна
програма за ограничаване броя на желаещите да запалят първата цигара сред 30
ученици /12-13 годишни/ за ресоциализация - д-р
Йорданка Димитрова
ü Просветно
програма за вредата от цигари, наркотици и други психоактивни вещества сред 50
ученици на 14 годишна възраст от две основни училища - Лаура Москова
ü Програма за
пълно, задължително и ефективно лечение на туберкулоза за бездомни младежи от
гр. София - Маргарита Димитрова
ü Психологическа
подкрепа за деца със затруднена адаптация в сериозни житейски ситуации - Мария Йорданова
ü Намаляване на
нивото на тютюнопушене сред студенти от медицински специалности - д-р Марияна Вакарелова
ü Здравно-просветно
програма на тема “Безопасен секс” сред ученици от 10 клас в едно СОУ във Враца - д-р Нели Петкова
ü Оформяне на
зелен кът в VІ ОУ - София за почивка на децата в междучасията - Пенка Иванова -Рашкова
ü Подобряване на
механизмите за осигуряване на достъп до медицински и социални грижи на 20
наркомани в ремисия и с предстоящо лечение за хепатит В и С - Пламенка
ü Здравно-образователна
програма за намаляване на насилието и агресията сред ученици от шестите класове
в 144 СОУ - Росица Вергова
ü Здравно-образователна
програма за вредата от алкохола сред 150 ученици от ІІ курс на техникума по туризъм в гр. Банкя - Светла Кирилова
ü Образователна
програма за учителите на началните класове на 68 СОУ по проблемите на превенция
на тютюнопушенето - Теодора Матеева
ü Програма за
развитие на умения за поддържане на лична хигиена с 500 деца от І до ІV клас на
две училища - Цвета Балева
ü Образователна
програма за основни знания за полово-трансмисивни инфекции за деца от средния
курс на ОУ в Долни Лозен - Юлия Димитрова
и миналите броеве на бюлетина можете да намерите и в Интернет на адрес www.livebg.net/psbh-digest
вашите коментари и предложения на адрес yapsbh@mbox.digsys.bg, или 5800 Плевен, ул.”Св. Климент Охридски” №1,
ВМИ – Плевен, за Сдружение за по-добро здраве.
следващия брой можете
да прочетете за посещения на проекти
да намерите информация от Medline,
свързана с проекти по програмата
да научите какви мероприятия са
предвидени по програмата за 2002 година.
Очакваме вашите материали,
включително снимки и видеозаписи, които отразяват работата и резултатите от
вашите проекти. За нас ще бъде удоволствие да ви помогнем да споделите вашия
опит с други хора, които искат постигнат по-добро здраве.
On July 28th, 2001, there was a
meeting at Ivan Vazov Comprehensive School in Pleven. Dr. Daniel Levine, Director of Children’s Help Net
Foundation, presented the activities of the foundation in neighboring Romania,
and the results achieved there. He expressed the willingness to support the
continuation of a project targeting underprivileged children: orphans, with
single parents, or from poor families.
Ivan Vazov School in Pleven has been the site of several PSBH projects
since 1994, and all these projects have been completed. The choice of the
school as the first site of for a computer room equipped by Children’s Help Net
Foundation was made because of a PSBH project - that of Mrs. Stella Krasteva.
Her project was one of the Pleven Initiative projects, and aimed to help
children who had lost a parent manage in a difficult period in their lives. One
of the many activities Mrs. Krasteva within the project was computer training
for those children.
With more computers available now, these children will be given a better
chance for learning computer skills.
Dr. Jan Sobotka, coordinator of DHF programs
for Europe and the Middle East, spoke about the programs of DHF, and what
advantages cooperation with PBSH programs offers.
Mr. Dimitar Mitev, Director of the school, and his team showed the
existing computer room, and the room for the new computer class. According to
his team, the school had the capacity to provide the training for these
In September, the computers for
the new room were provided, and the room was opened in October.
Follow-up Workshop for Nurses in Pleven (see
On August 29th, a follow-up workshop
was held at the Balkan Hotel in Pleven. Nurses that had attended PSBH workshops
since 1998. Projects in progress or completed were reported and discussed.
Future activities were discussed
with the nurses participating in the workshop. One of the recommendations made
by the nurses was to organize site visits to more projects.
On August 31, a new workshop started, focused
on early diagnosis of cancer and palliative care. (see
The participants were greeted by Mr. Naiden Zelenogorski, Mayor of
Pleven, Assoc. Prof. Kuncho Ignatov, Rector of University School of Medicine, Pleven,
Dr. Plamen Kerekovski, Director of the Pleven Regional Health Center.
Later during the day,
there was a plenary session, and talks on the importance of early diagnosis of
cancer were presented by specialists from the Pleven Oncology Center: Dr. Georgi
Baichev (Breast Cancer), Dr. Slavcho Tomov (Cervix Cancer) and Dr. Roumen
Stoyanov (Colon Cancer).
Dame Sheila Quinn
gave a talk on the role of nurses in palliative care for cancer patients on the
following day.
During the first two
days of the workshop, ConvaTec – Bulgaria presented the products of the firm.
The firm is the first one to financially support a PSBH workshop in Bulgaria.
The participants -
nurses and doctors from primary health care and hospitals in Pleven, Gabrovo
and Veliko Turnovo regions were divided into five groups and worked with
international facilitators - Dame Sheila Quinn (UK), Dr. Jan Sobotka (Poland,
DHF regional coordinator), Dr. Daniel Levine (USA), Mrs. Elona Ilgiuviene
(Lithuania), Mrs. Sheila Murphy (UK), Ms. Pamela Hoyt (USA, observer), and the
local facilitators Assoc. Prof. Maria Alexandrova, Dr. Angelika Velkova, Mrs.
Yanka Tzvetanova, Dr. Kaloyan Stoichev, Mrs. Darina Krachunova, Mrs. Polya
Zhivkova and Mrs. Nadya Dimitrova.
following projects were implemented after the workshop:
Improving adaptation of children to hospital
environment - Mrs. Raina Gencheva
Prevention and reduction of suicidal behavior
in adolescents in Pleven - Mrs. Yanita Trifonova
Reduction of invalidating spinal traumas in
agricultural workers - Mrs. Pepa
A screening program for early detection of
cervix cancer - Mrs. Valentina Besheva
Training newly appointed nurses in a neurology
ward - Mrs. Diana Arsova
A screening program for early diagnosis of
cervical cancer- Dr. Emanuil Manoilov
An educational program for AMI patients - Mrs. Lidia
An educational program to reduce caries in and
other dental problems in 60 children -
Mrs. Lilia Yordanova
Education on sexually transmitted infections
for adolescents - Dr. Mariela Genova
An educational program to improve early
diagnosis of cancer of the larynx - Mrs Katia Hristova
Training the relatives of terminal cancer
patients to improve pain control - Mrs.
Penka Manolova
Early diagnosis of deafness in risk newborn
children - Dr. Silvia Mircheva
Education for AMI patients - Mrs. Stefka Ganeva
Health education on the role of prevention and
early detection of cervix cancer - Ms.
Stiliana Markova
A screening program for endometrial cancer in
Pleven region for women at risk - Dr.
Slavcho Tomov
Organizing gynecological check ups in a general
practice in Belene - Dr. Blaga Lyubenova
Education of patients with duodenal ulcer on
proper regimen - Mrs. Vanya Petrova
Education for acute myocardial infarction
patients - Mrs. Vessela Yotova
Organizing a support group for women after
mastectomy - Mrs. Vladislava Yancheva
Organizing a group for palliative care in the
home of patients - Dr. Valeria Gankova
An educational program to decrease stress in
preoperative surgical patients - Mrs.
Gergana Georgieva
Increasing the number of women turning up for
regular gynaecological checkups - Dr.
Evgeni Petkov
An educational program to decrease stress in patients undergoing chemotherapy -
Mrs. Zdravka Kyuchoukova
An educational program on proper dietary
regimen for newly diagnosed diabetics - Mrs.
Kalina Parashkevova
An educational program to improve compliance
with check-up examinations for 465 elderly patients in a general practice - Dr. Lydia Slavcheva
An educational program for disabled patients to
improve their knowledge on support available from social services - Mrs. Margarita Tashkova
An educational program on the role of check ups
in early diagnosis of cervix and prostate cancer - Mrs. Marineta Petkova
An educational program for diabetic patients on
proper dietary and exercise regimen - Mrs.
Neila Maknin
A program to organize check-ups for cervix and
breast cancer among 500 women - employees of a factory in Pleven - Mrs. Pavlina Angelova
An educational program to reduce stress in
preoperative surgical patients - Mrs.
Pavlina Petrova
Training women to perform self breast
examination - Mrs. Rositza Ivanova
An educational program on the role of regular
check ups for early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer for the patients in
one general practice - Dr. Yulia Ivanova
On September 3rd-5th, a
new PSBH workshop took place in Sofia. The workshop was organized in close
collaboration with the team of the Sofia Municipality Centre for Drug Abuse
Prevention and the Sofia Hygiene and Epidemiology Station. (see
The participants were
greeted by the acting director of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Station, the Director
of the Prevention Center Dr. Zahari Nikolov , and Prof. Radka Argirova
–Director of National Retrovirus laboratory.
The participants were
doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, NGO activists from Sofia. Assisted
by international facilitators - Dame Sheila Quinn (UK), Dr. Jan Sobotka
(Poland, DHF regional coordinator), Dr. Daniel Levine (USA), Mrs. Elona
Ilgiuviene (Lithuania), Mrs. Sheila Murphy (UK), and the local facilitators
Assoc. Prof. Maria Alexandrova, Dr. Angelika Velkova, Mrs. Yanka Tzvetanova,
Dr. Kamen Kamenov and Dr. Zahari Nikolov, they developed the following plans of
Improving classroom environment to reduce
respiratory infections - Mr. Alexander
A program to help newly admitted 14-year olds
to the national school of classical languages in Sofia - Mrs. Bozhidara Racheva
Increasing the level of knowledge
of school children aged 10-13 on the harmful effect of drugs - Mrs. Budinka Lilyanova
A program to reduce the numbers of new smokers
among 100 children in a Sofia middle school - Mrs. Violeta Avramova
A program to ensure social re-integration of 15
addicts who underwent treatment in community of former addicts - Mrs. Galina Dyankova
An educational program to reduce abortion rates
in Roma girls (14-18) in Bourgas - Dr.
Galina Kolibarova
A program to improve on the adaptation skills
of 20 children with problems at school - Mrs.
Daniela Borissova
Organizing peer education on the risks of drug
use for 30 students (aged 15) in a Sofia high school - Miss Daniela Fournadjieva
An educational program to increase the level of
knowledge to preserve reproductive health in one hundred children aged 12-16,
attending a middle school in Sofia - Mrs. Elena Vassileva
An educational program for children aged 8-11
and their parents on the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine and drugs - Mrs. Elena Spridonova
An educational program for children aged 7-11
in four schools in Sofia, their teachers and parents to reduce the quantity of
carbohydrate intake - Dr. Emilia
An educational program for the parents of 50
adolescents taking or experimenting with drugs to improve on the family
atmosphere and reduce the recurrence rate after a period of one year - Mrs. Iglika Panova
A health educational program to raise the level
of knowledge on sexually transmitted infections among 25 boys at a technical
school in Sofia - Dr. Irina Haralanova
An antismoking program for children age 12-13
in two schools in Pernik - Dr. Yordanka
An educational program on the harmful effect of
psychoactive substances among 150 children aged 14, attending two schools in
Sofia - Mrs. Laura Moskova
Designing a WEB page with information for
adolescents on the risks of drug use and abuse - Dr. Lyudmila Neikova
A social program to reduce
tuberculosis and morbidity and death rates among homeless young people in Sofia
- Mrs. Margarita Dimitrova
Starting a support program for
children at risk for suicide in a School in Sofia and their parents - Mrs. Maria Yordanova
Reducing the rates of smoking among medical
students - Dr. Mariyana Vakarelova
Educational program on safe sex among high
school students in a school in Vratza - Dr.
Nelly Petkova
Improving the school yard environment to
prevent accidents and exposure to drugs -
Mrs. Penka Rashkova
A program to ensure collaboration between
social and medical services to ensure treatment for hepatitis B and C for 20
drug addicts in remission - Mrs. Plamenka
A program for children aged 12 to reduce
violence and aggressive behavior - Mrs.
Rositza Vergova
Providing temporary employment for
schizophrenic patients - Mrs. Roumyana
A health educational program to reduce alcohol
consumption rates - Mrs. Svetla Kirilova
Improving the skills of primary school teachers
to carry out anti-smoking health education - Mrs. Teodora Mateeva
Teaching basic hygiene to 500 primary school
children (7-11) - Mrs. Tzveta Baleva
An educational program on basics of
sexual health for 12- year old children - Mrs.
Julia Dimitrova
Producing a health-educational film on the
problems of drug abuse - Mrs. Yana
Bulgarian Health Information Digest is also available on the Internet, at www.livebg.net/psbh-digest
comments and suggestions are most welcome.
write to: yapsbh@mbox.digsys.bg , or to 1, St. Kliment Ochridski Str., University School of Medicine,
5800 Pleven, Association for Better Health.
the next issue, you can
read about site visits to projects
find Medline information related to
PSBH/I projects
find information about the PSBH/I
program for 2002.
send materials, pictures included, about your projects. We will be glad to help
you share your experience with other people who want to achieve better health.
Г. Байчев
център, МБАЛ -Плевен
Abstract: Lung cancer is
the most common cause of death from malignancy in the United States and Europe.
Only 12.4% of the cases in Bulgaria are diagnosed in the early stages of the
The aim of this review is to present the current understanding of the
disease from diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic point of view. Lung cancer
is easier to prevent (smoking is the predominant risk factor) than to cure.
Key words: lung carcinoma, epidemiology, treatment
Белодробният рак (БР) е един от най-разпространените карциноми в човешката
патология и е водеща причина за летален изход от онкологични заболявания при
мъжете. Честотата на заболяването непрекъснато нараства, като в Европа е
приблизително 135 000 новооткрити случаи годишно, 23 000 от които се жени.
Карциномът на белият дроб се открива най-често на възраст между 40 и 70 години,
с пик между 50-60 годишна възраст. В структурата на злокачествените заболявания
в България през 1996 г. относителният дял на БР е 20,7% при мъжете и 3,7% от
карциномите при жените. (1,3,6,)
Особено тревожен е факта за трайна тенденция през годината да умират повече
пациенти от регистрираните новозаболели. Това изисква задълбочено
интерпретиране на причините, защото тази статистика на практика дискредитира
досегашните усилия у нас в борбата с рака на белия дроб. Анализът на ситуацията
през 1996 г. сочи, че само 12,4% от пациентите се диагностицират в I и II
стадий, а 14% от случаите се регистрират по смъртни актове, т.е. те имат
преживяемост. В годината на
диагностицирането умират 38% от новозаболелите, а до хирургическо лечение достигат
едва 9% от случаите.
От етиологична гледна точка на първо място се приема ролята на
канцерогенния ефект на тютюневия дим, като риска се увеличава пропорционално на
количеството изпушени цигари. Установено е, че дължащата се на тютюнопушенето
смъртност от БР е 65 000 екзитуса годишно при мъжете и около 27 000 при жените.
Ранната диагностика, точно стадиране и изборът на оптимално лечение при
болните с белодробен карцином понастоящем представляват определено
предизвикателство за лекаря-онколог.
Клиничната картина варира и в много случаи напомня на други белодробни
болести. Ето защо диагностицирането на БР без данните от образните методи и от
комплекса инструментални и морфологични изследвания е невъзможно. Най-честите
симптоми са кашлица, болка в гръдния кош, хемоптое и диспнея. При около 1/3 от
случаите с БР първите прояви са свързани с метастазирането на основното
заболяване (чернодробни, костни, мозъчни, надбъбречни и др.) или са проявата на
паранеопластичния синдром. Само 6% от болните са без оплаквания по времето на
установяването на диагнозата. (7)
При съществуващо съмнение за белодробен карцином следващата стъпка трябва
да бъде морфологичното му доказване. Разликите в биологичната природа,
протичане и прогноза налагат разграничаването на две големи клинични групи:
1. Дребноклетъчен рак (small-cell lung cancer- SCLC). Около 25% от всички
БР. Характеризира се с бърза туморна пролиферация и голяма фракция делящи се
туморни клетки. Клинично се проявява с бърз растеж и кратък период на изява на
симптомите. В ¾ от случаите се установяват екстраторакални метастази в
момента на диагностицирането на основното заболяване.
2. Недребноклетъчен рак (nonsmall-cell lung cancer- NSCLC).
Представлява хетерогенна група
съставена от различни хистологични видове. Най-чест от тях е спиноцелуларния
карцином (30-35% от всички БР), който се разполага обикновено централно.
Аденокарциномът (30-33%) и недиференцираният едроклетъчен карцином (10-15%)
обикновено са с периферна локализация.
При групата на NSCLC преди определянето на лечебната тактика е особено
важно точното стадиране на заболяването. Основните методи, които се използват
за морфологично потвърждаване на диагнозата и локално и системно стадиране са:
- неинвазивни (образни): конвенционално рентгеново изследване, компютърна
томография, и томография, ултразвуково изследване, различни радиоизотопни
изследвания на белия дроб.
- инвазивни: бронхоскопия с биопсия, трансторакална перкутанна или
трансбронхиална тънкоиглена аспирационна биопсия, плеврална пункция,
торакоскопия, медиастиноскопия.
Стадия на заболяването се определя по TNM класификацията на UICC от 1987г.
и нейната нова ревизия от 1997 г. Клиничният стадий се основава на
предлечебните изследвания и определя операбилността на тумора, а след
хирургичния (патоанатомичен) стадий се базира на анализа на тъканите взети при
торакотомията и определя необходимостта от адювантно лечение и прогнозата (3,8)
Хирургичното лечение (лобектомия или пулмонектомия с лимфна дисекция на
медиастинума) има най-големи шансове за успех при I и II стадий на NSCLC,
когато тумора не е разпространен повече от бронхопулмоналните лимфни възли. При
този тип карциноми в зависимост от стадия на заболяването самостоятелно или в
различни комбинации се прилагат и лъче- и лекарствена терапия. Лъчетерапията
подобрява локорегионалният контрол на заболяването и има добър палиативен ефект
върху симптоматиката, но повлиява слабо преживяемостта на пациентите с локално
авансирал нерезектабилен NSCLC. Извън
клиничните проучвания обикновено се назначава комбинирана химиотерапия,
най-често цисплатина с етопозид, винкаалкалоиди, гемцитабин или таксани, при
която се отчита степен на отговор от 25-50%. Независимо от тези резултати средната
преживяемост на лекуваните пациенти все още остава ниска. (9)
Водещ терапевтичен метод при SCLC е комбинираното цитостатично лечение,
като с палиативна цел може да се включва и лъчетерапия.
Прогностичните фактори, насочващи към добра прогноза са заболяване в ранен
стадий, добър пърформанс статус, липса на загуба на телесна маса (< 5%),
женски пол, възраст и хистологичен вид. При недребноклетъчния карцином се
проучва значението на някои нови прогностични фактори, свързани с биологичната
характеристика на тумора- невроендокринна диференциация, онкогени, растежни
фактори и пролиферативна активност.
Независимо от въведените нови диагностични методи и съвременната оперативна
техника (съдови и бронхиални протези, екстракорпорално кръвообращение, пластика
на гръдна стена и др.), въпреки постиженията на лъчетерапията и новите
химиотерапевтични препарати ранното откриване на заболяването е благоприятно за
отделния индивид, но далечните резултати за популацията като цяло са все още
песимистични. Пет годишната преживяемост след лечение на I / II стадий NSCLC в
американски статистики варира от 22 до 61%, за III А стадий-от 9 до 25%, а за
III В- от 3 до 8%, докато общата преживяемост у нас е едва около 1%
За неблагополучията в борбата с белодробния рак в България съществуват
обективни и субективни причини. В най-общи линии те могат да се сведат до
- обективна причина е самата биология на заболяването. Белодробният
карцином особено SCLC е високо агресивен, метастазира често и в почти всички
органи и тъкани на човешкото тяло.
- липсата на ефективна първична профилактика. Така например нашия закон
срещу тютюнопушенето е един от най-добрите в света, но е печално известно
неговото спазване.
- въпреки известния скептицизъм, смята се че ежегодното извършване на
белодробна рентгенография и цитологично изследване на храчка са задължителни
при високорискови групи (мъже-пушачи на възраст над 45 години)
- ако всички специалисти, занимаващи се с това заболяване не са запознати с
текущите световни стандарти и алгоритми, то пациентите може и да не получат
най-добрите съответни лечебни подходи. От това следва, че приемането на
международно признатите норми на добра клинична практика и участието в
мултицентрични клинични проучвания е неотложна задача пред българската
онкологична общност.
1. Кирова Г, С. Сергиева, Д. Дамянов и кол. Мястото и ролята на съвременните
образни методи при диагностицирането и стадирането на белодробния карцином.
Клинична онкология, 2000, 7, 1, 3 -17
2. Петров Д. Белодробен рак. В:
Клинична хирургия, том II , Ст.Баев (ред.)
Знание ЕООД, Ст.Загора, 1998, 125 -132
3. Тенев В, Д. Дамянов. Белодробен рак. В:Онкология 2001, И.Черноземски,
Т.Шипков (ред.), Сиела, София, 2000, 304 -335
American Thoracic Society / European
Respiratory Society. Pretreatment evaluation of non-small cell lung Cancer. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997, 156, 1, 320-32
Bunn PA. To treat or not to treat NSCLC
patients? Current perspectives. Oncology, 1999, 13, 9, supp. 4, 9-15
Cancer incidence in Bulgaria - 1996. Oncology,
1998, 38, supp. I
Ferguson MK. Diagnosis and staging of non-small
cell lung cancer. Hemato Oncol Clin North Am, 1990, 6, 1033-68
Keller SM. Multidisciplinary therapy of
non-small cell lung cancer: a surgeon’s perspective. Bristol-Myers Squibb Comp,
Princeton, 1998, 1-34
Monnerat C, TL Chevalier. Chemotherapy for
non-small-cell lung carcinoma, a look at the past decade. Ann Oncol, 2000, 11,
AU: Ness RM, Holmes AM, Klein R, Dittus R
AD: Department of Medicine, Indiana
University School of Medicine and the Regenstrief Institute for Health Care,
Indianapolis, USA.
TI: Cost-utility of one-time colonoscopic screening for
colorectal cancer at various ages.
SO: Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Jul. 95(7). P 1800-11.
MH: Colonoscopy:*EC. Colorectal
Neoplasms:*DI. Computer Simulation:*. Age Factors. Cost-Benefit Analysis. Mass
Screening. Middle Age. Sensitivity and Specificity. Check Tags: Female.. Human..
Male.. Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
One-time colonoscopy has been recommended as a possible colorectal cancer (CRC)
screening strategy. Because the incidence of colorectal neoplasia increases
with age, the effectiveness and cost of this strategy depend on the age at
which screening occurs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the age-dependent
cost-utility of one-time colonoscopic screening. METHODS: We constructed a
computer simulation model of the natural history of colorectal neoplasia. This
model was used to compare the cost-utility of no screening and age-based
strategies employing one-time colonoscopic screening (age ranges evaluated:
45-49, 50-54, 55-59, and 60-64 yr). RESULTS: We determined that one-time
colonoscopic screening in men age <60 yr and in women age <65 yr
dominates never screening and screening at older ages. For both sexes, one-time
colonoscopic screening between 50 and 54 yr of age is associated with a
marginal cost-utility of less than $10,000 per additional quality-adjusted
life-year compared to screening between 55 and 60 yr of age. One-time
colonoscopic screening between 45 and 49 yr of age is either dominated (women)
or associated with a marginal cost-utility of $69,000/per quality-adjusted
life-year (men) compared to screening between 50 and 54 yr of age. The marginal
cost-utility of one-time colonoscopic screening is relatively insensitive to
plausible changes in the cost of colonoscopy, the cost of CRC treatment, the
sensitivity of colonoscopy for colorectal neoplasia, the utility values
representing the morbidity associated with the CRC-related health states, and
the discount rate. CONCLUSIONS: One-time colonoscopic screening between 50 and
54 yr of age is cost-effective compared to no screening and screening at older
ages in both men and women. Screening in men between 45 and 49 yr of age may be
cost-effective compared to screening between 50 and 54 yr of age depending on
societal willingness to pay.
AU: Rhodes JM
AD: Department of Medicine,
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. rhodesjm@liverpool.ac.uk
TI: Colorectal cancer screening in
the UK: Joint Position Statement by the British Society of Gastroenterology,
The Royal College of Physicians, and The Association of Coloproctology of Great
Britain and Ireland.
SO: Gut. 2000 Jun. 46(6). P 746-8.
MH: Colorectal Neoplasms:*PC. Mass
Screening:*OG/ST/TD. Gastroenterology: ED. Patient Selection. Randomized
Controlled Trials. Risk Factors. Check Tags: Human.
AU: Glick S
AD: Department of Radiology,
MCP-Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA.
TI: Double-contrast barium enema
for colorectal cancer screening: a review of the issues and a comparison with
other screening alternatives.
SO: AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2000 Jun. 174(6). P
MH: Barium Sulfate:*DU. Colorectal
Neoplasms:DI/*RA. Enema:*. Evidence-Based Medicine. Middle Age. Occult Blood.
Risk Factors. Check Tags: Comparative Study..
Human.. Male.
AU: Gazelle GS, McMahon PM, Scholz FJ
AD: Department of Radiology, Decision Analysis
and Technology Assessment Group, Zero Emerson Pl, Suite 2H, Boston, MA 02114,
USA. gazelle@nmr@mgh.harvard.edu
TI: Screening for colorectal cancer.
SO: Radiology. 2000 May. 215(2). P 327-35.
MH: Colonic Neoplasms:DI/*PC. Mass
Screening:*/EC/MT. Rectal Neoplasms:DI/*PC. Adenomatous Polyps:PC. Cell
Transformation, Neoplastic. Colonic Polyps:PC. Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Incidence. Risk Factors. United States. Check Tags: Human.
AB: Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed
cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
Fortunately, both the incidence and mortality associated with the disease have
declined during the past 2 decades. This is likely due, at least in part, to
improved efforts at screening and more aggressive removal of adenomatous
polyps. However, colorectal cancer screening is still generally underutilized.
This article reviews the current status and future outlook for colorectal
cancer screening, including a discussion of risk factors for the disease, its
anatomic distribution, proposed mechanisms of development from adenomatous
polyps, rationale for screening, and screening options. Published literature
concerning the cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening is also
summarized. The article concludes with a discussion of the emerging consensus
regarding the importance of and approaches to screening.
AU: Woolf SH
TI: Overcoming the barriers to change: screening
for colorectal cancer
SO: Am Fam Physician. 2000 Mar 15. 61(6). P 1621-2,
MH: Attitude:*. Colorectal
Neoplasms:MO/*PC. Mass Screening:MT/*SN. Patients:*PX. Physicians:*PX. Barium
Sulfate:DU. Colonoscopy. Enema. Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice. Occult Blood.
Practice Guidelines. Sensitivity and Specificity. United States:EP. Check Tags:
Human.CM: Comment on: Am Fam Physician 2000 Mar 15;61(6):1759-68
** Full text is available **
AU: Anderson J
AD: Division of Gastroenterology,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA.
TI: Clinical practice guidelines.
Review of the recommendations for colorectal screening.
SO: Geriatrics. 2000 Feb. 55(2). P 67-73; quiz 74.
MH: Colonic Neoplasms:*PC. Mass
Screening:*/AE/EC/MT/SN. Practice Guidelines:*. Rectal Neoplasms:*PC. Age
Factors. Aged. Aged, 80 and over. Barium Sulfate:DU. Colonoscopy. Contrast
Media. Costs and Cost Analysis. Decision Making. Enema. Incidence. Intestinal
Polyps:PC. Middle Age. Occult Blood. Patient Compliance. Risk Assessment.
Sigmoidoscopy. Survival Rate. Check Tags: Comparative Study.. Human.
AB: Data suggest that vigilant screening and polyp
removal can help reduce mortality caused by colorectal cancer (CRC), the
incidence of which increases with age. Although several screening methods are
available, wide variation exists among them in accuracy, effectiveness of
identifying cancerous lesions, potential complications, costs, ease of
administration, and patient compliance. Moreover, a lack of direct evidence
demonstrating the long-term benefits (compared with the costs and risks) of the
individual screening methods complicates the decision of when and whether to
screen. In 1994, an expert, multidisciplinary panel was convened to review the
evidence and produce recommendations to help guide clinicians and patients with
regard to CRC screening and surveillance. The resulting clinical practice
guidelines, released in 1997, are examined.
** Full text is available **
AU: Rae LC, Gibberd RW
AD: Health Services Research Group, University of
Newcastle, NSW.
TI: Survival of patients with colorectal
cancer detected by a community screening program
SO: Med J Aust. 2000 Jan 3. 172(1). P 13-5.
MH: Colorectal Neoplasms:*MO/*PC.
Community Health Services:*. Mass Screening:*. Adult. Aged. Feces:CH. Follow-Up
Studies. Middle Age. New South Wales:EP. Registries. Survival Analysis. Check
Tags: Female.. Human.. Male.
AB: OBJECTIVE: To determine survival rates for
people with colorectal cancer detected through Bowelscan, a community screening
program. DESIGN: Survey of data from local medical practitioners, and
comparison with data from State cancer registries. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: 249
people with colorectal cancer detected after faecal occult blood screening in
north-eastern New South Wales, 1987-1996. Follow-up was in 1998-1999. MAIN
OUTCOME MEASURES: Five-year survival rates and relative survival ratios.
RESULTS: Five-year survival rates for the screen-detected cancer patients were
90% for those with Dukes’ stage A cancers, 75% for Dukes’ B, 52% for Dukes’ C
and 0 for Dukes’ D (although one person with Dukes’ D cancer was living at
four-year follow-up at the end of the study). Because of the higher percentage
of Dukes’ A cases in the population whose cancer was detected through
screening, the resulting five-year relative survival ratio was significantly
better than for those recorded by New South Wales, South Australian and
Queensland cancer registries: 0.82 (95% confidence interval, 0.74-0.90)
compared to 0.59 (P < or = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The study supports the
findings of three overseas randomised trials that screening reduces mortality
from colorectal cancer. We estimate that screening 200,000 people would detect
about 250 colorectal cancers and prevent as many as 55 deaths. CM: Comment in:
Med J Aust 2000 May 15;172(10):516-8
AU: Castiglione G, Zappa M, Grazzini G, Rubeca T,
Turco P, Sani C, Ciatto S
AD: Presidio per la Prevenzione
Oncologica, Azienda Ospedaliera Careggi, Florence, Italy. cspo@ats.it
TI: Screening for colorectal cancer
by faecal occult blood test: comparison of immunochemical tests.
SO: J Med Screen. 2000. 7(1). P 35-7.
MH: Adenoma:*DI. Colorectal
Neoplasms:*DI. Hemagglutination Tests:*MT. Latex Fixation Tests:*MT. Mass
Screening:*MT. Occult Blood:*. Aged. Middle Age. Check Tags: Comparative
Study.. Female.. Human..
Male.. Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: OBJECTIVE: To compare two immunochemical faecal
occult blood tests based on reversed passive haemagglutination (RPHA) or latex
agglutination (Hdia) in a population based screening setting. METHOD: Hdia was
interpreted according to three positivity thresholds: 100, 150, or 200 ng of
haemoglobin/mg of specimen solution. A total of 5844 subjects were recruited
into the study, from 17432 invited subjects aged 50-70. RESULTS: Positivity
rates were 3.3% for RPHA, Hdia100 3.5%, Hdia150 2.5%, Hdia200 2.0%. Among
subjects complying with the diagnostic work up, colorectal cancer (CRC) was
detected in 19 subjects (17 RPHA positive, 16 Hdia100 positive, 15 Hdia150
positive, 14 Hdia200 positive) and high risk adenoma/s in 41 subjects (28 RPHA
positive, 32 Hdia100 positive, 29 Hdia150 positive, 25 Hdia200 positive). The
prevalence of screen positive CRC in the population was for RPHA 2.9 per
thousand, Hdia100 2.7 per thousand, Hdia150 2.6 per thousand, Hdia200 2.4 per
thousand. The prevalence of screen positive high risk adenomas in the
population was for RPHA 4.8 per thousand, Hdia100 5.5 per thousand, Hdia150 5.0
per thousand, Hdia200 4.3 per thousand. CONCLUSION: Hdia100 was as sensitive as
RPHA for cancer and high risk adenomas. As Hdia is less technically complex
than RPHA, it is a valid alternative to the latter, provided that full
automation of the development procedure is available. Increasing the positivity
threshold of Hdia up to 150 or 200 ng of haemoglobin/mg of specimen solution is
not advisable as the increase in specificity is too small to justify the
corresponding decrease in the detection of screen positive cancers in the
AU: Rawl SM, Menon U, Champion VL, Foster JL,
Skinner CS
AD: Indiana University School of Nursing,
Indianapolis 46202, USA.
TI: Colorectal cancer screening beliefs. Focus
groups with first-degree relatives.
SO: Cancer Pract. 2000 Jan-Feb. 8(1). P 32-7.
MH: Attitude to Health:*. Colorectal
Neoplasms:*PC. Family:*PX. Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice:*. Mass
Screening:MT/*PX. Adult. Focus Groups. Health Services Accessibility:ST.
Nursing Methodology Research. Check Tags: Female.. Human.. Male.. Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this paper is to
describe the perceived benefits and barriers to colorectal cancer screening
reported by first-degree relatives of colorectal cancer patients. MATERIALS AND
METHODS: In this study, the authors used focus groups to identify perceived
benefits and barriers to colorectal cancer screening among parents and children
of colorectal cancer patients. Four focus groups were conducted with relatives
of colorectal cancer patients seen at two university medical centers in the
Midwest. The groups ranged in size from five to eight members each and were
stratified by gender. RESULTS: Four benefits of colorectal cancer screening
were identified by participants: finding colorectal cancer early, decreasing
the chances of dying from colorectal cancer, freedom from worry about
colorectal cancer, and reassurance that one was cancer-free. Four main barriers
were identified that applied to all four types of colorectal cancer screening
or to colorectal cancer screening in general. These included inadequate public
awareness of colorectal cancer, inconsistent recommendations from healthcare
providers, concerns about the efficacy of screening tests, and embarrassment.
Barriers unique to each screening test also were identified. CONCLUSIONS:
Understanding individual beliefs about the benefits and barriers to colorectal
cancer screening will allow clinicians and researchers to develop effective
interventions to increase screening. Results from the focus groups have been
used to develop an instrument to measure benefits and barriers to colorectal
cancer screening, which now needs to be tested with more culturally and
socioeconomically diverse groups.
AU: Scheitel SM, Ahlquist DA,
Wollan PC, Hagen PT, Silverstein MD
AD: Division of Community Internal
Medicine, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minn 55905, USA.
TI: Colorectal cancer screening: a
community case-control study of proctosigmoidoscopy, barium enema radiography,
and fecal occult blood test efficacy.
SO: Mayo Clin Proc. 1999 Dec. 74(12). P 1207-13.
MH: Barium Sulfate:*DU. Colorectal
Neoplasms:*DI/MO/*PC/RA. Mass Screening:*MT. Occult Blood:*. Proctoscopy:*.
Sigmoidoscopy:*. Aged. Case-Control Studies. Confounding Factors
(Epidemiology). Enema. Minnesota:EP. Sensitivity and Specificity. Check Tags:
Female.. Human.. Male..
Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t..
Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of
screening proctosigmoidoscopy, barium enema radiography, and the fecal occult
blood test (FOBT) in decreasing colorectal cancer mortality in a community
setting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this population-based case-control study,
cases comprised 218 Rochester, Minn, residents who died of colorectal cancer
between 1970 and 1993. Controls were 435 age- and sex-matched residents who did
not have a diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Screening proctosigmoidoscopy,
barium enema radiography, and FOBT results were documented for the 10 years
prior to and including the date of diagnosis of fatal colorectal cancer in
cases and for the same period in matched controls. History of general medical
examinations and hospitalizations was also recorded. RESULTS: Within the 10
years prior to diagnosis, the percentages of cases vs controls with at least 1
screening proctosigmoidoscopy were 23 (10.6%) of 218 cases vs 43 (9.9%) of 435
controls; at least 1 screening barium enema radiographic study was done in 12
(5.5%) of 218 vs 25 (5.7%) of 435. Within 3 years prior to diagnosis, the
percentages of cases vs controls with at least 1 screening FOBT were 27 (12.4%)
of 218 vs 44 (10.1%) of 435. Adjusted odds ratios were 1.04 (95% confidence
interval [CI], 0.21-5.13) for proctosigmoidoscopy (distal rectosigmoid cancers
only), 0.67 (95% CI, 0.31-1.48) for barium enema radiography, and 0.83 (95% CI,
0.45-1.52) for FOBT over the above time periods. CONCLUSION: In this
case-control study within a community setting, a colorectal cancer-specific
mortality benefit could not be demonstrated for screening by FOBT,
proctosigmoidoscopy, or barium enema radiography. Screening frequency was low,
which may have contributed to the lack of measurable effects.
AU: Fabre D, Faliu B, Grosclaude P,
Gaston-Jeanzac F, Couaillac JP, Machelard-Sauvage M
AD: Laboratoire d’analyses mяedicales, Centre
Hospitalier Gяenяeral, Cahors.
TI: [Participation factors in a
occupational health colorectal cancer screening program]
SO: Sante Publique. 1999 Dec. 11(4). P 527-38.
MH: Colorectal Neoplasms:*DI. Mass
Screening:*UT. Occupational Health Services:*UT. Patient Acceptance of Health
Care:PX/*SN. Aged. Analysis of Variance. France. Health Behavior. Knowledge,
Attitudes, Practice. Middle Age. Socioeconomic Factors. Check Tags: English
Abstract.. Female.. Human..
AB: A colorectal cancer screening campaign by
Hemoccult test was carried out from January 1993 to December 1994 in
collaboration with the company doctors of employees ages 45 and older in the
companies of the Lot department of France. Of the 1311 employees to whom the
test was offered, 811 actually had the test done, representing a rate of
participation of 61.9%. Participation varied from 48.1% to 72.7% depending on
the company doctor, and was higher for large companies. Managers participated
less than other employees. People who never visit a dentist, who had not seen
their doctor for over a year or who never give blood participated less than
others. Thus, even though company doctors can play a true role by favouring the
participation of general employees, their action is limited by the weak
participation of people who already have little contact with the health care
AU: Laguna Pes MP, Guinda Sevillano
C, Zazo Romojaro A, Domяinguez J, Garcяia Luzяon A, Borrego Hernando J, Gimeno
Collado A
AD: Servicio de Urologяia, Hospital
General La Mancha-Centro, Alcяazar de San Juan, Ciudad Real, Espa~na.
TI: [Clinical usefulness of free
PSA/total PSA ratio in the early diagnosis of prostatic cancer]
SO: Arch Esp Urol. 2000 May. 53(4). P
MH: Prostate-Specific Antigen:*BL.
Prostatic Neoplasms:*BL/*DI. Aged. Predictive Value of Tests. Prospective
Studies. Sensitivity and Specificity. Time Factors. Check Tags: English
Abstract..Human..Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical utility
of free/total PSA ratio and PSA density in the early diagnosis of prostate
cancer (patients with serum PSA between 4 and 10 ng/ml) and to determine the
differences, if any, in the free/total PSA ratio in patients with cancer and
those with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). METHODS: A prospective and
descriptive study was conducted on 61 patients with low grade obstructive
symptoms and total serum PSA between 4 and 10 ng/ml (group 1), and 42 patients
who underwent prostate surgery and had an anatomopathologically confirmed
diagnosis of BPH (group 2). Free and total PSA were determined, as well as
prostate volume by transrectal US, in all cases. Prostate biopsy was performed
in all patients with a total PSA value between 4-10 ng/ml. The sensitivity,
specificity, positive and negative prognostic values of free/total PSA ratio
and PSA density were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients in group 1
was 67.7 years and 68.3 years in group 2. The mean prostate volume by US was
55.2 and 47.1, respectively (n.s.). The mean total PSA was 6.39 ng/ml for group
1 and 5.73 ng/ml for group 2 (n.s.). No significant difference was found
between the mean free PSA values of both groups. However, the free/total PSA
ratio and PSA density were significantly different (p < 0.000). In group 1
(total PSA 4-10 ng/ml), prostate biopsy was positive in 32.8% of the patients.
In this group of patients, there were no significant differences in the
parameters analyzed. Application of different cutoffs for both tests showed a
higher clinical utility for the 0.24-0.30 range. CONCLUSIONS: At similar mean
prostate volume and mean total PSA, significant differences were found in the
free/total PSA ratio and PSA density of patients submitted to surgery for BPH
and those with a total PSA value of 4-10 ng/ml. However, these results were not
observed when patients with PSA of 4-10 ng/ml were analyzed for presence or
absence of evidence of malignancy in the prostate biopsy. EM: 0010
AU: Brewster DH, Fraser LA, Harris V, Black RJ
AD: Scottish Cancer Intelligence
Unit, NHS in Scotland, Information and Statistics Division, Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK. David.Brewster@isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk
TI: Rising incidence of prostate
cancer in Scotland: increased risk or increased detection?
SO: BJU Int. 2000 Mar. 85(4). P 463-72; discussion
MH: Prostatic Neoplasms:DI/*EP. Age
Distribution. Aged. Aged, 80 and over. Incidence. Middle Age. Prostate-Specific
Antigen:BL. Residence Characteristics. Risk Factors. Scotland:EP. Survival
Rate. Transurethral Resection of Prostate:SN. Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: OBJECTIVE: To assess the extent to which the
increasing incidence of prostate cancer in Scotland can be explained by
increased detection, particularly through transurethral resection of the
prostate (TURP) and use of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Subjects
and methods This population-based study was confined to men resident in
Scotland and aged > or =50 years. Temporal trends were examined in
age-specific and age-standardized incidence, mortality and TURP rates, and PSA
testing rates during 1981-1996. Also analysed were the geographical variations
in age-standardized incidence and mortality rates during two distinct periods,
1984-1986 (before PSA testing) and 1994-1996 (after PSA testing). Finally,
incidence rates and relative survival at 5 years were calculated by age group
and 5-year periods of diagnosis during 1968-1992. RESULTS: The incidence of
prostate cancer in men aged > or = 50 years increased from an
age-standardized rate of 142.0 per 100 000 in 1981 to 240.9 in 1996, with the
steepest increase occurring between 1992 and 1993. The mortality rate increased
similarly until 1993, but was relatively stable thereafter, falling slightly in
1996. In 1981-1988, incidence rates were closely correlated with TURP rates (r
= 0.98, P<0.001). In 1989-1996, incidence was closely correlated with PSA
testing rates (r = 0.98, P<0.001). By 1994-1996, incidence rates varied substantially
between Scottish mainland health boards (range 167.7-303.0 per 100 000), with
much less variation in mortality rates (90.7-110.0). Relative survival has
increased recently in all age groups although, in the era before PSA testing,
survival was reasonably stable despite increasing incidence. CONCLUSION:
Although there may have been a true increase in risk, much of the observed
increase in the incidence of prostate cancer in Scotland between 1981 and 1996
has been caused by increased detection, leading recently to considerable
variation among different areas of the country. The extent to which this
represents the early diagnosis of tumours which would eventually cause symptoms
or be life-threatening, or detection of latent disease which would never have become
symptomatic, is not clear. There is no evidence so far that the increased
incidence is associated with any substantial reduction in mortality.
AU: Bussemakers MJ, van Bokhoven A,
Verhaegh GW, Smit FP, Karthaus HF, Schalken JA, Debruyne FM, Ru N, Isaacs WB
AD: Urology Research Laboratory,
University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands. M.Bussemakers@hetnet.nl
TI: DD3: a new prostate-specific gene, highly
overexpressed in prostate cancer.
SO: Cancer Res. 1999 Dec 1. 59(23). P 5975-9.
MH: Chromosomes, Human, Pair 9:*. Gene
Expression Regulation, Neoplastic:*. Prostate:*ME. Prostatic Neoplasms:*GE/SU.
Transcription, Genetic:*. Base Sequence. Chromosome Mapping. Exons. Introns.
Karyotyping. Molecular Sequence Data. Reference Values. Restriction Mapping.
Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction. RNA, Messenger:GE. Check Tags:
Human..Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed
malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the Western
male population. Despite the tremendous efforts that have been made to improve
the early detection of this disease and to design new treatment modalities,
there is still an urgent need for new markers and therapeutic targets for the
management of prostate cancer patients. Using differential display analysis to
compare the mRNA expression patterns of normal versus tumor tissue of the human
prostate, we identified a cDNA, DD3, which is highly overexpressed in 53 of 56
prostatic tumors in comparison to nonneoplastic prostatic tissue of the same
patients. Reverse transcription-PCR analysis using DD3-specific primers
indicated that the expression of DD3 is very prostate specific because no
product could be amplified in 18 different normal human tissues studied. Also,
in a sampling of other tumor types and a large number of cell lines, no
expression of DD3 could be detected. Molecular characterization of the DD3
transcription unit revealed that alternative splicing and alternative
polyadenylation occur. The fact that no extensive open reading frame could be
found suggests that DD3 may function as a noncoding RNA. The DD3 gene was
mapped to chromosome 9q21-22, and no homology of DD3 to any gene present in the
computer databases was found. Our data indicate that DD3 is one of the most
prostate cancer-specific genes yet described, and this makes DD3 a promising
marker for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer and provides a powerful tool
for the development of new treatment strategies for prostate cancer patients.
AU: Cellini N, Luzi S, Morganti AG, Mattiucci GC,
Smaniotto D, Racioppi M
AD: Cattedra di Radioterapia,
Universitяa Cattolica del S. Cuore, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Roma, Italy. ncellini@rm.unicatt.it
TI: Economic and organizational aspects in the
management of prostate cancer.
SO: Rays. 1999 Jul-Sep. 24(3). P 460-71.
MH: Prostatic Neoplasms:DI/*EC/TH.
Combined Modality Therapy:EC. Costs and Cost Analysis. Mass Screening:EC.
Neoplasm Staging:EC. Prostate-Specific Antigen:AN. Radiotherapy:EC. Surgical
Procedures, Operative:EC. Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: In the last decade a rapid increase in the
incidence of prostate cancer was observed. The reasons for this increase are
associated to the progressive population aging, especially in the developed
countries as well as to the growing number of identified cases with the
widespread use of prostate specific antigen. A number of aspects of the disease
are still to be considered in depth: the natural history of the disease in
patients with early diagnosis, the potential costs of screening programs in
financial, social and psychologic terms, the effectiveness and especially
cost-effectiveness of different treatments and follow-up for local and advanced
forms. Because of the long natural history of prostate cancer and the
effectiveness of hormonal treatments used as salvage after failure of primary
therapy, the differences in survival among the various therapeutic options, from
radical prostatectomy to radiotherapy, or simple clinical control in selected
cases are probably minor. This is the reason why future clinical studies should
necessarily be based on multidimensional evaluations, taking into account the
clinical outcome as well as the quality of life and costs of the different
treatment modalities examined.
AU: Schroder FH, Alexander FE, Bangma CH, Hugosson
J, Smith DS
AD: Department of Urology, Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
TI: Screening and early detection of prostate
SO: Prostate. 2000 Aug 1. 44(3). P 255-63.
MH: Mass Screening:*MT. Prostatic
Neoplasms:*DI/MO. Age Factors. Informed Consent. Randomized Controlled Trials.
Time Factors. Check Tags: Human.. Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AU: Ito K, Yamamoto
T, Kubota Y, Suzuki K, Fukabori Y, Kurokawa K, Yamanaka H
AD: Department of Urology, Gunma
University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan.
TI: Usefulness of age-specific
reference range of prostate-specific antigen for Japanese men older than 60
years in mass screening for prostate cancer.
SO: Urology. 2000 Aug 1. 56(2). P 278-82.
MH: Mass Screening:*SN.
Prostate-Specific Antigen:*BL/DU. Prostatic Neoplasms:*BL/DI/EP. Age
Distribution. Aged. Biopsy. Follow-Up Studies. Japan:EP. Middle Age. Reference
Values. Retrospective Studies. ROC Curve. Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: OBJECTIVES: To investigate the age-specific
reference range of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in Japanese men older than
60 years of age by analyzing the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
Several reports have noted that many clinically serious cancers are missed by
raising the cutoff value of the age-specific PSA reference range for men older
than 60 years. METHODS: We studied 6744 individuals who had undergone mass
screening for prostate cancer in Gunma Prefecture from 1994 to 1998. PSA
determination was the first step of the mass screening in all subjects. Digital
rectal examination and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) were performed in all
except in a fraction of patients. Subjects with an abnormal PSA level or
abnormal digital rectal examination or TRUS findings underwent TRUS-guided
systematic sextant biopsies. Patients older than 60 years of age were grouped
according to their age at 5-year intervals, and the cutoff value of the
age-specific PSA reference range was calculated for each age group by analyzing
the ROC curve. RESULTS: The diagnostic efficiency of the age-specific PSA
reference range was optimal with cutoff values of 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.0, and 7.0
ng/mL in subjects 60 to 64, 65 to 69, 70 to 74, 75 to 79, and older than 80
years of age, respectively. By using the age-specific PSA reference range as
determined by the ROC curve, the sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency increased
to 92.4%, 91.2%, and 84.3%, respectively. When the standard PSA reference range
was used for the diagnosis, the sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency was
89.1%, 92.4%, and 82.3%, respectively. All of the cases of prostate cancer
detected by using the age-specific PSA reference range with the cutoff point
based on the ROC curves were clinically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The
age-specific PSA reference range cutoff value in this setting demonstrated
better diagnostic efficiency than the standard cutoff value of PSA and the
age-specific PSA reference range determined by the 95% confidence interval. It
appears likely to be a useful diagnostic index for the first step of mass
screening in Japanese men.
AU: Hugosson J, Aus G, Becker C,
Carlsson S, Eriksson H, Lilja H, Lodding P, Tibblin G
AD: Departments of Urology and
Internal Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, G]oteborg, Sweden.
TI: Would prostate cancer detected
by screening with prostate-specific antigen develop into clinical cancer if
left undiagnosed? A comparison of two population-based studies in Sweden.
SO: BJU Int. 2000 Jun. 85(9). P 1078-84.
MH: Prostate-Specific Antigen:*BL.
Prostatic Neoplasms:BL/*DI/EP. Aged. Aged, 80 and over. Cohort Studies.
Disease-Free Survival. Mass Screening:MT. Middle Age. Risk Assessment. Risk
Factors. Sensitivity and Specificity. Sweden:EP. Check Tags: Comparative
Study..Human..Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk of
over-diagnosing and over-treating prostate cancer if population-based screening
with serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is instituted. PATIENTS AND METHODS:
From a serum bank stored in 1980, PSA was analysed in 658 men with no
previously known prostate cancer from a well-defined cohort from Gяoteborg,
Sweden (men born in 1913); the incidence of clinical prostate cancer was
registered until 1995. From the same area, and with the same selection
criteria, another cohort of 710 men born in 1930-31, who in 1995 accepted an invitation
for PSA screening, was also analysed. RESULTS: Of men born in 1913, 18 (2.7%)
had died from prostate cancer and the cumulative probability of being diagnosed
with clinical prostate cancer was 11.1% (5.0% in those with a PSA level of <
3 ng/mL vs 32.9% in those with a PSA level of > 3 ng/mL, P < 0.01). The
mean lead-time from increased PSA (> 3 ng/mL) to clinical diagnosis was 7
years. The prostate cancer detection rate in men born in 1930-31 was 4.4% (22%
among those with increased PSA levels) and 30 of 31 detected cancers were
clinically localized. CONCLUSIONS: Screening and sextant biopsies resulted in a
lower detection rate (22%) than the cumulative risk of having clinical prostate
cancer (33%) in men with increased PSA levels, indicating that under-diagnosis
rather than over-diagnosis is the case at least with ‘one-time’ screening. Even
if the stage distribution in screening-detected cancers seems promising (and
thus may result in reduced mortality) it is notable that screening 67-year-old
men will result in treatment a mean of 7 years before clinical symptoms occur
and only one in four men anticipated to develop prostate cancer will die from
the disease within 15 years. Large randomized screening trials seem mandatory
to further explore the benefits and hazards of PSA screening.
AU: Horninger W, Reissigl A, Rogatsch
H, Volgger H, Studen M, Klocker H, Bartsch G
AD: Department of Urology, University
of Innsbruck, Anichstrasse 35, A-6020, Innsbruck, Austria. wolfganghorninger@uibk.ac.at
TI: Prostate cancer screening in the Tyrol,
Austria: experience and results.
SO: Eur J Cancer. 2000 Jun. 36(10). P 1322-35.
MH: Prostate-Specific Antigen:*BL.
Prostatic Neoplasms:BL/*DI/EP. Age Distribution. Aged. Austria:EP. Incidence.
Mass Screening:MT. Middle Age. Prospective Studies. Retrospective Studies.
Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: This article summarises the experience and
results of different prostate carcinoma screening projects using total prostate
specific antigen (PSA) and per cent free PSA as the initial test. Of the 21078
volunteers 1618 (8%) had elevated PSA levels. Of these men 778 (48%) underwent
biopsies; 197 (25%) biopsies were positive for prostate carcinoma and 135 (17%)
underwent radical prostatectomy. 95 were found to be organ-confined. A PSA
cut-off of 2.5 ng/ml in men aged 45-49 years and of 3.5 ng/ml in men aged 50-59
years resulted in an 8% increase in the detection rate of organ-confined disease.
284/2272 men (13%) had elevated PSA levels and prostate carcinoma was detected
in 62 men (3%). All patients underwent radical prostatectomy and histological
examination revealed organ-confined tumour in all but 8 men. 98/340 men (29%)
had biopsies positive for carcinoma; 28 of these patients (29%) had carcinoma
that originated in the transition zone only. In the retrospective study,
receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that by using a per
cent free PSA of less than 18% as a biopsy criterion, 37% of the negative
biopsies could be eliminated although 94% of all carcinomas would still be
detected. In the first prospective study, 106/158 men (67%) with elevated PSA
levels below 10.0 ng/ml were further evaluated and 37 (35%) prostate carcinomas
were detected. By using a per cent free PSA of <22% as a biopsy criterion,
30% of the negative biopsies could be eliminated although 98% of the carcinomas
would still be detected. In the second prospective study, 120/465 men (26%)
with total PSA levels between 1.25 and 6.49 ng/ml and a per cent free
PSA<18% were further evaluated and 27 (23%) were found to have prostate
carcinomas. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for PSA transition
zone (TZ) density showed that by using a PSA transition zone density of >22
ng/ml/cc as a biopsy criterion, 24.4% of negative biopsies could be avoided
without missing a single carcinoma. In the prescreening era the incidence of
T1a Grade 1 and 2 carcinomas was 3.1% and the incidence of T1a and T1b Grade 3
carcinoma was 2.3% whereas in the years after the establishment of PSA-based
screening the incidence was 4.6 and 1.03% respectively. The rate of
organ-confined tumours increased from 28.7% in 1993 to 65.7% in 1997. In this
evaluation a new approach, to proceed with a prostate biopsy based upon the
individual risk of having prostate cancer rather than a single PSA cut-off
point was developed. High total PSA levels, PSA density and PSA transition zone
density correlated significantly with high Gleason scores, capsular
penetration, a high percentage of cancer in the prostatectomy specimen and a
high cancer volume. In this evaluation all of the 95 patients with PSA levels
below 3.99 ng/ml who underwent radical prostatectomy showed clinically
significant, organ-confined prostate cancer with negative surgical margins. The
results of this evaluation suggest that older men have larger tumour volumes
compared with younger men with the same PSA levels. These data suggest that
PSA-based screening with low PSA cut-off values increase the detection rate of
clinically significant, organ confined and potentially curable prostate cancer.
Per cent free PSA and PSA transition zone density provide an additional
diagnostic benefit over total PSA.
AU: Neal DE, Leung HY, Powell PH, Hamdy FC, Donovan
AD: School of Surgical Sciences,
Medical School, University of NE2 4HH, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. d.e.neal@ncl.ac.uk
TI: Unanswered questions in screening for prostate
SO: Eur J Cancer. 2000 Jun. 36(10). P 1316-21.
MH: Prostatic Neoplasms:*DI/ET/TH.
Cost of Illness. Forecasting. Mass Screening:MT. Middle Age. Prognosis.
Prostate-Specific Antigen:BL. Prostatectomy:MT. Risk Factors. Time Factors.
Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: Prostate cancer fulfils some of the conditions
required of a disease that might be managed by population screening. In a
cohort of 50- to 60-year-old men, carrying out a rectal examination and
prostate specific antigen (PSA) test will detect clinically suspicious areas
within the prostate in approximately 5%, and approximately 10% will have a
raised PSA. We are however unsure which of the prostate cancers that are known
to be present in approximately 30-40% of men aged over 60 years will be
detected. Eventually after such screening, around 4% of men with an otherwise
normal prostate will be found to have prostate cancers. The use of rectal
examination may increase the number of tumours found, but will reduce
compliance. The use of free/total PSA ratios will reduce the number of
unnecessary biopsies at the expense of missing some tumours. Of more concern,
we remain uncertain how effective aggressive local treatment is in altering the
natural history of the disease. The risk of a 50-year-old man with a 25 year
life expectancy of having microscopic cancer is 42%, of having clinically
evident cancer is 9.5%, and of dying of prostate cancer 2.9%. Only a small
proportion of cancers known to be present become clinically evident: more men
die with prostate cancer than of it. Screening will identify some men with
cancer who will not benefit from treatment. It is unclear whether screening
would be followed by a reduction in morbidity and mortality. Recent data
suggest a screening effect has been observed in the USA with: an increase in
incidence, a decrease in men with distant metastases. The small decrease in
mortality recently observed (many times smaller than the increase in incidence)
may be confounded by inappropriate ‘attribution’ of cause of death, the
detection of men with better prognosis distant metastatic disease responsive to
hormonal ablation and changes in social factors such as diet. Future changes
may incorporate molecular markers that might aid identification of men best
treated aggressively because of a risk of progression. Tests to identify
genetic pre-disposition may also allow targeted screening. New treatments and
early chemoprevention or dietary strategies will again shift the ground on
which these arguments are being rehearsed. The most urgent evidence required
concerns the effectiveness of treatment strategies.
AU: Mettlin C
TI: Screening and early treatment
of prostate cancer are accumulating strong evidence and support
SO: Prostate. 2000 May 15. 43(3). P 223-4.
MH: Androgen Antagonists:*TU.
Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal:*TU. Mass Screening:*. Prostatic
Neoplasms:DI/DT/MO/*PC. Prostate-Specific Antigen:AN. Survival Analysis. Check
Tags: Human..Male. CM: Comment on: Prostate 2000 May 15;43(3):215-22 RN: EC - Prostate-Specific Antigen; 0 - Androgen Antagonists; 0 -
Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal
AU: Ito K, Kubota Y, Suzuki K,
Shimizu N, Fukabori Y, Kurokawa K, Imai K, Yamanaka H
AD: Department of Urology, Gunma
University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan.
TI: Correlation of prostate-specific
antigen before prostate cancer detection and clinicopathologic features:
evaluation of mass screening populations.
SO: Urology. 2000 May. 55(5). P 705-9.
MH: Mass Screening:*.
Prostate-Specific Antigen:*BL. Prostatic Neoplasms:*BL/*DI. Adult. Aged. Aged,
80 and over. Middle Age. Time Factors. Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: OBJECTIVES: Although prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) has become the reference standard for prostate cancer diagnosis, few reports
have examined the long-term changes in PSA values before the diagnosis of
prostate cancer in a large number of subjects. We investigated serial PSA
levels and related values before prostate cancer diagnosis in a mass screening
population and analyzed the values in an attempt to discover some values useful
in clinical diagnostic science. METHODS: We performed mass screening for
prostate cancer in 9671 subjects from 1986 to 1998. The initial screening
method was measurement of prostatic acid phosphatase from 1986 to 1991 and
measurement of PSA from 1992 to 1998. As a result, 303 cases of prostate cancer
were diagnosed. For all the cases diagnosed before 1991, we measured the serum
PSA value in preserved frozen serum. RESULTS: The prostate cancer detection rate
was 3.1% among all subjects observed during the 13-year period. By measurement
of the PSA level using frozen serum during the pre-PSA era, we found that 62%
of patients demonstrated a PSA abnormality for more than 1 year (average 2.8)
before prostate cancer diagnosis. Prostate cancer that was diagnosed within 1
year after a PSA value became abnormal was not associated with bone metastasis.
Concerning the relationship between PSA velocity (PSAV) and clinical stage, the
proportion of Stage B cancer was 86% in the subjects whose PSAV level before
diagnosis was 0.18 ng/mL/yr or less and it was only 29% in those with PSAV
levels of 4.5 ng/mL/yr or more. Only 3 (3.5%) of 86 patients with prostate
cancer with PSAV levels of 4.4 ng/mL/yr or less had bone metastasis, and 2 of
those 3 patients had poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSIONS:
Although a total of 62% of patients had an abnormal PSA level more than 1 year
before prostate cancer diagnosis, no patients with prostate cancer who were
diagnosed within 1 year after the PSA level became abnormal had bone
metastasis. Among patients who have undergone mass screening twice or more, a
clinically useful indicator of the lack of bone metastasis would be a period
between the detection of PSA levels of 4.1 ng/mL or more but not more than 10
ng/mL and prostate cancer diagnosis of less than 1 year and a diagnosis of well
or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma or a PSAV of 4.4 ng/mL/yr or less
and a cancer diagnosis of well or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.
AU: Volk RJ, Spann SJ
AD: Department of Family and
Community Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. bvolk@bcm.tmc.edu
TI: Decision-aids for prostate cancer screening
[see comments]
SO: J Fam Pract. 2000 May. 49(5). P 425-7.
MH: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice:*.
Mass Screening:*UT. Patient Education:*MT. Patient Participation:*. Prostatic
Neoplasms:*PC. Decision Making. Check Tags: Human..Male. CM: Comment in: J Fam
Pract 2000 May;49(5):418-24
AU: Schapira MM, VanRuiswyk J
AD: Department of Internal Medicine,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical
Center, Milwaukee 53295-1000, USA. mschap@mcw.edu
TI: The effect of an illustrated
pamphlet decision-aid on the use of prostate cancer screening tests
SO: J Fam Pract. 2000 May. 49(5). P 418-24.
MH: Health Education:*MT. Knowledge,
Attitudes, Practice:*. Mass Screening:*UT. Pamphlets:*. Prostatic Neoplasms:*PC.
Aged. Aged, 80 and over. Decision Making. Middle Age. Patient Acceptance of
Health Care. Statistics, Nonparametric. Wisconsin. Check Tags:
Human..Male..Support, U.S. Gov’t, Non-P.H.S..
AB: BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer screening with
serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination (DRE)
continues to increase. Our goal was to test the effect of a prostate cancer
screening decision-aid on patients’ knowledge, beliefs, and use of prostate
cancer screening tests. METHODS: Our study was a randomized controlled trial of
a prostate cancer screening decision-aid consisting of an illustrated pamphlet
as opposed to a comparison intervention. We included 257 men aged 50 to 80
years who were receiving primary care at a Department of Veterans Affairs
Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The decision-aid provided quantitative
outcomes of prostate cancer screening with DRE and PSA. We subsequently
evaluated prostate cancer screening knowledge, beliefs, and test use. RESULTS:
The illustrated pamphlet decision-aid was effective in improving knowledge of
prostate cancer screening tests: 95% of the experimental group were aware of
the possibility of false-negative test results compared with 85% of the
comparison group (P <.01). Ninety-one percent of the experimental group were
aware of the possibility of a false-positive screening test result compared
with 65% of the comparison group (P <.01). However, there was no difference
in the use of prostate cancer screening between the experimental (82%) and comparison
(84%) groups, (P >.05). CONCLUSIONS: When used in a primary care setting, an
illustrated pamphlet decision-aid was effective in increasing knowledge of
prostate cancer screening tests but did not change the use of these tests. CM:
Comment in: J Fam Pract 2000 May;49(5):425-7.
AU: Weinrich SP, Reynolds WA Jr, Tingen MS, Starr
AD: College of Nursing, University of South
Carolina, Columbia, USA.
TI: Barriers to prostate cancer screening.
SO: Cancer Nurs. 2000 Apr. 23(2). P 117-21.
MH: Attitude to Health:*. Mass
Screening:*PX. Patient Acceptance of Health Care:*. Patient Education:*.
Prostatic Neoplasms:NU/*PC. Adult. Aged. Middle Age. Questionnaires. Check
Tags: Human..Male..Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S..
AB: The revised prostate cancer screening
guidelines of the American Cancer Society recommend that men be informed of the
risks associated with prostate cancer screening. However, there are no
published studies on men’s fear of impotence and its impact on prostate cancer
screening. In addition, little is known about barriers to prostate cancer
screening when the two main barriers of cost and lack of knowledge are
eliminated. This study reports the association between barriers and free
prostate cancer screening after a prostate cancer education program. All men
were called 1 month after a prostate cancer education program and asked: “What
would (or did) make it hard for you to get your prostate checkup done?” A total
postbarrier score was created to measure how many barriers each man indicated.
The following barriers were significant in predicting participation in prostate
cancer screening: “put it off,” “doctor hours not convenient,” “didn’t know
kind of doctor,” “didn’t know where to go,” and “refuse to go.” Fear of
impotence was not a significant barrier. Suggestions for reducing barriers to
prostate cancer screening are given.
AU: Smith DS, Carvalhal GF, Schneider K, Krygiel J,
Yan Y, Catalona WJ
AD: Division of Urologic Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
Missouri, USA.
TI: Quality-of-life outcomes for
men with prostate carcinoma detected by screening.
SO: Cancer. 2000 Mar 15. 88(6). P 1454-63.
MH: Carcinoma:DI/*PX/RT/TH. Mass
Screening:*. Prostatic Neoplasms: DI/*PX/RT/TH. Quality of Life:*. Age Factors.
Aged. Aged, 80 and over. Analysis of Variance. Antineoplastic Agents,
Hormonal:TU. Attitude to Health. Chi-Square Distribution. Cohort Studies.
Cross-Sectional Studies. Cryosurgery:AE. Follow-Up Studies. Middle Age.
Prostatectomy:AE. Sex Disorders:ET. Treatment Outcome. Urination Disorders:ET.
Check Tags: Human..Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: BACKGROUND: There is limited information on
outcomes of prostate carcinoma treatments given to screened patient populations
for whom cancer is usually detected at an earlier stage. METHODS: The authors
conducted a cross-sectional evaluation of quality-of-life outcomes for men with
prostate carcinoma detected in screening studies at a university center. Of
2234 men diagnosed with prostate carcinoma between 1989 and 1997, 74% responded
to the questionnaire. Primary management included radical prostatectomy (76%),
radiotherapy (11%), observation (7%), hormonal therapy (4%), and cryoablation
(2%). Main outcome measures included validated measurements of quality of life,
urinary and sexual functioning, and bother (36-item RAND Health Survey, UCLA
Prostate Cancer Index). RESULTS: After controlling for demographic factors,
differences among treatment groups were found for all general quality-of-life outcomes,
with increased impairment in men who underwent hormonal therapy (all P values
<0.05). Urinary and sexual function and bother were also significantly
related to treatment. However, among men followed for > or =12 months, only
9% reported a moderate or major problem with urinary control. Sexual
functioning was a moderate or major problem following treatment for 58% treated
with prostatectomy, 48% treated with radiotherapy, 64% treated with hormonal
therapy, 45% treated with cryoablation, and 30% managed with observation.
Approximately one-third of the men younger than 70 years who underwent radical
prostatectomy maintained adequate sexual functioning posttreatment.
CONCLUSIONS: Up to 6 years after diagnosis, the majority of men with prostate
carcinoma detected by screening were bothered by their current sexual function,
regardless of treatment. In contrast, most men were not bothered by their
current urinary function. Copyright 2000 American Cancer Society.
AU: Uchida K, Takeshima H, Akaza H, Ono Y
AD: Department of Urology, Institute
of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. k-uchida@md.tsukuba.ac.jp
TI: Screening for prostate cancer
using prostate-specific antigen alone as a first-line checkup parameter:
results of the health checkup system.
SO: Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2000 Feb. 30(2). P 95-100.
MH: Mass Screening:*.
Prostate-Specific Antigen:*AN. Prostatic Neoplasms: *DI/IM/US. Aged. Diagnosis,
Differential. Middle Age. Physical Examination. Primary Health Care. Rectum:PA.
Sensitivity and Specificity. Check Tags: Human..Male.
AB: BACKGROUND: The incidence of prostate cancer in
Japan is not very high but it is the most increasing malignant tumor form. To
decrease the mortality from cancer, detection of early cancer and early
treatment are most effective. As a primary screening for prostate cancer,
measurement of serum prostate-specific antigen(PSA) added to the health checkup
system has not been assessed. METHODS: Among males who received a health
checkup during a 30-month period, serum PSA levels were measured in males who
desired prostate cancer screening. The cut-off value for PSA was 4.0 ng/ml.
Males with serum PSA levels exceeding this value were referred for further
screening by digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasonography
(TRUS). In secondary screening, in all males with PSA levels of 10.0 ng/ml or
more and in males in whom PSA levels were within the gray zone (4.0-10.0 ng/ml)
and either DRE or TRUS showed abnormal findings, systematic prostate sextant
needle biopsy was performed. RESULTS: Of 24528 males who received a health
checkup, 1125 (4.6%) underwent prostate cancer screening. In 60 (5.3%) of these
males, PSA levels exceeded the cut-off value. In 34 of 50 males who received
further screening, prostate biopsy was performed. Seventeen males were
diagnosed as having prostate cancer. Detection rates of prostate cancer were
1.53% (17/1125) in males overall and 2.1% (17/819) in males > or =50 years
old. In 16 of 17 males, clinically localized cancer was suggested. In 12 of
these patients, radical prostatectomy was performed. No lymph node metastasis
was detected in any patient. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that prostate
cancer screening using PSA as a primary screening parameter during general
health checkups is very useful for efficiently detecting early-stage prostate
AU: Brawer MK
AD: Northwest Prostate Institute,
Northwest Hospital, Seattle, Washington 98133, USA. mbrawer@nwhsea.org
TI: Screening for prostate cancer.
SO: Semin Surg Oncol. 2000 Jan-Feb. 18(1). P 29-36.
MH: Mass Screening:*.
Prostate-Specific Antigen:*AN. Prostatic Neoplasms:*DI/PC. Life Expectancy.
Middle Age. Physical Examination. Prognosis. Rectum. Risk Assessment. Check
Tags: Human..Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: Screening for prostate cancer has shown great
promise in its ability to detect prostate cancer at a curable stage; however,
significant problems exist with respect to our knowledge of its impact on
prostate cancer mortality. For the properly informed patient with at least a
10-year life expectancy, it would seem that early detection efforts utilizing
digital rectal examination (DRE) and serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
determination are beneficial. Considerable controversy abounds about early
detection and screening and will continue until definitive proof of decreased
prostate cancer mortality as a result of effective early detection and
treatment regimens is demonstrated. Until then, all men with at least a 10-year
life expectancy should be counseled as to the potential benefits and risks. The
salient literature is reviewed and commentary made as to the benefits of
screening methods that can be invoked as well as their limitations and
potential liabilities. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Refs: 106
AU: Bratt O, Damber JE, Emanuelsson
M, Kristoffersson U, Lundgren R, Olsson H, Grяonberg H
AD: Department of Urology, University of Lund,
Sweden. ola.bratt@nvs.ltskane.se
TI: Risk perception, screening
practice and interest in genetic testing among unaffected men in families with
hereditary prostate cancer.
SO: Eur J Cancer. 2000 Jan. 36(2). P 235-41.
MH: Prostatic Neoplasms:*GE/PC/PX.
Adult. Aged. Attitude to Health. Genetic Predisposition to Disease:PX. Genetic
Screening:MT/PX. Middle Age. Pedigree. Risk Factors. Sweden:EP. Check Tags:
Human..Male..Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t.
AB: Approximately 5-10% of prostate cancer cases
are caused by dominantly inherited susceptibility to the disease. Although
advances have been made in research concerning the genetic mechanisms of
hereditary prostate cancer, little is known about the psychological
consequences for men at high risk of developing the disease. The aims of the
present study were to examine risk perception, interest in genetic
investigations, cancer-specific worry, and screening practice among unaffected
men, aged 40-72 years old, with a pedigree consistent with hereditary prostate
cancer and an estimated lifetime risk of prostate cancer of 35-45%. A
questionnaire was sent by mail to 120 subjects, of whom 110 responded. Most of
the men (n = 90, 82%) worried about having an inherited susceptibility to
prostate cancer, and 34 (31%) claimed that worry about prostate cancer affected
their daily life (3 (3%) fairly much, 31 (28%) slightly). As many as 40% of the
study subjects perceived their lifetime risk of prostate cancer as 67% or more.
Perceived high risk was associated with symptoms of depression and with cancer
worry affecting daily living. Two-thirds of the men aged 50 years old or more
were regularly screened for prostate cancer. Subjects with high levels of cancer-specific
stress, as measured by the avoidance subscale of the Impact of Event Scale,
were less likely to opt for screening. Almost all of the men (94%) were
interested in presymptomatic genetic testing (84 (76%) “definitely yes” and 20
(18%) “probably yes”). We conclude that hereditary susceptibility to prostate
cancer has significant psychological consequences although it rarely causes
psychiatric morbidity. The present study underlines the importance of giving
thorough, repeated information to men at high risk of prostate cancer.
Завършени проекти от семинар “Инициатива за по-добро здраве - Русе”
Здравно-възпитателна програма за безнадзорните деца, преминаващи през
приюта на БЧК-Русе
Приключи изпълнението на програмата. Съгласно нея през 2000 г. са
преминалите през приюта безнадзорни деца и са проведени 24 беседи и разговори
по 7 здравни теми, 1 викторина с безнадзорни деца и деца в риск, 2 конкурса за
детска рисунка – за деца над 7 години “Болна кукла” и от 7 до 14 години –
“Живот без лекарства”.
През месец ноември
миналата година бе проведена тематична вечер, посветена на здравето. Наградите
за участниците във викторините и конкурсите са осигурени от Областният комитет
на БЧК. В изнасянето на беседите и в организирането на другите форми на работа,
освен служителите и доброволците, се включиха представители на ХЕИ “Отдел Проф.
и промоция на здравето”, медицинските работници от БЧК.
У намиращите се в приюта деца са формирани основните хигиенни навици,
същите участват в закалителни процедури под ръководството на доброволци от
Нов момент в работата по изпълнение на проекта и програмата (за
здравното възпитание на уличните деца и изграждането на елементарни хигиенни
навици) внесе създаването на Дневен център за деца към Приюта за безнадзорни.
Той функционира от 01.12. 2000 г. и дава възможност за разширяване дейността по
проблема, както за групови, така и за индивидуални форми на работа. От друга
страна уличните възпитатели, които са и членове на екипа за изпълнение на
проекта, периодично се срещат с безнадзорни деца на местата за обичайното им
пребиваване и наред с другите дейности разясняват изискванията за санитарния
минимум, раздават хигиенни материали – сапун, носни кърпи, четки и пасти за
зъби, дамски превръзки. Изготвена е и се раздава (обсъжда) диплянка “Десет
здравни съвета”, в която в популярна стихотворна форма се разясняват
изискванията към личната хигиена и се мотивират децата да постъпват в Приюта,
или да ползват услугите на Дневния център – работното време на Центъра, вид на
здравните и хигиенни услуги, работното време на лекарския кабинет. Новите
моменти наложиха провеждането на втори обучителен семинар с екипа. Сега от
посещаващите дневния център деца, 30% идват само за санитарно-хигиенни услуги –
къпане, изпиране, обезпаразитяване, медицински преглед.
Основно помощ ни бе оказана от: Областен комитет на БЧК – хигиенни материали, щатните служители; от ХЕИ –
специалисти, листовки, диплянки; от
граждани – хигиенни материали.
От стартирането на проекта до сега през различните форми на здравна
просвета и овладяване санитарния минимум са преминали общо 74 безнадзорни деца.
За 2 месеца членове на екипа са насочили към Дневния център 29 безнадзорни и
деца в риск (баня – 18, пране – 11, обезпаразитяване –9, лекарски преглед – 6
деца, лекарства – 4. Общият брой на услугите е по-голям, тъй като едно дете е
ползвало няколко вида помощ.)
Положителният опит от изпълнението на проекта е възприет от
ръководството на Приюта за безнадзорни деца. Програмата, методите и формите на
работа са използвани като модел в дейността на персонала през 2001 г.
Програма за запознаване на сътрудниците от
“Телефона на доверието” със съвременни психотерапевтични и консултативни методи
Изпълнението на проекта бе удължено поради финансови затруднения и от
междувременно настъпили промени в статута, организацията на работа и състава на
екипа на “Телефона на доверието”.
Независимо от това, планираните
мероприятия са проведени, с което са постигнати и поставените цели на проекта.
Приключи обучението по “Фокусиране на решенията, кратка терапия.” Под
ръководството на д-р Пл. Панайотов – психиатър, психотерапевт, основната част
от телефонните сътрудници овладяха метода. За два месеца методът е приложен на
17 обадили се в “Телефона на доверието”, нуждаещи се от психологична помощ.
След неколкократни терапевтични беседи с тях, девет са споделили, че са решили
проблема си или че състоянието им се е облекчило.
Осигурихме специализирана литература и справочници за телефонните
сътрудници, които те ползват за самостоятелна работа. На ежемесечните
квалификационни семинари под различни форми се прави проверка на степента на
овладяване на материалите. “Екип от трима сътрудници на “Телефона на доверието”
разработват проект “Детски телефон на насилието” (продължение с друго
финансиране) за подготовка на сътрудници за работа с деца, подложени на
насилие. Основната помощ, която получихме при осъществяването на проекта, бе от
Обл. К на БЧК- Русе, който ни предостави зала за семинарите, технически
средства за обучение. НК на БЧК осигури специализирана литература по
психологическа първа помощ, средства за телефонните сътрудници.
Предвидените в проекта цели са изпълнени. Изпълнението на проекта даде
възможност на телефонните сътрудници да получат достъп до методи, които са
новост в индиректната психотерапия и за което не бяха предвидени нито средства,
нито време и специалисти.
Проектът постави начало и провокира познавателния интерес у телефонните
сътрудници самостоятелно да повишават квалификацията си. Очертава се нарастване
броят на успешните разговори с обаждащи се в “Телефона на доверието”
Projects from “Rousse Initiative for Better Health” Workshop
Teaching basic hygiene to homeless children visiting the Bulgarian Red
Cross Orphanage in Rouse
Rasho Radnev
All the children visiting the orphanage were included in the program.
The training was organized by the staff, who were aided by volunteers, Red
Cross activists, and medical professionals from the Health Promotion Department
in Rouse. Brochures were prepared and distributed, talks and competitions were
organized, and prizes were given to winners. The program helped improve the
skills and knowledge of children concerning basic hygiene.
In December 2000, a day center was opened for street children.
Individual and group sessions were organized, and the staff of the center made
sure they reached the children in the street and handed them not only brochures
but also hygienic materials – soap, tissues, tooth pastes and brushes, hygienic
pads, etc. This is part of the program to motivate the children to stay at the
center or visit it, and use the facilities. Medical check-ups were also
The Red Cross, Hygiene&Epidemiology Station in Rouse, and citizens
of Rouse supported the implementation of the project.
Results achieved: 74 children have visited the center, and for only two
months 29 children at risk were directed to the center and used the facilities
or services offered (bath, washing of clothes, medical checkup, etc.)
The activities organized in the process proved worthwhile, and have been
continued after the completion of the project.
Training the staff of green line phone in Rouse to use new methods
The project took longer than planned due to financial and organization
The activities planned were realized, and the staff were trained by a
psychiatrist (Dr. Plamen Panayotov), to apply the ability-focused interview
For two months, 17 people called to seek psychological help. After a
couple of conversations with them, 9 of them declared they had solved their
problems, or at least the problems have become more manageable.
Specialized literature and reference books were provided for the
green-line staff, workshops were organized and their skills evaluated.
A team of three people have prepared a new project – a continuation of
the PSBH project and funded by another organization. The new project aims at
training staff to work with children subject to violence. Literature,
workshops, etc. were provided by the national and local committees of the
Bulgarian Red Cross.
Results: the project has achieved its goals, and more people seek
psychological help. The staff had a chance to get training in new methods
applied in indirect psychological help, which would not have happened
otherwise, and were motivated to improve their qualification.
Проекти, представени на семинар Плевен - август 2001
Споразумение между ОПЛ,
завеждащите отделенията, сестрите и лабораторния екип на МБАЛ - Кнежа за рационалното използване
на реактивите за биохимични изследвания
Регулярно проследяване и
отчитане на междинните резултати.
Постигнатите резултати бяха
анализирани и оценени.
Биохимичните изследвания за
разглеждания шестмесечен период от 01.06.2000 до 01.11.2000 бяха съпоставени с
тези от същия период на 1999. Установено бе снижаване на биохимичния дял общо
за болницата с 5,73 %.
Проведени бяха допълнителни
срещи и разговори със завеждащите отделенията и със старшите сестри с цел
инициативата да се поддържа активна, както и за подобряване на нивото на сътрудничеството
между отделните сектори в болницата и за осигуряване на висока степен на приемственост
между ОПЛ и стационара.
Трудностите с бързото
реализиране на проекта произтичат в голяма степен от хроничността на
заболяванията и от необходимостта за продължително проследяване на състоянието
на пациентите, нуждаещи се от биохимични изследвания, предимно на кръвната
захар, на протромбиновото време, на хемоглобина.
Продължаване на наблюдението и
след приключването на проекта с цел доближаване и постигане на заложените при
старта 10 % намаление на биохимичните изследвания.
1. Недопускане на нито един
случай на декубитус при новоприетите болни в неврологично отделение на
болницата в Тетевен.
2. Излекуване на вече наличните
при стартирането на проекта декубитални рани при болните в Неврологично
отделение на болницата в град Тетевен за период от 1 до 4 седмици.
3. Информиране на близките на
болните за пораженията от декубитуса.
4. Постигане на удовлетвореност
при пациентите и персонала.
1. Отпечатани са брошури за
програмата за недопускане на рани от залежаване.
2. Направени са фотографии на
декубитални рани в различна степен.
3. Закупени са консумативи,
лекарства за профилактика и лечение на декубитус.
4. Посетени по домовете са
пациенти с декубитални рани и техните близки са обучени как да се справят и тях
и как да не допуснат повторната им поява.
5. Направени са досиета на
всичките 10 пациенти с декубитални рани, като са отчетени и размера, и тежестта
на тези рани.
Здравно образователна програма за профилактика
на социално значимите заболявания и
намаляване на заболеваемостта с временна нетрудоспособност сред работещите в
ЕООД “Тролейбусен транспорт” гр. Плевен
(за 1 год.)
Мариана Михайлова
Намаляване на заболеваемостта с временна нетрудоспособност с 10% за 1 година.
1. Листовки
за здравословен начин на живот.
2. Масови
профилактични прегледи.
3. Ежедневно
проследяване състоянието на хронично болните.
4. Поставени
противогрипни ваксини.
5. Планирано
ползване на платения годишен отпуск.
6. Подобрени
условия на труд.
на проекта е постигната: заболеваемостта с временна нетрудоспособност е
намалена с 15% за една година.
Обучение за работа с персонален компютър на медицински
сестри в МБАЛ - Габрово
Цел на
проекта: Да бъдат обучени за работа с компютър 40 медицински сестри за период
от 5 месеца
до момента:
1. Проучени са възможностите за
сформиране на курс и за използване на базата на Технически Университет - Габрово.
2. Организирани са учебни групи
от медицински сестри, обучени по одобрена програма 3 х 4 часа седмично, 40 часа
общо, с полагане на изпит.
3. Анкетирани са участниците в
курса относно удовлетвореността им от обучението.
са 71 медицински сестри за 7 месеца: 95 % от обучените дават отлична оценка на
курса, а 36 % от обучените имат възможност да прилагат уменията си за работа с
компютър в ежедневната си сестринска практика.
настояване на участниците в курса предстои да се организира курс по английски
Подобряване качеството на живот на болните със
злокачествени кожни образования чрез здравно образователна програма и
индивидуален подход за преодоляване страха от заболяването
Поля Живкова
е екип за работа по проекта.
е образователна листовка за причините, естеството и начините за предпазване от
кожните тумори.
е специфичен въпросник за оценка качеството на живот на пациенти с кожни тумори.
са разпространени сред общопрактикуващите лекари.
са всички пациенти посетили кабинета.
невъзможност за оценка качеството на живот поради прехвърляне проследяването на
пациента към общопрактикуващия лекар.
разпространяване на листовките и в селските здравни участъци.
Образователна програма за повишаване
информираността на гражданите в Стара Загора по въпросите на донорството с цел
да се увеличи броят на потенциалните донори с 20% за 3 години.
Радка Ковачева
е работен план от координатора на проекта - двама лекари и един журналист. Публикувани
са две интервюта с водещи специалисти в областта на трансплантацията в местната
е анкета сред 100 лица за информираността и отношението им към трансплантацията.
образователна листовка “Смъртта подава ръка на живота”.
повторна анкета след три месеца и съпоставяне на резултатите.
Разрешаване на проблеми на хора с неравностойно
социално положение чрез обучение за прилагане на самостоятелни сестрински грижи
в здравни заведения - хоспис
Румяна Петрова
е необходимата организация съгласно съществуващата нормативна база и екип от специалисти за реализиране на
проекта и е осъществена първата стъпка за обучение на подходящи кадри. Обучени
са млади хора в неравностойно социално
положение за работа .
е обществена и институционална подкрепа.
по проекта продължава, с крайно отчитане на резултатите за първата година - май
2002 г.
Здравно образователна програма сред 50 хипертоници (50-70год.) в с.
Рибен за профилактика на мозъчносъдови болести
началото на проекта 01.07.2000 г. сред целевата група е измерена средна
стойност на RR 180/110.
са покани и анкетни карти, проведена е радиобеседа, издадени брошури “Как да се
предпазим от МСБ” и “За да се предпазим от МСБ, трябва да поставим под контрол
RR”. Изготвени са дневници за самоконтрол, както и табло и кът в здравната
специализирана програма “ХСБ ХС”(консултация с кардиолог, ПКК, холестерол,
триглицериди) са включени 42 души.
В края
на проекта средната стойност на RR е
155/90. Няма случаи на инсулт сред разгледаната група.
Профилактична програма за борба с нерационалното хранене и
тютюнопушене сред хипертониците от еднолична медицинска практика в с.
Староселци, за срок от 2 години
едногодишния период от стартирането на проекта: юли 2000/юли 2001 са проведени
5 срещи с диспансерната група и 1 радиолектория. Тематиката на профилактичната
програма бе поднесена под формата на беседи, лекции, видеофилми,
литературно-музикална програма и рисунки: “Плодовете и зеленчуците - наши приятели”, в които участваха децата от ЦДГ “Здравец”. Беше направена
изложба от плакати “Спрете тютюнопушенето”, нарисувани от учениците от ОУ
“Христо Ботев”. От отдел “Промоция на здравето” - ХЕИ град Плевен любезно ни бяха предоставени брошури “50 начина да устоите
на подтика за пушене”, “Затлъстяване”, “Как да не пушите, без да напълнеете ?”.
Подготвена бе брошура “Наднорменото тегло - проблем с разрешение”, “Заедно ще успеем по-добре” и дневник за контрол на
телесното тегло и на кръвното налягане, които, заедно с таблетки “TABEX”, бяха
раздадени (само за пушачи) на диспансеризираните лица.
Таблица1:Инсулти по години
Година |
Брой инсулти |
От тях сред хипертоници |
Съотношение инсулти при хипертоници/общ брой инсулти |
1996 |
17 |
10 |
10/17 |
1997 |
16 |
9 |
9/16 |
1998 |
12 |
6 |
6/12 |
1999 |
9 |
5 |
5/9 |
2000 |
6 |
3 |
3/6 |
VІІ 2001 |
4 |
1 |
¼ |
Таблица 2: Инсулти сред
хипертониците по възраст и пол
Година |
Брой |
В активна трудова възраст |
65 години + |
1999 |
общо: 5 мъже: 3 жени: 2 |
2 2 - |
3 1 2 |
2000 |
общо: 3 мъже: 1 жени: 2 |
1 - 1 |
2 1 1 |
до VІІ 2001 |
общо: 1 мъже: - жени: 1 |
- - - |
1 - 1 |
Таблица 3: Диспансерна група на
хипертониците при стартиране на проекта
Брой |
Пушачи |
С наднормено тегло |
Съчетаващи двата фактора |
Жени |
47 |
2 |
19 |
1 |
Мъже |
23 |
8 |
10 |
4 |
Общо |
70 |
10 |
29 |
5 |
Таблица 4: Диспансерната група
след стартиране на проекта
С намалено тегло |
С намаляване на пушенето |
С намаляване на кръвното налягане |
Мъже |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Жени |
5 |
- |
7 |
Общо |
7 |
3 |
11 |
Постигнати резултати в края на годината:
През 2000 и през шестмесечието
на 2001 няма случаи на инсулт сред мъжете в активна трудова възраст, на фона на
по-малката заболеваемост от инсулт през тази година в сравнение с 1999.
Програма за повишаване на
познанията относно сексуалното здраве и полово преносимите инфекции при
учениците от СОУ “Емилиян Станев”
Стелка Коева
1. Бяха определени прицелните
групи: учениците от 10 класове: две групи от по 134 човека.
2. Бяха осигурени входните и
изходните анкети. Проведена бе входната анкета.
3. Бе проведена практическата
работа с прицелните групи, като бяха изнесени знания за анатомията и за
физиологията на половата система, за методите на предпазване от нежелана бременност
и от полово преносими инфекции, за отклонения в сексуалното поведение и за потребността
от здравна информация.
4. Проведена бе изходната
5. Бяха обработени и
анализирани резултатите от анкетите.
1. Учениците са повишили нивото
на знанията си за анатомията и физиологията на половата система, за средствата
за предпазване от нежелана бременност и за някои от полово преносимите инфекции
(гонорея, СПИН).
2. Знанията на учениците за
отклоненията в сексуалното поведение и за някои от полово пренасяните инфекции
са се повишили, но все още не са достатъчни.
3. Използването на по-интересни
и съвременни методи за обучение и поднасянето на по-изчерпателна здравна
информация в бъдеще ще допринесе за изграждането на нова сексуална култура сред
Образователна програма за профилактика
на фебрилните гърчови състояния при децата до 2-годишна възраст в гр. Враца.
Цветелина Симеонова
Целта на проекта е намаляване на фебрилните гърчове при деца до 2г. с 50%.
Изготвени са листовки, които се раздават на майките в отделение новородени
към МБАЛ гр. Враца. закупени са термометри
и антипиретични свещички, които се дават на социално слаби родители на
новородени деца.
1999г. в Детско отделение са приети 20 деца с диагноза; състояние след фебрилен
гърч. До края на месец август няма прието дете с такава диагноза, родено след
стартиране на проекта, т.е. целите на проекта до момента са реализирани.
Проектът приключва през 2002 година..
Здравно-възпитателна програма
за профилактика на затлъстяванията чрез рационално хранене и активен двигателен
живот сред учениците от СОУ “Христо Ботев” в град Никопол
Вероника Владимирова
Проектът стартира на 15.09.2000 и ще завърши през месец юни 2002 (две
учебни години).
Извършено по проекта:
1. Той
бе обсъден със завеждащия отдел “Просвета” на община Никопол, с директора и с
учителския колектив.
Извършени са антропометрични измервания в началото и в края на учебната година.
3. По
програмата са провеждани тематични единици във връзка с рационалното хранене.
Отпечатана е брошура за ученика “Как да победим излишните килограми” ?
Закупени са книги по тематиката за училищната библиотека.
При учениците с наднормено тегло се е повишил интереса към спортната
дейност и се наблюдава тенденция към понижаване на наднормените килограми.
През настоящата учебна година ще продължи проследяването на показателите за
физическо развитие и обучението по рационално хранене на учениците. Ще бъде
направен опит да се измери индекса на телесната маса.
Обучаване на шофьорите от ЦСМП в град Плевен как да оказват първа помощ
на пострадали при пътно-транспортни произшествия
Виолета Василева
1. Информиран е Директора на
ЦСМП в град Плевен и е потърсено неговото съдействие за осъществяването на
2. Сформиран е екип от 6
човека: 4 лекари, 1 фелдшер и 1 медицинска сестра.
3. Сформирана бе прицелната
група: 45 шофьори на линейки, като същите бяха информирани за целите на проекта.
4. Екипът изработи учебна
5. Отпечатани бяха два вида
листовки за оказване на първа помощ.
6. Направен бе информационен
кът с нагледни материали в лекционната зала.
7. Изготвена бе анкетна карта
за проучване на мнението на шофьорите в началото на курса.
8. Направени бяха снимки по
учебната програма.
на учебната програма:
- лекция 1: “Осигуряване
на дишането и на сърдечната дейност”
- лекция 2: “Спиране на
външни кръвотечения”
лекция 3: “Превръзки на рани”
- лекция 4: “Шиниране на
крайник при наличието на или при съмнение за счупване”
- лекция 5: “Бързо
извеждане на пострадал от МПС и имобилизация на цялото тяло със spinal board”
- практически занимания:
март - април 2001
- теоретичен и практически
изпити в края на програмата
Намаляване на честотата на зъбния кариес сред 150 деца на възраст от 6-10 години от СОУ “Христо Смирненски” в град Искър чрез
медикаментозна флуорна профилактика и обучение в подържане на добра устна
хигиена” (за 2 години)
Яна Глоговска
на питейната вода, среща с родителите и с класните ръководители на участващите
в проекта деца, както и инструктаж на тези деца как правилно да си мият зъбите.
на брошура “Заедно ще победим кариеса”, стартиране на флуорната профилактика.
дарение от фирма “Арома” - град София в размер на
150 пасти и четки за зъби и на 100 опаковки флуорни таблетки от фирма “Панацея
2001” - град София.
са дъвки, отпечатани са поздравителни картички за Коледа и заедно с пастите и с
четките те бяха раздадени на децата.
с децата на тема “Кои храни са полезни и кои са вредни за зъбите”.
се инструктаж за правилното миене на зъбите.
са пасти и четки за зъби за предстоящата викторина.
с родителите доколко децата са усвоили правилата за миенето на зъбите.
с децата за придобитата стоматологична култура.
на кариесната редукция в края на учебната 2001/2002.
Agreement between the GPs, Heads of wards, the nurses and
the laboratory team of the Hospital in Kneja concerning the proper use of the
reagents of biochemical exams
to now we have implemented a follow-up and an analysis of the intermediate
results - the biochemical tests for the six-month period from June 01, 2000 till
November 01, 2000 have been compared with the results from the same period of
1999, and a decrease of 5.73 % in the expenses for biochemical tests (as
compared to the total budget of the hospital) has been found.
program was continued, with further discussions with and between the different
participants in it.
The major
difficulties rise in cases of chronic diseases, which impose a continuous
follow-up of vital biological markers, such as blood sugar level, INR, Hb, etc.
for the future: reduction by 10 % of the biochemical tests in our hospital
through an optimized examination and treatment plan for our patients.
Prevention and rehabilitation
program for children with spinal column deformities in the first grade in the
town of Levski
At the beginning of the 1999/2000 school year, a check-up was made to
assess the children from the first grades. Eight children were diagnosed with
improper posture, and 2 children were diagnosed with spinal column deformities.
During the whole school year remedial gymnastics was organized.
Brochures were prepared and given to parents and children. A competition was
organized among the children and winners got prizes.
The end-of-school year examination showed improvement in the physical
status of the children with improper posture and with spinal column deformities
No new cases of such deformities were found.
The project will be continued, and the activities realized are to become
routine practice for the team.
primary objectives were to prevent decubital ulcers in the newly diagnosed
patients, admitted for treatment in the Neurological Ward of the hospital in
Teteven, and to cure, for a period of 1 to 4 weeks, the decubital ulcers in
bed-ridden patients with stroke treated in their homes.
additional objectives were to train each the relatives to take care of patients
with decubital ulcers, and raise the level of satisfaction among relatives and
medical staff.
on decubital ulcer prevention were made, a target group of 10 patients was
selected, and the patients were assessed. Disposables and medicines were
visits were paid, and relatives were trained.
aims of the project were achieved: none of the patients included got ulcers,
and complications were avoided.
Health educational
program for cardiovascular disease prevention and reduction of temporary disability for work among the
workers in the trolley bus company in Pleven
Mariyana Michailova
The objective was to reduce the temporary disability
for work by 10 % for one year.
We managed to:
provide check-ups
for all employees (300 persons);
follow-up for employees with hypertension and chronic diseases;
create and
distribute leaflets concerning general rules of healthy lifestyles;
follow-up on a daily basis for those with chronic diseases;
provide for (with
the financial assistance of the director of the company) anti-flue vaccines for all employees;
ensure that each
employee used their paid leaves for the year
improve the
working conditions.
The data on temporary disability for work before and
after the implementation of the project was analyzed one year after the project
was implemented.
Results: the goal has been achieved: the temporary
disability for work was reduced by 15 % for one year.
training for the nurses in the Gabrovo Regional Hospital
The goal of the project was to train 40 nurses for 5 months.
Results achieved so far:
courses were organized in collaboration with
the Technical University in Gabrovo;
the training sessions took place 3 times a
week, 4 hours each;
end-of- course exams took place;
an inquiry was made to measure the level of
satisfaction from the training program.
Results: 71 nurses were trained for 7 months. Of
them, 95 % were satisfied with the program, and 36 % of the trainees have the
opportunity to apply their new skills in their everyday practice.
Plans for the future: English language courses will be organized for the
educational program to prevent cerebrovascular disease in 50 persons with
arterial hypertension (aged 50 to 70) in the village of Riben
Silvya Vancheva
A target group was formed, and the risk factors assessed. The average
blood pressure was 180/110 mmHg. Lectures on risk factors were broadcasted on
the local radio, and brochures were given to each of the group.
Diaries for self-control were introduced. we prepared an informational
board and bought 2 sphygmomanometers.
Forty-two of the patients were included in a program “Hypertensive heart
disease” and were seen by a cardiologist, and were sent for full blood count,
cholesterol and the triglyceride levels tests.
By the end of the project the average value of the blood pressure in the
target group had dropped to 155/90 mmHg, and no strokes occurred.
educational program to reduce weight and smoking in hypertensive patients
registered for follow-up in the village of Staroseltsi
The two-year program was started in
July 2000. A team and a target group were formed.
Five meetings were organized, and a talk on the problem was broadcasted
on the local radio. Videos, musical programs and pictures were used (the
pictures were made by the children from the local kindergarten, and an
antismoking poster was prepared by the children from the middle school.
Brochures on smoking and obesity were provided thanks to the Health Promotion
Department of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Center in Pleven. We prepared the
brochures “Overweight -
problem with a solution”, “Together we will achieve more”, as well as a diary
for self-control on body weight and blood pressure. Smokers were provided with
special tablets (TABEX”).
1: Number of Strokes (1996-2001)
Year |
No of strokes |
Strokes in hypertensive persons |
Ratio of strokes in hypertensive patients/
total No of strokes |
1996 |
17 |
10 |
10/17 |
1997 |
16 |
9 |
9/16 |
1998 |
12 |
6 |
6/12 |
1999 |
9 |
5 |
5/9 |
2000 |
6 |
3 |
3/6 |
Till July 2001 |
4 |
1 |
1/4 |
2: Strokes in hypertensive persons
Year |
Number |
In active age |
65 years + |
1999 |
total: 5 male: 3 female: 2 |
2 2 - |
3 1 2 |
2000 |
total: 3 male: 1 female: 2 |
1 - 1 |
2 1 1 |
2001 |
total: 1 male: - female: 1 |
- - - |
1 - 1 |
3: The group of hypertensive patients at the beginning of the project
Number |
Smokers |
With overweight |
With both factors |
Females |
47 |
2 |
19 |
1 |
Males |
23 |
8 |
10 |
4 |
Total |
70 |
10 |
29 |
5 |
Results, achieved by the end of the year: during the whole 2000 and
during the first half of 2001 there
were no cases of stroke among the men in working age, and the morbidity from
stroke was less as compared to the 1999.
4: The group the hypertensive patients at the end of the project:
With weight reduction |
With cigarette smoking reduction |
With blood pressure reduction |
Male |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Female |
5 |
- |
7 |
Total |
7 |
3 |
11 |
eduction on STIs among students attending Emiliayan Stanev Comprehensive School
in Veliko Turnovo
Stelka Koeva
The target group of 268 students (age 17) was selected, and the level of
knowledge on STIs was measured. The level was assessed at the end as well.
Ativities included: study of the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive
system, prevention of pregnancy and STIs, sexual behaviour, and the role of
information on the problem.
the analyses of the inquiries showed that:
the students had increased their level of
knowledge on the issues approached;
though they knew more about sexual behavior, the
level was not satisfactory;
using modern methods of teaching in that field in the future would
yield better results.
Educational program among young mothers to
prevent febrile seizures in children aged under two years in Vratza
The aim is to reduce the number of cases with febrile
seizures among children under 2 by 50%.
A brochure with instructions how to prevent such seizures
was prepared and given to all mothers at the maternity ward. Thermometers and
antopyretic suppositories were given to low-income mothers.
Results: in 1999, 20 children were seen at the emergency center in Vratza.
After the project was started, no such seizures were diagnosed in children born
after the project was started. The final results will be assessed after the
completion of the project in 2002.
A program to prevent obesity
among students in a school in Nicopol
Veronica Vladimirova
The project was started in September 2000 and will be completed in June
2002 (two school years). So far:
ü the project was
discussed with the local education authorities, the director of the school and
the teachers
ü the children were
weighed at the beginning and end of the school year
ü talks were
organised on rational diet
ü a brochure “How
to get rid of the kilos we do not need”
ü books on proper
diet were bought for the school
overweight children have showed increased interest in sports, and a tendency to
reduce weight.
Follow-up and plans: overweight
children are more interested in sports and have lost
weight. The program is to continue for another school year. Stress will be laid
on proper diet, and the children will be assessed at the end of the school year
in June 2002.
Training ambulance drivers from to
give first aid in road accident (see picture)
director of the center was informed about the project plan and a team of 4
doctors, one feldscher and a nurse was formed. Forty-five ambulance drivers
were included in the target group.
theoretical program for the course included: restoration of breathing and
cardiac function, hemostasis, wound dressing, immobalizing an extremity, taking
victims out of a crashed vehicle and immobilizing using a spinal board. Two
brochures with insrtructions on giving first aid were prepared, and given to
the drivers.
training was organized, and participants passed final theoretical and practical
water was analysed, and the teaching staff and parents were introduced to the
goals of the project. Dental check-ups were organized. The children were given
basic knowledge of proper oral hygiene - brushing of teeth, proper eating
tablets are provided and given to the children.
Cosmetics Sofia donated 150 tooth pastes and brushes, and 100 packs of fluoride tablets were provided by
“Panacea – 2001” Ltd - Sofia.
to organize a competition with prizes, carry out an enquiry to find what the
effect of the program is, and organize an end-of-project dental check-up in May